Confesiuni {socante] ale zionistilor ‘Noii Ordini Mondiale’.

[SHOCKING] Confessions of NWO Jewish Zionists


„Exista o mare prapastie intre noi, evreii, si dusmanii nostri. Nu doar la capitolul abilitati ci si in privinta moralei, culturii, sanctitatii vietii si a constiintei. Ei ne sunt vecini aici , dar , situati fiind la o distanta de cateva sute de metri de noi, ei par a fi oameni care nu tin de acest continent, de lumea noastra, ci de alta galaxie”.
Izraeli President Moshe Katzav , the Jerusalem Post, 10 May, 2001.

„Palestinienii sunt ca niste crocodili. Cu cat le dai mai multa carne, ei vor si mai multa”.
Yehud Barak, Izraeli Prime Minister , August 28 2000, the Jerusalem Post, August 30, 2000.

„Palestinienii sunt bestii ce merg pe doua picioare ”
Menahem Begin, catre Knesset , in Amnon Kapeliuc , New Statesman, 25 June, 1982

„Palestinienii ar trebui zdrobiti ca greierii , cu capetele zdrelite de bolovani si de ziduri”
Izraeli prim ministru din acea vreme, catre colonistii evrei, NY Times, April 1, 1988.

„Dupa ce le-am ocupat teritoriul, tot ce vor mai putea face arabii, e sa bajbaie de jur imprejur , ca niste coropijnite bete intr-o sticla”.
Rafael Eytan, Seful Fortelor Apararii Izraeliene, NYTimes, 14-th April 1983

„Cum sa returnam teritoriile ocupate: nu exista nimeni caruia sa le returnam!”
Golda Mair, 8 martie 1969

„Nu exista asa ceva care sa poarte numele de „palestinieni”, acestia n-au existat niciodata”!
Golda Mair, iunie 15, 1969

„Teza pericolului exercitarii de genocid ce atarna in iunie 1967 asupra noastra, si ideea ca Izraelul lupta pentru propria existenta fizica, e doar o cacealma , care s-a nascut si a fost dezvoltata doar dupa razboi”.
Izraeli general, Mattit Jahub Pellett , raport in Haarez, 19 martie 1972

Ben Gurion avertizeaza in 1948 :
„Trebuie sa facem totul ca sa ne asiguram ca palestinienii nu se intorc niciodata, asigurandu-ne compatriotii zionisti ca palestinienii nu se vor intoarce niciodata la casele lor, deoarece cei batrani vor muri iar cei tineri vor uita”

„Trebuie sa ucidem toti palestinienii care nu se resemneaza la gandul de a trai aici ca sclavi”.
Gen Heilbronn, din comitetul pentru realegerea generalului Shlemelahad, primar al Tel Avivului , Oct 1983

„De fiecare data cand facem ceva, tu-mi spui mie ca America o sa faca asta si o sa faca ailalta, eu vreau sa-ti spun ceva foarte clar: nu te ingrijora ca America pune presiune asupra Izraelului, caci noi controlam America , si americanii o stiu!”
Sharon oct 3, 2001 , lui Perez , la Radio Izrael.

„Noi declaram deschis ca arabii nu au dreptul sa se stabileasca nici macar pe un centimetru patrat din Erez Izrael. Ei n-au ascultat si nu vor asculta niciodata decat de forta. Vom folosi forta totala pana cand palestinienii vor veni la noi tarandu-se in patru labe .”
Rafael Eytan , Seful Fortelor de Aparare ale Izraelului , Gad Bekka, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983 and The NY Times ,14 April, 1983

„Trebuie sa folosim teroarea, asasinarea , intimidarea , confiscarea teritoriala si taierea tuturor serviciilor sociale pentru a epura in Galileea , toata populatia ei araba”.
Izrael Kunik, The Kunik Memorandum

„Satele evreiesti au fost construite in locul satelor arabe . Noi nici macar nu cunoastem numele acestor sate arabe. Si nu condamn pe nimeni intrucat cartile de geografie nici macar nu exista, iar satele arabilor nu exista nici ele. Lalau s-a ridicat in locul lui Malulu. Kibutz Kwait in locul lui Jutah. Kibutz Sarit in locul lui Unefis. Si Kefaia Heshuah in locul lui Tal Al Shuman. Nu exista in tara asta un singur loc care sa nu fi avut initial populatie araba”.
Moshe Daiian, adresa catre Teknikon, Haifa. Raport in Haaretz April 4 – 1969.

„Am iesit afara , insotiti de Ben Gurion. Alon a repetat aceasta intrebare : ce e de facut cu populatia palestiniana. Ben Gurion a facut un semn cu mana care spunea: impinge-i afara !”
Iitzak Rabin , Rabin Memoirs, published in the New York Times,
23 October 1979

Descrierea lui Rabin a cuceririi lui Liddah, dupa completarea lui Pleine Daleth:
„Vom reduce populatia araba la nivelul unei comunitati de taietori de lemne si de chelneri”.
Iuri Lubrani PM, consilierul special al lui Ben Gurion asupra chestiunii arabe, 1960, din :
„The Arabs in Izrael”, by Sabri Girias

„Toata lumea trebuie sa se miste, sa alerge si sa acapareze cat de multe dealuri posibile, ca sa largeasca suprafetele colonizate, deoarece tot ce cucerim acum, va ramane al nostru, tot ce nu cucerim , va ramane al lor.”
Ariel Sharon, Izrael Ministru de Externe, adresandu-se militantilor dreptei extreme, pe nume Sommet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov 15,1998.

„E datoria conducatorilor izraelieni sa explice opiniei publice , clar si curajos, un anume numar de fapte, uitate cu vremea. Primul dintre ele spune ca nu exista zionism,colonizare sau stat evreu, fara expulzarea arabilor si fara exproprierea lor de pe pamanturile lor.”
Yurom Bar Porah, Yedihot Ahronot , 14 July, 1972

„Stimuleaza populatia sarmana sa plece dincolo de granita, refuzandu-le angajarea .Dar procesul exproprierii si inlaturarii celor saraci, trebuie executata discret si circumspect.”
Theodor Herzl, fondatorul lui World’s Zionist Organization, vorbind despre arabii din Palestina , Complete Diaries, June 12 ,1985 .

„Un milion de arabi nu valoreaza o singura unghie a unui evreu”
Rabbi Jakov Perrin, 27 Febr 1994, NY Times, February 28, 1994, pg 1

„Noi , evreii, suntem distrugatori si vom ramane distrugatori, nimic din ceea ce puteti face voi, vor satisface cerintele noastre si necesitatile noastre”.
„You Gentiles”, de Maurice Samuels , pg 155

„Vom avea un guvernamant mondial, ca va place sau nu. Singura intrebare care ramane este daca acel guvernamant va fi atins prin cucerire sau prin consimtire”
Bancherul evreu , Paul Warburg, 17 Febr 1950, pe cand depunea marturie in fata senatului SUA .

„Ne vom stabili in Palestina, ca va place sau nu. Puteti sa ne accelerati sosirea sau puteti la fel de bine sa ne-o intarziati. E mai bine insa sa ne ajutati asa incat sa nu ne transformati fortele constructive in forte destructive , care vor rasturna lumea.
Haim Weizmann, Judische Rundschau nr 4, 1920

„Rasa noastra este rasa de stapani , noi suntem zeii divini ai acestei planete.Noi suntem la fel de diferiti de rasele inferioare precum sunt ele de insecte. De fapt, comparate cu rasa noastra , celelalte rase sunt bestii si animale; vite in cel mai bun caz. Alte rase sunt considerate drept excrement uman. Destinul nostru este sa dictam raselor inferioare. Regatul nostru ce va veni, va fi dirijat de conducatorul nostru cu un baston de fier.Masele ne vor linge picioarele si ne vor servi in calitate de sclavi”.
Menachem Begin catre Knesset , citat de Arnon Kapeliuk : „Begin and the Beasts”, New Statesman” June 25, 1982

„Spune-mi, o duc chiar asa de rau oamenii rai de pe pamantul asta, ei vaneaza si prind tot ce au chef sa manance! Ei nu sufera de indigestie, si nu-s pedepsiti de ceruri. Vreau ca Izraelul sa se inscrie in acel club, poate ca atunci omenirea va incepe sa se teama de noi, in fine, in loc sa le fie mila.Poate ca vor incepe sa tremure , sa le fie frica de nebunia noastra in loc sa ne admire nobletea! Lasa-i sa tremure ! Lasa-i sa ne cheme un stat nebun! Lasa-i sa inteleaga ca suntem o tara salbateca, periculoasa imprejurimilor noastre, anormala, ca am putea turba, ca am putea incepe cel de al 3-lea razboi mondial, pe neasteptate, sau ca intr-o zi am putea innebuni si da foc tuturor campurilor cu petrol din Asia Mica. Chiar daca imi demonstrezi ca actualul razboi este un razboi murdar, imoral, nu-mi pasa , vom incepe un alt razboi, vom ucide si vom distruge mai mult, si mai mult, si stii dece merita? Deoarece se pare ca acest razboi ne-a facut mai antipatici lumii necivilizate! Nu vom mai auzi acel nonsens despre unicitatea moralei iudaice . S-a terminat cu trancaneala ca un popor unic confera lumina natiunilor, s-a terminat cu unicitatea, nu mai este dulceata si lumina!La naiba!”
Izraeli former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon

„Epoca moderna este epoca iudaica. Si secolul 20 in mod special, este secolul iudaic”!
Iuri Slezky, Profesor de istorie la Univ of California, Berkeley, „The Jewish Century” Princeton Univ Press

„Ce ma socheaza si ma ingrijoreaza , este ingustimea si obtuzitatea conducatorilor nostri militari. Ei par sa presupuna ca statul Izrael poate sau chiar trebuie sa se comporte , in ce priveste relatiile internationale, conform legilor junglei: lungul lant de incidente false si ostilitati pa care le-am inventat si atat de multe ciocniri pe care le-am provocat!”
Din Jurnalul de zi al lui Moshe Sharet , fost Prim Ministru al Izraelului si Liviu
Lukash: „Izrael’ Sacred Terrorism ” 1980

[SHOCKING] Confessions of NWO Jewish Zionists


„There is a huge gap between us , Jews, and our enemies. Not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience .They are our neighbours here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away , there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy . ”
Izraeli President Moshe Katzav , the Jerusalem Post, 10 May, 2001.

„The Palestinians are like crocodiles. The more you give them meat, they want more.”
Yehud Barak, Izraeli Prime Minister at the time, August 28 2000, reported in the Jerusalem Post, August 30, 2000.

„The Palestinians are beasts, walking on two legs.”
Menahem Begin, speech to the Knesset , quoted in Amnon Kapeliuc , New Statesman, 25 June, 1982

„The Palestinians should be crushed like grasshoppers ,heads smashed against the boulders and walls .”
Izraeli prime minister at the time, in a speech to Jewish settlers, NY Times, April 1, 1988.

„When we have settled the land all the Arabs will be able to do about it is to scarry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle ”
Rafael Eytan, chief of staff of Izraeli Defence Forces, NYTimes, 14-th April 1983

„How can we return the occupied territories: there is nobody to return them to !”
Golda Mair, March the 8-th, 1969

„There is no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed!”
Golda Mair, June 15, 1969

„The thesis of the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Izrael was fighting for its physical existence , is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war.”
Izraeli general, Mattit Jahub Pellett , reported in Haarez, 19 March 1972

Ben Gurion warns in 1948 :
„We must do everything to ensure that the Palestinians never do return,reassuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes for , the old will die and the young will forget.”

„We have to kill all the Palestinians that miss to resign to live here as slaves”
Gen Heilbronn, of the committee for the reelection of general Shlemelahad, Mayor of Tel Aviv , Oct 1983

„Every time we do something , you tell me America will do this and America will do that, I want to tell you sometning very clear : don’t worry about the American pressure on Izrael, we control America , and the Americans know it ”
Sharon Oct 3, 2001 , to Perez as reported on (?) Izrael radio.

„We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimeter of Erez Izrael. Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.”
Rafael Eytan , Chief of staff of the Izraeli Defence Forces, Gad Bekka, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983 and The NY Times ,14 April, 1983

„We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation and the cutting of all social servces to rid the Gallillee of its Arab population ”
Izrael Kunik, The Kunik Memorandum

„Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. We do not even know the names of these Arab villlages . I do not blame you, because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Lalau arose in the place of Malulu. Kibutz Kwait in the place of Jutah. Kibutz Sarit in the place of Unefis . And Kefaia Heshuah in the place of Tal al Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.””
Moshe Daiian, addressed to the Teknikon, Haifa. Reported in Haaretz April 4 – 1969.
„We walked outside, Ben Gurion accompanying us . Alon repeated this question: what to be done with the Palestinian population. Ben Gurion waved his hand in a gesture, which said: drive them out! ”
Iitzak Rabin ,leaked a sense of devotion of Rabin Memoirs, published in the New York Times,
23 October 1979
Rabin’s description of the conquest of Liddah, after the completion of Pleine Daleth:
„We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters .”
Iuri Lubrani PM Ben Gurion’s special advise on Arab affairs 1960 from :
„The Arabs in Izrael”, by Sabri Girias
„Everybody has to move, run ,and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements, because everything we take now , will stay ours, everything we don’t grab, will stay with them.”
Ariel Sharon, Izrael Foreign Minister ,addressing a meeting of militants of the extreme right wing Sommet Party, Agence France Presse, Nov 15,1998.
„It is the duty of Izraeli leaders to explain to the public opinion , clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time .The first of these, is that there is no Zionism, colonization or Jewish state, without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.”
Yurom Bar Porah, Yedihot Ahronot , 14 July, 1972
„Spirit the pennyless population across the frontier by denying it employment . But the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.”
Theodor Herzl, Founder of the World’s Zionist Organization, speaking of the Arabs of Palestine , Complete Diaries, June 12 ,1985 entry.
„One million Arabs, are not worth a single Jewish fingernail” .
Rabbi Jakov Perrin, 27 Febr 1994, from the NY Times, February 28, 1994, pg 1
„We Jews are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers, nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs . We will forever destroy, because we want a world of our own.
„You Gentiles”, by Jewish author, Maurice Samuels , pg 155
„We will have a world government, whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or by consent”.
Jewish banker, Paul Warburg, 17 Febr 1950, as he testified before the US Senate .
„We will establish ourselves in Palestine, whether you like it or not.You can hasten our arrival or you can equally well retard it . It is however better for to help us , so as to avoid our constructive powers be turned into a destructive power which will overthrow the world.
Haim Weizmann, Judische Rundschau nr 4, 1920
„Our race is the master race, we are divine gods of this planet. We are as different from the inferior races, as they are from insects . In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals ; cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races .Our as be kingdom, will be ruled by our leader , with a rod of iron . The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves”.
Menachem Begin in a speech to the Knesset , quoted by Arnon Kapeliuk : „Begin and the Beasts”, New Statesman” June 25, 1982
„Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time, they hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating ! They don’t suffer from indigestion, and are not punished by Heaven – I want Izrael to join that club, maybe the world will then , at last, begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry . Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness instead of admiring our nobility! Let them tremble! let them call us a mad state! let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild,that we might start world war 3, just like that or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East! Even if you prove to me that the present war is a dirty, immoral war, i don’t care, we shall start another war, kill and destroy more, and more, and do you know why it’s worth it? Because it seems that this war has made us more unpopular among the uncivilized world! We will hear no more of that nonsense about the unique Jewish morality.No more talk about a unique people being the light upon the nations and no more uniqueness and no more sweetness and light!Good riddance!
Izraeli former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon
„The modern age is the Jewish age .And the 20th century in particular, is the Jewish century!”
Iuri Slezky, Professor of history at the Univ of California, Berkeley, „The Jewish Century” Princeton Univ Press

„What shocks and worries me, is the narrowmindedness and the shortsightedness of our military leaders . They seem to presume that the State of Izrael may or even must behave in the realm of international relations according to the laws of the jungle : the long chain of false incidents and hostilities we have invented and so many clashes we have provoked !”
From the Diary of Moshe Sharet , former prime Minister of Izrael, and Liviu
Lukash: „Izrael’ Sacred Terrorism ” 1980