20 septembrie 2013,

Stimati jurnalisti,

Campania Salvati Rosia Montana boicoteaza comisia lui Ponta

Alburnus Maior isi reafirma pozitia referitoare la inutilitatea si scopul
propagandistic al Comisiei Speciale din Parlament ce discuta legea
distrugerii Rosiei Montane. Campania Salvati Rosia Montana nu va participa
la lucrarile acestei comisii refuzand sa legitimeze convorbiri inutile si
nelegitime pe marginea unui proiect de lege vadit anticonstitutional si
fata de care opozitia publica din Romania este fara precedent.

Gasiti informatii detaliate in comunicatul de presa atasat.

Cu respect,

Eugen David
Presedinte Alburnus Maior

September 2oth, 2013

Dear members of the press,

The Street boycotts Ponta’s Super-Special Commission for Rosia Montana

The Alburnus Maior association reaffirms its position regarding the
inutility and propagandistic scope of the parliament’s super-special
commission; set up to assess a bill legitimizing Rosia Montana’s
destruction. The Save Rosia Montana campaign will not participate in this
process and refuses to legitimate useless and unlawful talks about an
unconstitutional bill to which Romania’s civil society at home and abroad
has so strongly reacted against.

For more information see the attached press release.

Yours truly,

Eugen David
Alburnus Maior
229 Principala Street
517615 – Rosia Montana
Alba County
Tel/Fax: +4 0364 104 706
Mobile:+4 0740 280309