1.      Are loc un razboi promovat si declansat de catre NATO. Acest adevar transpare chiar si de la organismele de « informare » burgheze. In  La Stampa  din 25 august, Lucia Annunziata scria : « este un razboi in intregime « exterior », creat de fortele NATO» ; « sistemul occidental este cel care promoveaza razboiul contra lui Kadhafi ».  Un fotografie din International Herald Tribune din 24 august ne arata « rebeli » in culmea fericirii dar care sunt comod asezati intr-un avion care poarta sigla NATO.
2.      Este vorba de un razboi pregatit de multa vreme. Sunday Mirror din 20 martie a dezvaluit ca sute de soldati britanici erau detasati in Libia cu « trei saptamani » inaintea rezolutiei NATO – soldati inrolati in trupe militare din cele mai sofisticate si cele mai de temut din lume (SAS). Alte dezvaluiri si marturisiri de acelasi fel pot fi citite in numarul International Herald Tribune din 31 martie, in legatura cu prezenta « micilor grupari ale CIA » si a unei « ample forte occidentale actionand din umbra », toate acestea inaintea «izbucnirii ostilitatilor din 19 martie ».
3.      Acest razboi nu are nimic de a face cu protejarea drepturilor omului. In articolul citat mai sus, Lucia Annunziata remarca tematoare : «NATO care a obtinut victoria nu e aceeasi entitate cu cea care a pornit razboiul ». Intre timp, Occidentul e grav zguduit de criza economica ; va reusi, oare, sa pastreze controlul pe un continent care primeste din ce in ce mai des apeluri de la « natiuni non-occidentale » – in special de la China ? Pe de alta parte, acelasi cotidian ce publica articolul lui Annunziata,La Stampa, deschide pe 26 august cu un titlu in centrul paginii : « Noua Libie, provocarea dintre Italia si Franta ». Pentru cei care n-au inteles ce tip de provocare este aceea, editorialul lui Paolo Paroni (Duelul ultimei afaceri) e clar : de la inceputul operatiunilor de razboi, caracterizate prin activismul frenetic al lui Sarkozy, « s-a inteles imediat ca razboiul contra Colonelului se va transforma intr-un conflict de alt gen : un razboi economic avand ca nou adversar, bineinteles, Italia ».
4.      Dorit din motive abjecte, razboiul e condus intr-un mod criminal. Ma limitez doar la cateva detalii preluate dintr-un cotidian situat deasupra oricaror banuieli. International Herald Tribune, din 26 august, inr-un articol de K. Fahim si R. Gladstone, raporteaza ca : « Intr-o tabara din centrul orasului Tripoli au fost gasite corpurile ciuruite de gloante a mai mult de 30 de combatanti pro-Kadhafi. Cel putin doi dintre ei aveau mainile legate cu pungi de plastic, ceea ce lasa de inteles ca au fost victimele unei executii. Printre acesti morti, cinci au fost gasiti intr-un spital improvizat ; unul era pe o ambulanta, intins pe o targa si legat cu o curea si purta inca o perfuzie intravenoasa in brat ».
5.       Barbar ca orice razboi colonialist, razboiul actual din Libia ne arata cum imperialismul devine din ce in ce mai barbar. In trecut, au avut loc multe tentative de-ale CIA pentru a-l asasina pe Fidel Castro, dar acestea erau conduse in secret cu un sentiment daca nu de rusine, macar de frica unor posibile reactii ale opiniei publice internationale. Azi, a-l asasina pe Kadhafi sau pe alti sefi de stat neplacuti pentru Occident devine un drept proclamat in mod deschis. Corriere della Sera din 26 august 2011 titra triumfator : « Urmarirea lui Kadhafi si a fiilor sai, casa cu casa ». In timp ce scriu, Tornado britanice, ajutandu-se de colaborarea cu Franta si de informatiile pe care le furniza, incep sa bombardeze Syrta si sa extermine intreaga familie a lui  Kadhafi.
6.      Nu mai putin barbara a fost si campania de dezinformare. Fara cel mai mic sentiment de pudoare, NATO a insistat sistematic asupra minciunii precum ca operatiunile sale de razboi nu vizau decat protejarea civililor ! Cum ramane cu presa « libera », presa occidentala ? A publicat, la un moment dat, ostentativ, « stirea » conform careia Kadhafi isi indopa soldatii cu viagra ca sa poata comite mai usor violuri in masa. « Stirea » aceasta devenea rapid ridicola, asa ca iata o alta « stire » : soldatii libieni trageau asupra copiilor. Nici o dovada nu ne e furnizata, nici o referinta la date si la locurile despre care se vorbeste, nici o trimitere la cutare sau cutare sursa. Ce e important e sa ii pronuntam sentinta dusmanului ce trebuie  distrus.
7.      Mussolini pe vremea sa prezenta agresiunea fascista contra Etiopiei ca pe o campanie pentru a elibera tara de plaga sclaviei ; in zilele noastre, NATO prezinta agresiunea contra Libiei ca pe o campanie de difuzare a democratiei. Pe vremea sa, Mussolini nu mai prididea cu fulgerele contra imparatului etiopian Haile Sélassié pe care il numea « Negus al sclavilor negri » ; astazi, NATO isi exprima ura fata de Kadhafi – « dictatorul ». In acelasi fel in care imperialismul nu isi schimba firea belicoasa, tot asa si tehnicile de manipulare demonstreaza semnificativ elementele de continuitate. Pentru a clarifica cine exercita in zilele noastre in mod fatis dictatura la nivel planetar, decat sa ii citam pe Marx si pe Lenin, as vrea sa-l citez pe Kant. Intr-un text din 1798, Conflictul facultatilor, Kant scrie : « Ce este un monarh absolut ? Acela care, atunci cand comanda « Trebuie sa fie razboi », da drumul la razboi ». Argumentand in felul acesta, Kant ia ca tinta in mod special Anglia epocii sale, fara a se lasa inselat de forma « liberala » adoptata de tara. Este o lectie din care trebuie sa profitam : monarhii absoluti ai epocii noastre, tiranii si dictatorii planetari ai epocii noastre, ne guverneaza de la Washington, de la Bruxelles, si din cele mai importante capitale occidentale.
Publicat vineri 26 august 2011, pe blogul autorului
Tradus din italiana de Marie-Ange Patrizio
  From now on, even blind people can see what is going on in Libya:
1.      There is a promoted war taking place, triggered by NATO. This truth comes out to light even from the bourgeois “information” organisms. In La Stampa from august 25th, Lucia Annunziata wrote: “This is a fully exterior war, meaning that it’s created by the NATO forces”; “the occidental system is the one promoting the war against Khadafy”. A picture form the International Herald Tribune from August 24th shows “rebels” glowing with joy but comfortably sitting in an airplane bearing the NATO logo.
2.      This is a long-time prepared war. Sunday Mirror from March 20th reveals that hundreds of British soldiers were detached in Libya “three weeks” before the NATO resolution – soldiers enrolled in the most sophisticated and fearful military troops in the world (SAS). It has also been revealed and testified by the International Herald Tribune from March 31st that there was a presence of “small CIA groups” and that of a “wide occidental force commanding from the shadows” – before the “beginning of hostilities in March 19th”. ».
3.      This war has nothing to do with protecting the human rights. In the article quoted above, Lucia Annunziata fearfully remarks:  «NATO the one who obtained victory is not the same organism as the one that started the war ». In the meantime, the western world is roughly shaken by the economical crisis; will it manage to maintain control on a continent that more and more often receives calls from “non-western” nations – especially from China? On the other side, the same newspaper that published Annunziata’s article, La Stampa, presents on August 26th a page-centered article: « New Libya, a challenge between Italy and France”. For those who might haven’t understood what type of a challenge that is, Paolo Paroni’s column (A last affair’s duel) is clear: since the beginning of the war operations, led in Sarkozy’s typical frantic activism, “it was immediately clear that the war against the Colonel would soon turn out into a conflict of another sort: an economic war with, as opponent, no one else but Italy”.
4.      Being wanted for low reasons, this war is led in a criminal way. I will only quote a few details from a newspaper above any doubts of morality: the International Herald Tribune. In an article from August 26th, wrote by K. Fahim and R. Gladstone, it is written that: “In a camp from the center of Tripoli the bodies of more than 30 pro-Khadafy warriors, were found riddled with bullets. At least two of them had their hands tied with plastic bags, which makes us believe they were executed. Among these dead, 5 of them were found in an improvised hospital; one of them was on an ambulance, lying on a stretcher, tied with a belt and still wearing a perfusion.
5.      Barbaric, as any other colonial war, the actual Libyan war shows us that imperialism becomes more and more barbaric. In the past, there have been several attempts from the CIA to murder Fidel Castro, but they were lead in secrecy, with a feeling of mixed shame and fear of possible reactions from the international public opinion. Today, assassinating Khadafy   or other unpleasant presidents becomes an openly proclaimed right. Corriere della Sera of August 26th 2011 triumphantly claimed: “Khadafy and his sons followed from door to door”. While I’m writing this article, British Tornados start bombing Syrt and exterminating Khadafy’s family.
6.      The misinforming campaign was none the less barbaric. Shamelessly, NATO systematically insisted upon the lie that its war operations were meant only to protect civilians! And what about the press, the “free” western press? It once boldly stated the “news” that Khadafy fed his soldiers with Viagra so that they could rape more efficiently. This “news” soon became ridiculous so there came another one: the Libyan soldiers were shooting children. No proof is given, no reference to dates, places, or sources for such “news”. What matters is to pass the sentence for the enemy to be destroyed.
7.      Mussolini once presented the fascist aggression against Ethiopia as a campaign to free the country from the slavery plague; nowadays, NATO presents its aggression against Libya as a campaign to spread democracy. At that time, Mussolini would not stop its anger towards the Ethiopian emperor Haile Selassie, which he called “The black slaves’ Negus”; today, NATO openly expresses its anger towards Khadafy, “the dictator”. Just as imperialism cannot change its belligerent style, manipulation techniques show us what continuous elements they use. To make it clear on who detains the planetary power nowadays, instead of quoting Marx or Lenin, I would like to quote Kant. In a 1798 text, “The faculty conflict”, Kant wrote: “What is a total monarch? The one who commands “Let it be war” and the war actually starts”. By giving this example, Kant makes points a finger at the England of that time target, without being led into mistake by the “liberal” form the country adopted. It is one lesson that ought to make us understand: the total monarchs of our time, our age’s tyrants and planetary dictators are ruling from Washington, Brussels and from most important western capitals.