Publicăm și traducerea APELULUI, apărut deunăzi pe acest site, în speranța că va fi folosită de colegii noștri de site pentru a contracara circulația internațională bine întreținută mediatic a minciunilor denigratoare și ofensatoare la adresa noastră, a românilor.








  • -all the people in the entire world, writers, artists, scientists, leaders ofopinion and civil consciousness
  • -all the Governments and Parliaments worldwide
  • -international organizations concerned with world’s security and peace
  • -all the believers and religious leaders of the religions of the entire world.


to reveal a fact of a extreme importance for the future of our planet, a true crime against humanity conceived by the organizations and institutions of the Jewish community to implement  the plan of immigration and naturalization in Romania of one million Jews, without the knowledge and the consent of Romanian people.


At this moment, over 500, 000 (five hundred thousand) Jews  have received Romanian citizenship already, with all the rights  stipulated by this status, including the right to own properties in this country and Romanian people do not know anything about this invasion.

We consider that we face an act of agression against the Romanian state and the Romanian people, an agression which is totally  atypical and never experimented in the history of our planet. Romanian and International legislations could not forsee and take into consideration such a cynical, cowardly and shameless modality that the world’s Jewry strategists have conceived. Therefore, we think to be right that, in the near future, Romanian and International legislations pass  a set of laws and measures with retroactive effect to reject and annihilate the consequences of Jewish invasion in Romania. At this moment we do not know who is, from a legal point of view, the author of this irresponsible and immoral plan of agression, to move in Romania a large enough number of Jews to ignite a demographic catastrofe in Romania, a anti-Romanian genocide, a quiet, but an efficient one.


The strategy of this criminal plan is the following:


  1. after 1990, with the help of the Romanian government and the most important mass media channels (mainstream newspapers, radio and TV stations) in Romania which censor all the information regarding this topic, the naturalization of the Jews is done in a totally secret manner.
  2. In the first stage, the naturalized Jews do not hurry to settle in Romania, but carefully buy all the important real estate assets in the country (apartments, houses, land, commercial and industrial buildings etc.) which are available. For several years already, the real estate market in Romania is the monopoly of a few Jewish companies.
  3. In the beginning, only the old Jewish people will settle in Romania, under the excuse of spending the last years of their life in this country, a fact that, for many naïve Romanians the idea of the “return” of Jewish people will be a nice and tempting one.
  4. After this stage, when a million Jews will have Romanian citizenship along with one or two more citizenships and the Jewish control over Romanian institutions will be total, the Jews will return “home”, in their properties, with no legal ground to stop them to become an ethnic minority superposed over the entire Romanian society and the so-called “rule-of-law state” will consider that the Jewish invasion as perfectly legal.
  5. Thus, we will have the situation of 1939, when about two million Jews represented the most numerous and the richest ethnic minority in Romania which had the control of finances, commerce and indusrty of Romania. The dishonest modalities used by most of the Jews to come to this status of a well-to-do class, made the rest of inhabitants of the country to dislike them.
  6. The final goal of the plan Israel in Romania is to establish a total control over Romania and dispossess the Romanian people of their national territory.  Benefitting of their experience in Palestine, the Jewish leaders have adopted a different strategy for Romania, a more subtle and ingenious one, but, in fact, having the same goal: the usurpation of the rights that Romanians have in their country and over its territory. We figure that blackmail was the way by which our politicians and the most important leaders in mass madia were forced to become partners to this anti-Romanian plan so detestable and irresponsible, a plan that makes us, the Romanian people, to face the greatest danger in our entire history.


We believe, also, that this criminal plan was already elaborated in details at the moment when the political regime was overthrown in December of 1989.

This scenario is consistent with most events that took place in Romania after 1990 and fits all socio-economic phenomena that we wittness from that moment till now. These phenomena are as follows:



  1. depopulation of Romania by:
  2. migration abroad of several million of unemployed Romanians. These people are forced not to return to Romania by absurd laws and measures adopted by the government.
  3. encouraging the young people to emigrate from Romania due to lack of jobs and opportunities because our politicians are not concerned at all with their future.
  4. discouraging the family and natality. It is obvious that at the highest risk is the Romanian majority.
  5. the collapse of medical care system, especially medical assistance for children.
  6. the spread of poverty by un-employment and inflation.
  7. anti-Romanian and anti-national propaganda disseminated by all mass media having as goal the discouraging and deprecating of our national pride, our national self-esteem and the belief in the future of Romanian people.
  8. the so-called democratization of Romania and the so-called

           political pluralism implemented after 1990 brought us a true monopoly of

a  few political parties, all originating from the group of conspirators who

organized the so-called Revolution of December, 1989. There is no

coincidence the fact that the leaders of the coup d’etat and of all the   

           events that followed were Ion Iliescu (Jewish grandfather and Jewish     

           wife), Silviu Brucan (a Jew), Petre Roman (a Jew) and the other two  

           presidents who are hiding their Jewish ancestry..

  1. the so-called privatization had drastically diminished the

economic potential of Romania by destroying her economy. This

privatization was not to benefit the nation, but it was done to benefit some

foreign companies and most of them are owned, in fact, by Jews.

  1. the acusation of Holocaust brought upon Romanians has a

clear intention to  inoculate a feeling of guilt in the mind of Romanians, a

national guilt towards the Jews that will make the Romanian people to

accept the immigration of hundreds of thousands of Jews as a chance to

pay them back for the the mistakes of the past, the crimes done by our

parents. These crimes are only invented by the Jewish strategists, never

perpetrated by the Romanian people.

                Sadly we should emphasize also the fact that this scenario, so

           apocalytic for Romanian people, is known and accepted by the

           most  important  Governments of the world, by the European Union   

           and   NATO for 15 years. All the International bodies accept and

           tolerate for Romania to be governed by a gang of individuals who are

           corrupted, guilty of huge embezzelments, traitors of our national interests, or even common criminals. All these people are easy to

           blackmail and control by those who know their crimes. For years our

           politicians are  to the orders of those who elaborated this plan

           of de-Romanization and  distruction of Romania.

This plan which is fully developing now will soon

come to a point when it could not be stopped anymore to reach its

dreadful goal and to create catastrofic results.

           The Romanians who always believed in the good intetions of the     

           West are again betrayed  by the Western democratic governments.

A sad proof of this attitude towards our country took place when

Romanian people, at the referendum in  October, 2003, clearly rejected               new Constituion, but it was validated  by the government and approved by the Parliament and the other politicians. Unfortunately, the Western governments did not say anything and the protests of Romanian people to the Western governments and institutions were also in vain.

We strongly emphasize that this Constitution which it will make possible the

   invasion of the Jews in Romania has not received the vote of the

Romanian people and for this reason, Romanians have the right to deny

   at any moment anything that took place as a consequence of this

    referendum of fraud, including the right to deny the Romanian citizenship    

    to the Jews who received it after 1990.

Moreover, it is well-known now that the so-called “anti-Communist

Revolution” of December, 1989, was a coup d’etat of anti-Romanian,

anti-national and anti-democratic nature conceived and implemented by  the

KGB and Western secret services. Again, this give us, the Romanian people,

the right to reverse any effect of this counter-revolution of December, 1989,

if we will consider that it will bring prejudices to the sovereignity of our  

nation and to our

rights of property to our national territory and wealth.

We tell to the entire world that the plan Israel in Romania is not a new idea at

all,    but it is one of the first scenarios imangined by world’s Jewry strategists

in the middle of 19th century, for the future state of the Jewish people. This

plan called by the historians “The Cremieux-Peixotto Plan” envisioned the

territory of Romania and of the province of Galicia to become the future

Jewish state. As we know, today,  the events in Palestine contradict the forcasts     of those who founded the state of

Israel, in 1948. For this reason, the Jewish leaders are looking for an

alternate solution and perhaps, a complementary one to the present state

of Israel. The new strategy they have conceived is much more elaborated

and insidious in the same time comparing to the one applied in Palestine

and it intends to annihilate the capability of Romanian people to fight back in an efficient manner against this dirty, degrading and cowardly agression.

The Jewish agression is based on the criminal complicity of Romanian   

      politicians, including the three presidents who were elected after1990,  

      on the betrayal of the journalists and public figures, especially of the

      newspapers directors and mass media owners.

We tell to these traitors to bear in mind that they still have the possibility to

do the right thing and to reveal the modalities by which they were forced

to act against their own people and to repair the damages brought upon

their Country and to regain their human dignity.

This acusation of betrayal of the country,  we bring also upon the Jewish

Community’s leaders of Romania who shamelessly continue to say that their

Community has only 6-7000 members and it is about to become extinct. In

this way they are guilty of complicity to this dirty and cowardly agression

against Romania. We are expecting the Jews of Romania, all those

who disagree and do not support the incriminate plan, those who perceive

the consequences of it to take a public stand.

We warn the international community on the fact that the plan Israel in

         Romania puts the Romanian people in the situation of self-defense and

give to any Romanian the right to take a defensive and punishing position towards the  invaders and their complices.

Our call is also addressed to the International Community and to the decent

Jews worldwide, those Jews who live and think as all the other people

with respect for the history and traditions of all nations in the world, in the

cult of human dignity.

We hope that all those responsible, persons and institutions alike will use all the means necessary to convince world’s Jewish leaders to understand that it it in

their own interest to have a rational and responsible behaviour and not to

deceive themselves again with doomed strategies, prejuducial to everyone

and degrading to the Jews.

The responsibility for everything will happen lies entirely with those who

conceived the plan Israel in Romania and those who collaborate in one way or

the other to the development of this plan. May God forgive them!


The Vatra Românească Union

The League for Fighting Anti-Romanianism LICAR



For conformity,

Ion Coja

Bucharest, October, 28th, 2005                                            phone: 0744903890