Planul lui Putin în 5 puncte

2023-02-27T10:32:45+02:0027 februarie 2023|Textele altora|


11 min ago

The end game for all of us is still global digital ID, CBDC, Carbon Credits and Social Credits. Russia is embracing this technocracy more openly than the western countries. I’ve listened to a couple of his speeches, watched his Oliver Stone interviews and Ukraine on Fire also. So knowing the history, it was inevitable that Putin took the action he was led into. If only people knew that peace talks deliberately sabotaged last year by Boris and the energy prices nothing to do with any invasion, more to do with the way it is purchased, spot pricing as opposed to contracts. I think what we are really seeing here is the deliberate destruction of europe, deindustrialisation and the multipolar system being ushered in. Surely the deliberate attack on fellow NATO energy supplies is an act of war?

1 hr ago

Putin is more popular than Biden. He launched a Special Op to deNazify post-coup Ukulele. But the US is risking WW3 by engaging Russia and China.

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