Rețetarul de mai sus a fost observat/respectat/tinut de marea majoritatea americanilor de mai bine de 30 de ani si numarul bolnavilor de alzeimer nu a scazut. |
Rețetarul de mai sus a fost observat/respectat/tinut de marea majoritatea americanilor de mai bine de 30 de ani si numarul bolnavilor de alzeimer nu a scazut. |
caroline gunderode
October 28, 2020 at 11:09 am
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Children’s Health Defence
Kennedy News & Views
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COVID › Views
‘TRUTH’ With RFK, Jr. and Mark Crispin Miller: Propaganda, Censorship and the ‘Lockdown Left’
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and media studies professor Mark Crispin Miller discuss the increased efforts to censor those who question the official government/industry narrative on the COVID crisis.
Children’s Health Defense Team
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In the fifth episode of our second season of “TRUTH” with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Kennedy and media studies professor Mark Crispin Miller discuss the increased efforts to censor those who question the official government/industry narrative on the COVID crisis.
Highlights of their conversation include:
•The wide-scale abandonment of critical thinking when it comes to COVID
•The phenomenon of people on the political left who are embracing censorship
•How media has become the sock puppet of Bill Gates and Pharma
•The backlash from New York University over Professor Miller encouraging students to do their own research on masks
•The totalitarian effect of propaganda