Vrem să știm și noi ce nu este adevărat în tot ce a spus eminentul nostru profesor , Corvin Lupu ? REPET ACUM SI LA NESFARSIT : „Daca spui adevarul nu esti antisemit ” specifica episcopul Richard Williamson , haituit drept vanat liber pentru aceasta declaratie facuta la televiziunea suedeza . Ce minciuni a spus eminentul nostru profesor Corvin Lupu, istoric din tata in fiu, autorul atator carti scrise in slujba adevarului demonstrat stiintific , caruia prin legi criminale, atat de impecabil analizate si descrise in ilegalitatea impunerii lor prin nerusinarea trucarii si incalcarii legislatiei de vot – ce minciuni a scris acest analist suprem al arestarii gandirii romanilor, devenit si analist juridic, printre altele, de voie de nevoie ? Unde-s legile pe care se bazeaza un stat daca vine o organizatie exclusivista suprematista si comunitarista ca cea confectionata de institutul care poarta numele unui megaescroc international dovedit, Elie Wiesel , ca sa confiste dreptul la scrierea istoriei poporului roman de catre capetele cele mai cunoscatoare ale adevarului si mai demonstrate cinstite ? Ce-i aia sa haituiesti romanii care folosesc cuvantul “jidan” , singurul cuvant folosit de taranii nostri pentru aceasta etnie, tarani ce habar nu au de cuvantul “evreu” ? Ce-i aia sa terorizezi romanii pentru o astfel de intrebuintare a unui neologism impus de o etnie straina de limba romana taraneasca ! Cuneiform of Sumerian SA.GAZ and corresponding West Semitic ha-bi-ru Contents Idrimi of Alalakh, „King of the Habiru” Areas of reported Habiru activity during the Late Bronze IIA period (based on the Amarna letters corpus) • Main page Habiru Contents Idrimi of Alalakh, „King of the Habiru” Not all Habiru were murderers and robbers:[9] in the 18th century BCE a north Syrian king named Irkabtum (c. 1740 BC) „made peace with [the warlord] Shemuba and his Habiru,” [10] while the ʿApiru, Idrimi of Alalakh, was the son of a deposed king, and formed a band of ʿApiru to make himself king of Alalakh.[11] What Idrimi shared with the other ʿApiru was membership of an inferior social class of outlaws, mercenaries, and slaves leading a marginal and sometimes lawless existence on the fringes of settled society.[12] ʿApiru had no common ethnic affiliations and no common language, their personal names being most frequently West Semitic, but many East Semitic, Hurrian or Indo-European.[12][13] Areas of reported Habiru activity during the Late Bronze IIA period (based on the Amarna letters corpus) Habiru and the biblical Hebrews As pointed out by Moore and Kelle, while the ʿApiru/Habiru may be related to the biblical Hebrews, they also appear to be composed of many different peoples, including nomadic Shasu and Shutu, the biblical Midianites, Kenites, and Amalekites, as well as displaced peasants and pastoralists.[16][17] Scholars such as Anson Rainey have noted, however, that while ʿApiru covered the regions from Nuzi to Anatolia as well as Northern Syria, Canaan and Egypt, they were never confused with Shutu (Sutu) or Shasu (Shosu), Syrian pastoral nomads in the Amarna letters or other texts of the time.[18] See also Languages |