ISIS leader a confirmed CIA puppet
According a document recently released by NSAwhistleblower Edward Snowden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, now the Islamic State, is an intelligence asset.The NSA document reveals the United States, Israel, and Britain are responsible for the creation of ISIS.
Earlier this month Nabil Na’eem, the founder of the Islamic Democratic Jihad Party and former top al-Qaeda commander, told the Beirut-based pan-Arab TV station al-Maydeen all current al-Qaeda affiliates, including ISIS, work for the CIA.
ISIS is a well-armed and trained terrorist group now in control of large areas of Iraq and Syria.
The NSA document states the group was established by U.S., British and Israeli intelligence as part of a strategy dubbed “the hornet’s nest” to draw Islamic militants from around the world to Syria.
Prior Evidence of al-Baghdadi Link to Intelligence and Military
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech,” the documents explain, according to Gulf Daily News, a Bahrainian source.
In June a Jordanian official told Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily ISIS members were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan. In 2012 it was reported the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi.
Al-Baghdadi was reportedly a “civilian internee” at Camp Bucca, a U.S. military detention facility near Umm Qasr, Iraq. James Skylar Gerrond, a former U.S. Air Force security forces officer and a compound commander at Camp Bucca in 2006 and 2007, said earlier this month the camp “created a pressure cooker for extremism.”
“Circumstantial evidence suggests that al-Baghdadi may have been mind-controlled while held prisoner by the US military in Iraq,” writes Dr. Kevin Barrett.
Creating a Fake Terror Threat
The hornet’s nest strategy was designed to create the perception that Israel is threatened by an enemy near its borders.
According to the personal diary of former Israeli prime minister Moshe Sharett, however, Israel never took seriously an Arab or Muslim threat to its national security.
“Sharett’s diary reveals in explicit language that the Israeli political and military leadership never believed in any Arab danger to Israel,” writes Ralph Schoenman. “They sought to maneuver and force the Arab states into military confrontations which the Zionist leadership were certain of winning so Israel could carry out the destabilization of Arab regimes and the planned occupation of additional territory.”
In 1982 Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist with links to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, wrote The Zionist Plan for the Middle East.
The white paper proposed “that all the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units” and the “dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run.”
The destruction of the Arab and Muslim states, Yinon suggested, would be accomplished from within by exploiting their internal religious and ethnic tensions.
For more background see our ISIS and the Plan to Balkanize the Middle East.
SEE ALSO: White House seeks $500m to arm terrorist groups in Syria
Nota redacției: Cine ne ajută cu o traducere „de mână”, nu mecanică?
Iată viitorul vostru ,,european”:
Vrem pace!!
Nu vrem teroristi in romania
Or moldova!!
Nu inarmam Moldova sa nu devina tinta
Si victima
La Commission européenne a recommandé
aux résidents de l’UE souhaitant préserver la sécurité de leurs
informations personnelles face aux services spéciaux US de supprimer
leurs comptes Facebook.
Espionnage US: dès 2005, le renseignement allemand savait (Spiegel)
de la Commission Bernhard Schima a reconnu que l’actuelle législation
européenne en la matière était inefficace. Ces déclarations ont été
faites dans le cadre d’un procès devant la Cour de justice de l’Union
européenne mettant en cause la sécurité des données des citoyens de l’UE
exportées vers les Etats-Unis.
L’affaire a été intentée par le militant autrichien des droits de
l’homme Maximilian Schrems, le chef de file de l’organisation
Europe-v-Facebook. L’organisation a également déposé des plaintes à
l’encontre des groupes Apple, Microsoft et Yahoo!
Lire la suite:
Comisia Europeană a recomandat
residenților UE să aibă grijă de securitatea informațiilor lor
personale vizavi de serviciile speciale ale SUA, prin suprimarea
conturilor lor de pe facebook.
Spionajul SUA: din 2005, servicile de
informații germane știau. (Spiegel)
Avocatul Comisiei Europene Bernhard
Schima a recunoscut că legislația actuală europeană în materie
este ineficace. Aceste declarații au fost făcute în cadrul unui
proces în fața Curții de Justiție a Uniunii Europene punînd în
discuție securitatea datelor cetățenilor Uniunii Europene
exportate către SUA.
Procesul a fost intentat de militantul
austriac pentru drepturile omului Maximilian Schrems, șef al
organizației Europa -v-Facebook. Organizația a depus deopotrivă
plângeri contra grupurilor Apple, Microsoft și Yahoo.
Citiți continuarea:
Chiar nu e problema noastra ce e acolo.
Sa stea curzii sa se bata ca chiorii iar arabii
Din romania sa ii monitorizam.
In rest sa ne vedem de oile noastre pierdute
Filimon a furat numele altui Filimon.
Filimon asta este Bonderhaimer un hungur deghizat in rus care minte ca este si ebreu.De altfel il cunoasteti mai bine
Ne bagam in gura terpristului ne manaca lupii
Domane fereste asta ce mai este?
este si proverbul Unde dai si unde crapa ,pe care unii nu-l stiu.
Acu a crapat in alta parte.
Dar sa ne gandim ca in epoca pietrei aia ciopleau piatra si conta unde dau si unde crapa.
Asta ca sa nu va zic bancu cu unu care arunca o piatra si loveste o femeie in cap in epoca pietrei.
Si cand se uita vede o crapatura si in alta parte.
De atunci si proverbul romanesc.
Cine nu stie procedura standard de acum dupa modelul problem-reaction-solution e clar cu capul in nori. 99% din conflictele plaentei din ultimii zeci de ani au fost finantate de la nivel inalt.