Moravian Wallachia
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Moravian Valach from Brumov, 1787
Moravian Wallachia (Czech: Valašsko) is a mountainous region located in the easternmost part of Moravia, Czech Republic, near the Slovakian border, roughly centered around the cities Vsetín, Valašské Meziříčí and Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. The name Wallachia was formerly applied to all the highlands of Moravia and neighboring Silesia, although in the nineteenth century a smaller area came to be defined as ethno-cultural Moravian Wallachia. The traditional dialect (rarely heard these days) represents a mixture of elements from Czech and Slovak, and has a distinct lexicon of Romanian and Balkan origin relating to the pastoral economy of the highlands.
The name comes from the exonym of the Romanian shepherd migrants (see Vlachs), who advanced along the Carpathian range between the 14th and 17th centuries. On their way they gradually lost their original language with the exception of some Romanian words they use in their Czech and Slovak dialect, but they preserved much of their culture (especially folklore, songs and costumes) and economic base, namely sheep breeding.
Contents [hide]
1 Culture
2 History
3 See also
4 References
5 External links
Culture [edit]
Vlachs’ typical cakes, koláče („colaci” in Romanian) (also called „frgály”, „a frige” to roast in Romanian).
A remarkable aspect of Vlachs found everywhere along the western Carpathian Mountains is that the traditional Romanian culture remained the same despite the evolution in language, especially the traditions regarding sheepherding and rural architecture, essentially identical along the entire belt of the Carpathian Mountains from Moravia to Romania and then along the adjacent mountains into Serbia and Bulgaria. As with those aspects of language associated with animal husbandry, this cultural aspect of the Vlachs likely did not change because there was no competing culture. Although animal husbandry was long associated with agriculture practiced in the lowlands adjacent to the Western Carpathians, the Vlach methods and associated rituals of sheep and goat tending were unique and newly introduced by them, as were the introduction of grazing in the highlands and the emphasis upon the production of milk and cheese (bryndza). Variants of the traditional Romanian costume are still important elements of the ethnography of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. The music of the area was also influenced by the Vlachs (e.g. see Lachian Dances).
A clear example of the influence of the Vlachs on Slovak culture is the 1755 didactic poem Valašská škola (Wallachian School) of the Franciscan monkHugolín Gavlovič. It offered a Christian-Catholic moral perspective on the lives and the interaction with God and society. Three themes dominate the poem: Slovak national consciousness, eighteenth century religious and secular culture, and pastoral life as a life model. It is in the third theme that the Wallachian legacy appears, giving the poem particular significance.
History [edit]
Since they appeared, in the Late Middle Ages, the Valachs continued to have a separated political life than that of the rest of the population. An example of this is the use of the so-called Lex Antiqua Valachorum (the „Ancient/Old Wallachian Law”). The first widespread reference to Valachs occurred during the Thirty Years’ War, when these privileges were in danger of being abolished. The subsequent events profoundly changed the Vlach culture, and would set the stage for the next wave of Valach immigration, following the ones of the 14th and 15th century. Jan Amos Comenius wrote in 1620:”Moravians of the mountains around Vsetín, called Wallachians, are a warlike people… they refused to accept the Habsburg yoke and for three whole years defended their freedom with the sword”. Later, in 1624, he wrote: „the inhabitants of the lordship of Vsetín and the mountains thereabout (who are called Wallachians) continued to resist with arms and could not be brought to deny their faith or offer submission”. Some continued to practice Orthodox Christianity, most converted to Protestantism, while on the whole, resisting any attempts of the Jesuit missionaries to convert them to Catholicism. Due to this politics, in 1632 the Catholic Church and the Habsburg Empire took coercive measures: „the inhabitants of Valašsko were Valachs and hence utterly infractory”. Zlín town records from 1621 refer to „the Wallachians, who are the local rabble”. Albrecht von Wallenstein, Habsburg Military lord of Vsetín, wrote in 1621 about the expected uprising and referred to them as Wallachians against whom he did not have sufficient support to mount a campaign. A Habsburg commissioner in 1622, writing about the local Moravians, stated that: „the people are inclined more to the enemy and the Wallachians”. Valach warfare against the Habsburgs consisted of raids, including those against Malenovice, Zlín, and Valašské Meziříčí. Wallenstein stated that the Valachs fought as a “horde” and Valach forces were victorious against the Habsburgs during the initial years of the war. During portions of these initial years as well, Valachs were joined by Protestant Hungarians, and by 1621 all of Moravia east of the Morava River was controlled by Valachs. Hungarian forces, however, were defeated by the Habsburgs at Olomouc in late 1621 and withdrew from Moravia in 1622. Valach forces were subsequently subdued in 1623, accompanied by a series of public executions.
Renewed Valach attacks on Vsetín occurred in late 1623. The Hungarians, now aided by the Ottomans, reentered the War, and fighting occurred as far west as Brno. However, the Valachs did not join their former allies, the Hungarians because the Turks were an older enemy of the Valachs, from as early as the 14th and 15th century, when the first Ottoman attacks took place against Wallachia, Moldavia and Transylvania, their original homes. A second peace between Hungary and the Habsburgs was signed in 1624. The Habsburgs seized this opportunity to attack the Vlachs in March 1624 in the mountains west of Vsetín, but the Valachs prevailed in what was described as a „slaughter” of Habsburg forces. Valachs captured Lukovin 1626, and joined by Danes, who had entered the war against the Habsburgs, also captured Hranice in 1626.
In 1627, Wallenstein’s counter-attack forced the withdrawal of the Danish army from Moravia, and sent the Valachs into retreat. By 1630, Valachs controlled only their Carpathian strongholds. The final Valach uprising occurred in 1640 when theSwedes invaded Moravia to do battle with the Habsburgs. Combined Valach-Swede forces won back portions of Moravia, but then the Swedes withdrew in 1643 to concentrate on a war with Denmark.
In January 1644, a massive Habsburg raid was conducted against the Valachs in the mountains east of Vsetín, The Habsburg victory was completed by this time with a battle that culminated in the burning of Valach villages (e.g. Hovězí, Huslenky,Halenkov, and Zděchov), disarming of the Valachs, destruction of the fields and livestock, and an estimated 20 percent of the males of Vsetín were killed or later executed. Valachs who fled the area were pursued by the Habsburgs as far as into Hungary. Ultimately, about one third of the total Valach population was killed. With the Conscription of Valašsko on February 16, 1644, a complete registration of the remaining Valachs occurred. Execution or oath of allegiance to Habsburg and conversion to Catholicism were the choices. Many Valachs were executed during the infamous executions of 1644 in Vsetín. By March 1644, essentially all the remaining Valachs who had taken refuge in the high Carpathians had been pursued and killed. Plague then struck the region in September 1644.
See also [edit]
Kingdom of Wallachia
References [edit]
This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.(January 2007)
External links [edit]
Wallachian sheep & cattle farming Vlachs and Wallachians in Poland Radhošť, a Wallachian song and dance ensemble Vsacan, a Wallachian song and dance ensemble.
Eastern Romance people
History of Eastern Romance people
Czech history
Valaquie morave
La Valachie morave (tchèque : Valašsko, roumain : Vlahia moravă) dans l’est de la République tchèque, est une des deux « Romanies populaires » qui sont dues à des migrations des populations romanophones d’Europe de l’est vers l’ouest (l’autre est la Valachie d’Istrie, en Croatie occidentale).
Un Valaque de Moravie, par Brumova, 1787
Sommaire [masquer]
1 Contexte
2 Origines
3 Évolution
4 Notes
5 Voir aussi
6 Bibliographie
Contexte [modifier]
Ce que les historiens nomment des « Romanies populaires » étaient des communautés latinophones restées sans couverture politique romaine après le retrait des légions face aux Germains: il y en eut de nombreuses entre la mer du Nord (île de Walcheren aux Pays-Bas) et la mer Noire (pays « valaques », c’est-à-dire roumanophones) en passant par les Ardennes (Wallons), les Vosges et le Jura suisse (Welsches), les Alpes (Walchenthal, Walchengau, Walchensee), les Carpates (Valachie morave, Vlachfölds de Hongrie), les monts Dinariques (Romania Planina, Vlašina, Vlašić en Bosnie) et les Balkans (Vlahina, Vlashina, Vlachoklissoura). Les habitants de ces Valachies se nommaient eux-mêmes Romans, Romanches, Ladini, Friulani, Istriani, Dinari, Dicieni, Armâni ou Români : ces deux derniers termes ont donné les mots modernes « Aroumains » et „Roumains„, qui ont remplacé le terme antérieur „Valaques” devenu archaïque et parfois péjoratif.
la Valachie Blanche – en Mésie le long du bas-Danube du ve siècle au viie siècle.
la Valachie Noire („Morlaques”, ou Mavro-valaques) – en Dalmatie au viiie siècle.
la Grande Valachie („Megali Valacheia”) – en Macédoine et Thessalie au ixe siècle.
la Valachie Assénide („Regnum Valachorum„) dans l’actuelle Bulgarie (appelée „second royaume Bulgare”) aux XIIe et xiiie siècles.
la principauté de Transylvanie ou „Valachie intérieure” au xiie siècle, issue de la réorganisation des „Vlachfölds” roumains de Hongrie, qui a fusionné avec le Royaume de Hongrie en 1867 avant de devenir roumaine en 1918.
la principauté de Valachie ou „Hongro-Valachie” au xive siècle, issue de l’émigration des chefs des „Vlachfölds” de Hongrie vers le Danube, qui a fusionné avec la principauté de Moldavie pour former la Roumanie en 1859.
la principauté de Moldavie ou „Bogdano-Valachie” au xive siècle, qui a fusionné avec la principauté de Valachie pour former la Roumanie en 1859.
la région de Valachie en Roumanie actuelle, (en roumain : Ţara Românească), composée de l’Olténie et de la Munténie.
La Valachie morave est l’une de ces « Romanies populaires », fondée au xe siècle par des bergers valaques, dans l’est de la Moravie.
Origines [modifier]
Selon Ioannis Skylitzès1, un échange de populations eut lieu entre l’Empire byzantin et le royaume slave de Grande-Moravie en 976 : une partie des Serbesde la Serbie blanche (dont les descendants actuels sont les Sorabes de l’Allemagne orientale) vinrent s’installer dans le bassin d’un affluent du Danube, le Margos, qu’ils nomment Morava, tandis que les Valaques de cette région, ayant résisté à la conquête byzantine de l’empereur Basile II qui avait confisqué leurs terres, partent s’installer en Moravie septentrionale, où ils forment la „Valachie morave”2.
Évolution [modifier]
Intégrés au Bohême-Moravie, les Valaques de Moravie choisissent, lors du Schisme de 1054, l’obédience de Rome, et deviennent catholiques, tout comme leurs voisins Tchèques et Slovaques. Ils continuent, pendant tout le Moyen Âge, àtranshumer et à commercer entre l’Empire germanique, le Pologne, laTransylvanie et les Balkans. Ils passent progressivement au tchèque}}3 (pour ceux vivant dans le Royaume de Bohême-Moravie) et au slovaque (pour ceux vivant en Hongrie) et ne conservent (jusqu’à nos jours) que quelques mots de leur langue romane, et certaines spécificités culinaires, musicales et culturelles. Les derniers locuteurs du dialecte valask ne manquent pas, même si, aujourd’hui, ils ne sont pas très visibles. En 1998 ils ont publié un dictionnaire des personnalités de la vie culturelle et sociale de Valachie tchèque, ayant en 2000 une version complétée et augmentée. Le même collectif de spécialistes dirigés par un membre de l’académie tchèque de sciences a publié en 2000 un dictionnaire valaque-tchèque, Slovník jazyka valašského (à voir la Bibliographie, ci-après).
Notes [modifier]
↑ Chroniques de Ioannès Skylitzès
↑ T.J. Winnifruth : Badlands-Borderland, 2003, page 44, „Romanized Illyrians & Thracians, ancestors of the modern Vlachs”, ISBN 0-7156-3201-9
↑ Jan Pavelka, Jiří Trezner (dir.): Příroda Valašska, Vsetín 2001, ISBN 80-238-7892-1
Voir aussi [modifier]
Diasystème roman de l’est
Bibliographie [modifier]
Ladislav Baletka : Historie obce na Valašsku, Vsetín 1998
Collectif: Přírodou a historií Valašskomeziříčska po naučných stezkách, Valašské Meziříčí 2004
Collectif: Slovník osobností kulturního a společenského života Valašska, Valašské Meziříčí, 2000, ISBN 80-238-5704-5
František Dostál : Valašská povstání za třicetileté války, Praha 1956
Martin Janoška : Valašsko očima geologa, Olomouc 2000.
Portail de l’histoire
Portail de la République tchèque
Portail de l’histoire
Publicat de către Blogger la Arhiva Românilor , 6/01/2013 11:29:00 AM
O curiozitate turistica de mare atractivitate si de succes acest ….Regat Valah din Moravia.
Toata aceasta poveste a fost tratata cu mult umor de catre initiatorii ei, dovada ca se trag din valahi autentici si hatri.
Pentru Cehia este un obiectiv turistic de interes. Peste toate acestea trebuie sa subliniem faptul ca … o minoritate etnica, valahii din Moravia nu au cerut ….autonomie teritoriala, etc., s.a.m.d., nu sunt la guvernare si nu si-au croit manual de istorie. Sunt niste simpli, devotati si loaiali cetateni ai Cehiei, s-a aflat despre ei prin toate colturile lumii, la modul pozitiv, evident, si nu , doar, pentru ca ar fi valahi. Au alt argumente.
Prin 2006, s-a publicat in revista ,,Romania Pitoreasca” un articol, tradus dupa ,,La coeur d”Rurope”, despre Regatul Valah din Moravia. Ar fi un bun exemplu si demn de urmat, macar in turismul romanesc.
It is possible that Moravia derives from Romanian name, moro-vlahia
Vlaci negri.
Vlacii negriierau si cei din Dalmatia
Dupa care avem riul Modau sau ceva de genul asta prin Moravia
Este foarte posibil ca numele de Moldova sa vina chiar de acolo
Cambridge zice (The Cambridge History of India, Vol 1 pg 67-68) că rasa albă îi din spațiul Carpatic și ținuturile di pă lîngă. De aci s-o repopulat Europa, după ultima glaciațiune, și nu numai.
Vltava, ce trece pîn Praga, și-i mai mare decît Elba cu care să unește, se numește Moldova si nu Modau sau Moldau. (vezi mai jos)
ROMA=Radix Omnia MAlorum (rădăcina tuturor relelor). Habsburgii=Sfîntu Imperiu Roman de, am uitat, germană. La papistași îi buba.
JOS PACEPA SI AGENTII LUI JIDANI! (PACEPA NASCUT IN PRAGA-CEHIA,jidan de origine,in anul 1928,venit in Romania calare pe tancurile sovietice,tradator al KGB-ului GRU si Securitatea,la americani si MOSSAD)
imi cer scuze,aici e link-ul
a fost o eroare.