Domnule profesor ION COJA, cum vedeţi problema românilor din străinătate? Reprezintă ei vreo miză în lupta electorală pentru funcţia de preşedinte al României?
După părerea mea românii extranei – îi putem numi aşa, reprezintă o importanţă uriașă pentru viitorul României şi al Neamului românesc. De aceea, în proiectul intitulat Constituţia Organică a României – în alte ocazii i-am dat titlul de Constituţia Creştină a României, am propus înfiinţarea funcţiei de vice-preşedinte al României, cu atribuţii exclusive în această direcţie, principala preocupare a vice-preşedintelui fiind refacerea României Mari, adică revenirea Basarabiei şi Bucovinei la patria mamă. Cu Transnistria cu tot! Aici ar intra şi românii risipiţi de istorie, după 1940, pe tot cuprinsul fostei Uniuni Sovietice. În momentul de faţă, guvernarea anti-românească de după 1990 nu face mai nimic în acest scop, nu face nimic pentru românii din străinătate.
Dacă veţi ajunge preşedintele României, cam ce idei aţi pune în practică?
Avem nevoie de trei strategii distincte: una pentru Basarabia şi Bucovina, pe care avem dreptul şi mai ales datoria să le atragem la matca mamă. Alta pentru românii din jurul României care trăiesc ca minoritari în ţările din jurul României, dar – nota bene, ca minoritari autohtoni, ca populaţie străveche sau chiar cea mai veche. A treia strategie este pentru românii din diasporă, îndeosebi din Occident, care au luat calea exilului sau a emigrării la diverse epoci. Cei mai mulţi după 1990! Românii extranei, oriunde ar trăi, trebuie ajutaţi să rămână români sau, după caz, să re-devină români. Eu, ca naţionalist, deplâng plecarea din ţară a milioane de români. Dar, în condiţiile mondializării şi ale vieţii moderne, dacă reuşim să concepem şi să aplicăm o politică corectă faţă de aceşti români, dacă reuşim să-i ţinem legaţi de conştiinţa etnică românească, atunci aceşti români vor fi foarte utili pentru supravieţuirea noastră ca popor, în condiţiile în care mondializarea va pune în lucru felurite strategii menite să slăbească sentimentul identităţii etnice pretutindeni pe planeta noastră. O diasporă românească puternică, loială statului în care sunt îngăduiţi şi găzduiţi, dar legată mai departe de ţară şi de Neam, va fi o şansă în plus să supravieţuim şi chiar să prosperăm într-o epocă în care vor dispărea multe etnii, multe neamuri. Repet: neşansa care a făcut ca mulţi români să emigreze trebuie s-o transformăm într-un câştig decisiv pentru noi toţi!
Puteţi preciza mai exact în ce ar consta acest câştig?
Bunăoară românul etalon, tipic, nutreşte un sentiment de neîncredere în forţele proprii în comparaţie cu occidentalii, mulţi români au un complex de inferioritate. Acest complex le dispare după câteva luni petrecute în Occident. Respectul de sine, ca români, este mai mare la românii din străinătate, decât la cei de acasă, care nu au ieşit niciodată în lume, în străinătate. Dumnezeu i-a înzestrat pe români cu multe calităţi, cu multe daruri. Ne dăm seama de asta mai ales după ce ne putem compara cu alţii la ei acasă! Cunosc mulţi români care au devenit naţionalişti după ce au trăit câţiva ani printre străini! Nu mă miră deloc!
Vă preocupă de multă vreme soarta acestor români?
Nu, în niciun caz nu descopăr această problemă acum, cu ocazia acestei campanii electorale. Cu ani în urmă, când fostul meu student Mihai Gheorghiu a ajuns să se ocupe în cadrul Guvernului de românii din străinătate, i-am trimis un proiect pe care eu l-am conceput în vederea salvgardării românismului care dăinuie de sute de ani în sufletul unor români care niciodată nu au fost cetăţeni ai României. Aceşti români, care au rezistat unor politici criminale de deznaţionalizare, merită tot respectul nostru, toată dragostea şi preţuirea. Aă zice că ei sunt mult mai români decât noi, cei din ţară. Am să vă ofer acest proiect, l-am numit proiectul Valahia, să-l publicaţi, să-l puneţi în discuţia românilor de pretutindeni şi să i se dea o formă definitivă, spre a fi aplicat! Îl publicaţi, îl faceţi să circule pe Internet?
Cu mare plăcere! Cu bucurie!
Vi-l ofer aşa cum a fost acris în urmă cu vreo 10 ani…
A consemnat Marius Marinescu
Agenţia Valahia
– proiect –
Numele proiectului poate fi altul, mai potrivit.
Scopul acestui proiect este să sporească legăturile dintre români, indiferent în ce ţară locuiesc.
Pornim de la premisa, atât de reală, că vreo zece milioane de români trăiesc în afara graniţelor României, ceea ce îi pune pe aceşti români în situaţia de a fi expuşi unui proces de deznaţionalizare extrem de păgubitor pentru România şi pentru români.
Globalizarea este un proces pe care nu-l vom putea ocoli, iar a ne opune acestui proces nu este soluţia cea mai productivă. Considerăm că strategia supravieţuirii şi dăinuirii noastre ca popor (cu o identitate distinctă) trebuie gândită în aşa fel ca din procesul globalizării să tragem toate foloasele posibile. (Nu numai ponoasele!)
Or, e mai mult ca sigur că românii, care deja circulă mult în străinătate, vor circula şi mai mult în viitor, iar această circulaţie înseamnă un număr tot mai mare de români care vor încerca să se stabilească în străinătate pentru o anumită perioadă de timp sau pentru totdeauna. Aceşti români nu trebuie lăsaţi la voia întâmplării, ci faţă de ei trebuie gândită o politică prin care să-i păstrăm ca purtători ai identităţii româneşti.
În termeni similari se pune şi problema românilor care trăiesc ca autohtoni în ţările învecinate.
La un loc este vorba de peste 10 milioane de români pentru a căror soartă guvernanţii noştri, de ieri şi de azi, au făcut prea puţin în ultimii 80 de ani. După 1989 s-au creat în acest scop câteva instituţii, în cadrul guvernului, dar activitatea acestora este insuficientă faţă de ceea ce trebuie făcut. Iar cadrul exclusiv oficial anulează mult din efectele dorite.
Toată lumea este de acord că mult mai eficientă ar fi activitatea unor organizaţii civile, gen ONG, fundaţii sau asociaţii. Deja există câteva, care şi-au propus câte în lună şi în stele, dar mare lucru nu au făcut, punând prea mult accentul pe latura spirituală şi culturală, mulţumindu-se cu editarea unor cărţi sau fiţuici, organizarea unor comemorări etc.
Noi propunem o strategie care vizează aspecte mai practice din viaţa propriu-zisă a românilor din diasporă, ţinând seama de nevoile curente, în primul rând economice, ale existenţei lor. Îi avem în vedere pe românii stabiliţi în străinătate (în Occident, în primul rând), pe românii din ţările învecinate, dar şi pe românii, în număr tot mai mare, care circulă prin Europa şi America, care nu au lăsat mare lucru în ţară, dar nici nu reuşesc să-şi facă un rost în străinătate, aşa cum le este în intenţie. Categoria acestor tineri români este tot mai numeroasă.
Pe toţi aceşti români, expuşi procesului de deznaţionalizare, trebuie să-i ajutăm să-şi păstreze sentimentele româneşti, de apartenenţă la naţionalitatea română. Trebuie să le oferim motive concrete, palpabile, ca să fie direct interesaţi în a-şi păstra această identitate. Iar aceste motive înseamnă o cointeresare materială care să nu încarce bugetul Ţării prin burse, subvenţii, sponsorizări etc., ci se poate obţine prin proiecte bine gândite, inspirate, isteţe, şi printr-o bună organizare pe câteva idei clare.
Structura organizatorică ( numită în continuare Agenţie) prin care vom aplica această strategie trebuie să fie independentă din punct de vedere politic şi fără coloratură ideologică. Scopul ei, declarat şi în public, nu poate deranja pe nimeni, pe nici unul dintre guvernanţi, indiferent de programul său politic: să împiedice deznaţionalizarea românilor care trăiesc în afara graniţelor ţării.
Strategia noastră, unitară prin scopul urmărit, se compune din mai multe proiecte. Iată câteva dintre ele, sumar schiţate ca ipoteză de lucru;
1. Proiectul Reţeaua Valahia se va materializa, într-o primă fază, sub forma unei cărţi de adrese ale unor români din străinătate care, prin indeletnicirea lor, pot prezenta interes pentru românii aflaţi în călătorie de afaceri sau de plăcere: români proprietari de hotel, restaurant, cabinet medical sau de avocatură, farmacie, notar, traducător oficial, reparaţii auto, video etc., editură, birou de turism ş.a.m.d. Aşadar, adrese ale unor români care îşi oferă serviciile altor români, cu un rabat oarecare, cât de cât atrăgător pentru posibilii clienţi români. De exemplu, proprietarul unui restaurant care foarte rar are toate mesele ocupate, are de câştigat dacă va avea tarife ceva mai mici pentru clienţii români, şi aceştia îi vor umple localul. La fel, un medic stomatolog care nu are pacienţi tot timpul. Clienţii pot fi români din ţară, turişti, dar şi români din ţara respectivă, din străinătate, pe care îi vom ajuta astfel să ştie unii de alţii. Cartea de adrese trebuie să fie la îndemâna oricui, la orice ambasadă sau consulat românesc. Precum şi pe suport magnetic, pe Internet.
În cadrul acestui proiect se poate dezvolta şi un birou de plasament al forţei de muncă româneşti, în care românii patroni să angajeze pe alţi români. Bunăoară, pentru munci sezoniere în timpul verii, patronii români din străinătate să fie ajutaţi să angajeze din ţară tineri recomandaţi de Agenţie, iar aceşti tineri pot fi selecţionaţi şi pregătiţi ca să devină veritabili „activişti” ai românismului. Activişti discreţi şi eficienţi. În timp, se poate dezvolta şi o activitate gen agenţie matrimonială, care să mijlocească pentru românii din străinătate căsătorii cu persoane potrivite, de origine română, din ţară sau tot din străinătate, pentru a micşora numărul căsătoriilor mixte, ştiut fiind faptul că aceste căsătorii mixte sunt primul pas pe calea deznaţionalizării.
2. Proiectul de turism Acasă ar urma să promoveze schimburi turistice între români, pentru persoane cu venituri mai modeste, tineri îndeosebi. Proiectul se adresează românilor din ţară şi din străinătate dispuşi să găzduiască alţi români, cărora să le întoarcă apoi vizita, evitând astfel costul hotelului. Agenţia s-ar ocupa cu întocmirea unei liste a celor care ar agrea asemenea contacte, întocmirea unei bănci de date privind onorabilitatea persoanelor implicate, potenţialul lor ospitalier, vârstă, preocupări, hoby-uri etc., ajutându-i pe cei interesaţi să-şi găsească partenerii potriviţi.
Un program special se poate concepe pentru vacanţa elevilor români din străinătate, în tabere din România, cu program adecvat, inclusiv cu lecţii de limba română, de istorie românească etc.
3. Reţeaua Capital Românesc ar urmări să faciliteze contactul între oamenii de afaceri români din străinătate, stimulându-i să se prefere unii pe alţii ca parteneri în afaceri profitabile pentru ambii parteneri. Fireşte, intră în discuţie şi încurajarea afacerilor între românii din Ţară şi românii din străinătate. Agenţia şi-ar asuma în acest caz anumite obligaţii de a da referinţe exacte, garanţii chiar, cu privire la onorabilitatea firmelor pe care le recomandă.
Bunăoară, ar putea fi o preocupare chiar şi pentru autorităţi ca exportul de produse româneşti să se facă prin importatori români din străinătate. În timp, participanţii la această reţea pot fi invitaţi să cotizeze ori să sponsorizeze activităţi de interes românesc.
În timp, Agenţia poate deveni un soi de guvernămînt al românilor transfrontalieri, scopul final fiind acela de a-i ajuta pe români să reuşească în carieră, în viaţă, să se impună printre străini şi să nu-şi piardă conştiinţa de români, legăturile cu ceilalţi români şi mai ales legăturile cu Ţara.
Nu se ştie ce ne rezervă viitorul. Prezenţa unui mare număr de români în străinătate este un fapt împlinit, asupra căruia nu mai e de discutat pentru a reveni şi a întoarce lucrurile aşa cum au fost cândva. Depinde de noi ca aceşti români să nu se piardă, plecarea lor să nu fie o hemoragie care să ne ia din vlagă, ci să devină o sursă de putere şi prestigiu pentru români în general. Ar fi cazul să preluăm din experienţa şi practica exersată de state precum China, Israel, Ungaria, Grecia şi altele. Desigur, va fi să continue politica oficială, a guvernelor ce se vor succeda, a statului român, exercitată prin instituţiile sale: Ministerul de Externe (prin ambasade în primul rând), Departamentul de relaţii cu românii din străinătate şi altele. La fel, va fi să continue şi să se dezvolte acţiunea Bisericii Ortodoxe Române ( poate că şi a celorlalte culte). Dar e nevoie şi de o activitate, cât mai diversă, care să nu se dezvolte sub egida unor autorităţi, ci să aibă un caracter civic şi spontan, non-guvernamental, pe care să n-o controleze autorităţile guvernamentale, dar s-o cunoască. Aceste autorităţi e bine să cunoască întru totul această activitate, s-o susţină financiar şi logistic cu discreţie, fără să pună condiţii politice, mulţumindu-se cu beneficiile care în mod logic şi firesc vor decurge pentru societatea românească, pentru interesele româneşti majore, neconjuncturale. Aceste beneficii vor fi cu atât mai mari cu cât vor rezulta dintr-o activitate în care sunt angajaţi cât mai mulţi oameni care nu sunt plătiţi de stat pentru ceea ce fac, câştigul şi răsplata lor provenind din însăşi activitatea prestată. Iar această activitate îi va pune mereu în legătură cu alţi români şi cu România.
Eventuale greşeli, gafe etc. săvârşite de cei angrenaţi în această activitate nu ar afecta cu nimic imaginea autorităţilor româneşti care se vor putea astfel delimita, în mod diplomatic, de excesele sau excentricităţile săvârşite de unii.
Practic, primul pas este să se înfiinţeze agenţia respectivă, ca fundaţie sau ca asociaţie, cu un statut care să-i asigure stabilitatea şi continuitatea. Unele asociaţii (cum ar fi Vatra Românească) au avut de suferit de pe urma unor structuri prea democratice, care au permis infiltrări şi crearea unor grupuri de presiune, iar prin asta au paralizat activitatea propriu-zisă.
Agenţia poate fi creată şi prin transformarea unei fundaţii deja existente, schimbându-i statutul şi, eventual numele. Începutul activităţii este greu de conceput fără un anumit sprijin financiar şi logistic din partea autorităţilor. Dar nici nu trebuie amânat până când acest sprijin se va produce.
“N-am stiut. N-am stiut- raspunsul celor carora l se vorbeste de tortura, de lagare, de inchisori, de recunoasteri totale ale acuzatiilor, de internari politice in ospciile de nebuni-“Nu tine” , nu este o scuza valabila. Nimeni nu este obligat sa inventeze praful de pusca ori sa descopere teoria cuantelor. Altminteri, insa , elementara desteptaciune este o indatorire. Mai ales pentru un crestin, care trebuie sa fie mereu atent la ispite. Iar prostia este o ispita. Dar nu numai pentru crestin- si aceatsa din pricina unei costatri experimentale obiective: nimeni nu stie nimic, dar toata lumea stie totul(…)Jean Cau ii raspunde lui Roger Garaudy (care si el spune ca n-a stiut) cum nu se poate mai bine: Dar eu unul care nu am fost professor universitar si membru in comitetul central, eu cum de am stiut? Milioane de oameni de pe strazi cum de au stiut (…) Nu ne convine s-o recunoastem, ne adapostim indaratul obiectivitatii stiintei, le avem de la fire, si zac in sufletul, inima, rarunchii, mintea, bojogii, maruntaiele, celeulele, tropismele si sinapsiile oricui. Toata lumea stia ca Irod e o pramatie, Robespierre o canali, Stalin un ticalos.
Chibrite aprinse aruncate peste benzina.
Dar eu parca am stiut ceva? Am stiut eu ceva despre lumea aceea fara de asemanre in mijlocul careia m-am pomenit? Despre suferintele ascunse? Despre eroii nestiuti? Despre cei ce doauzeci si patru de ore din douzeci si patru isi pastrau demnitatea in cellule concepute sa duca numai la denunt si spurcaciune, la prabusire si dementa? (Jurnalul Fericirii, N. Steinhardt, 1991)”
We kind of shut oversees in the foot regarding the freedom of speech and free determination ,the truth. We bow to a machine more and mooore, and stick number in peoples and embrace the madness of microchips-that gives the Government and other very concerned for the good of humanity third parties more control than to a citizen in a so-called free, democratic country. Still, We believe that we do justice in the world, changing Historical Truths, changing the word of God if necessary, only to prove ourselves right. Our national and international politics become just the politics of a few lobbies, they do not represent Americans or any Democracy and Democracy anymore. They spread out Death and they make money out of Death. There is a trial goingcfor WWII. How about the Genocide during 40 years of communism of hundreds of millions of people all over in Eastern Block? How about the HOLOCAUST and the crude ANTISEMITISM is occurring right now against Palestinians and other countries in Middle East because of the use of unconventional weapons ? We don’t know their number. Don’t they matter as well? Aren’t they people? How about economic genocide in what is called third world countries by The New Corporatist Bourjois? How about the incarceration of more and more countries (Christians????) in a Nazi like camp with the wide spread infliction of micropchiped and biometric ID papers, that again, give to Governments other third parties more power and control over citizens than any other political powers have ever had in history?
In the following pages I would make a brief recourse to history of Romanian participation in WWII and to the present as well.
There is a consistent disinformation about the Romanian WWII period and about what followed. The communists obscured the historical truth about the war in order to have a bases for incrimination and mass killing that occurred in Bolshevik years that followed after the war. Their main premises for accusation were the Romanian participation in WWII against Communist Russia, the what they called a holocaust that Romanian perpetrated against the Jews, and not ultimately the appurtenance to a certain social “class” or for just being intellectual. Nobody the right of having any possessions other than those heavily “regulated” by the State . They took the land from the peasants, and the houses from people living in cities and businesses. . After the fall of Communism this premises has not changed since, at a global scale those who perpetrated the communist terror remained in power and perpetuate the same disinformation. The whole country became a ripped off land. The New Bolshevik Bourjois that orient and heavily regulate international politics united in a new Internationala, meaning a new wave of destruction for countries that adopt their visions. Romania , after having her economy destroyed and more than
4 000 000 people emigrated , now “found” a new solvability for Her future: Nukes!!! I believe that those who lead the destines of the world write now lost their directions completely and there are no liberty , freedom, righteousness and free speech anymore.
Now back to war… Romania, and to what came aafter—briefly.
I believe that Jewish community needs to acknowledge the truth that in Romania their fellows were saved from Holocaust by Marshal Antonescu and Romanian Authorities during the WWII. Truth makes people free. We live in times of tremendous lies and gross manipulation of history and of the present realities as well. As a Romanian-American citizen, born free and willing to die free I feel profoundly upset and actually disgusted by these lies. I am Christian and I believe that our God, the only God, is a God of Mercy and Justice for all, not only of a Convenient Justice for some people.
Here I will bother you with some religion, because people are in their essence God searchers creatures, and let’s put it that way, when God is taken out, then the State takes His place and makes its own “Godly” rules.
Christian Orthodox Saints mention that the time of Apocalypse started with the Russian Revolution that was preceded by French Revolution. That is the point when man starts to make history predominantly with the Beast and not with God. The unleashing of apocalypse beasts in history is a consequence of man’s choice and is ultimately under God’s control because He is the One who commands spirits, at man’s demand of course. The crowning of the Son of Perdition in the Temple in Jerusalem, The False Messiah will be the culmination of man’s endeavor to overthrow a Godly order. He will last there a very short period that will correspond to the greatest tribulations mankind has ever encountered. God has always respected human freedom and at these times of turmoil He is willing to show to the man the full extension of his ungodly choice for his social order and also personal life. Nazism, Communism and post-Communist Era, the so called Globalism represent phases of Apocalypse. It’s a great time of turmoil, because people forgot mercy and justice. Some people are in great hurry. They already have become “Messiah” and they have already started the Last Judgment Day. I don’t believe their trial is just. I would like to make a recourse.
Making rushed judgments and writing false versions of history brings us to a repetition of the mistakes of the past. Today we actually assist to a new cycle of burning Bolshevik-like revolutionary zest. It appears to bring a better order and freedom to many, but in reality brings economic destruction, followed by great alienation, cultural and spiritual death and mourning. The strong lobbies that move our so-called democracies make history as Goliaths of this world, in these years of global revolutions that set nations on fire, first in the Balkans and now in Middle East. They use the means of muss murder, shock and terror, followed by disinformation, demolition of local economies, cultures, religious, traditions. Romanian political prisoners had great visions while in prison in 50’s about the world to come. They envisioned that the communist regimes will crush but the order that will follow would be much worse. Totalitarian control by The State will expand to a global scale. People in power and the agents of these new global society will use the same mechanisms for authoritarian control the communists had, only with better technological means.
Ion Ianolide- The PROPHET Prisoner
The prisoner feels that in the foreseeable future the communist power will be annihilated. He is sad because he sees that those who had the power loom as masters communization of the country and the world to come. ( USA and western Europian countries have more and more of the characteristics of a totalitarian regimes—my note)
He is concerned because he understands that that a new tyrannical order that will be installed will be without opponents. The golden calf, the ancient god shows itself today as a powerful industry in the spirit of humanity. It is a pseudo-religion of materials dogmas.
The State that has monopoly over sophisticated weapons, genetic engineering and the art of determining the conscience will be powerful and will destroy mankind. Nobody guarantees freedom of people in this civilization, no one can govern technological forces in this civilization.
Therefore humanity lives on the heights of despair. All the world’s problems is the Cross of Christ and Christians, many times we lose the way, or will idle about, we returned to the Gospel and the Holy Spirit.
Ioan Ianolide, 1985 John Ianolide, 1985
I see this happening right now before our hypnotized eyes. Today we have mainly a leveled Media Voice that appears to have just one view regarding current or past crucial events, with strict censorship and brutal selection only of some aspects of reality, and disregarding of others. They construe and deliver this uniform vision to a public that grasps it immediately in the time left between two comedy shows or two computerized games. The electronic centralization of personal data make people in the society feel more controlled than any time in history, and therefore compelled to comply to this political correct vision, otherwise …well otherwise the Big Brother, The Group Think , the Center will locate any alien vision or opinion and will quickly act to eliminate the trouble maker. Basically our new Dis(ordered) societies become prisoners of two antagonistic forces: at one end an illusion of freedom by Pavlovian conditioning of the human being at the most primitive levels of existence—consumption and pleasure, and at the other end the strict monitoring of the flow of ideas and their cultural, social and political application. What in communist regimes was called “Cultural Revolution” becomes in this New Dis(order) “Programmatic Thinking”. As a result people don’t pay attention to what’s going on around them and become masses of maneuver.
For instance when a house is burning, the most common sense thing a person would NOT DO is ….to poor gas on fire. But reality defeats the most frantic imagination, because, Yes!!!–We actually can do this!!!There are actually gas companies that do just that, they actually thrive on disasters in Redesigning Middle East today, and they literally poor gas over the fire taking great profit from misery, conflict and turmoil.
By these very means of “redesigning the world”, just to cite some classis designers still alive, the modern man, in a titanic effort snatches the world from God’s hands and becomes his own God and the God of his world. His main command is “let it be darkness”, and he stumbles from one stage to another to the point where his whole pried civilization will crush and will totally be assimilated to a number; just like a piece of chopped wood in a pile prepared for an inglorious fire.
Just like in precedent BiG Revolutionary eras, some people have sometime some “Messianic” visions of how the world should be. They diligently work them out in the fabric of sleeping societies that allow them to manifest and implement their paradisiacal paradigms of social justice, concord and happiness for the self-elected ones. That’s partly how Nazism and Communism were born and that’s how these new waves of global totalitarian happiness will actually become more paradisiacal then both former Dis(orders) in one place.
These people actually lack any cultural, religious or civic identity, and they claim that they belong to an ethnical group or the other only when is fashionable to do so; as if their ideas would be a common knowledge of the whole community they happen to belong to. They are the “heroic figures”, “the martyrs”,” the great ideologists” , “the prophets”,” the healers”, the everything one can envision in the most fantastic oligarchic-Man fiesta, and they can kill in the name of their ideas.
Pointing out the misconceptions in their “messianic” ideology becomes a crime of lese majesty, or a sacrilege against a certain ethnical group. This “sacrilege” needs to be guillotined with all means of the social security and control installed by them ranging from gross manipulation of personal information, isolation, defamation, exclusion and even murder of those who don’t happily share this stuffed, confined ideological coffin.
To illustrate this gross manipulation and misconstruction of realities I will make a reference to WWII Romanian History and the Bolshevik Era that followed . I will also mention here the heads full of madness that perpetrated the horrendous crimes under the Pitesti Experiment after the war: Anna Pauker, Nicholski, Zeller . They had, like I said a vision of how the society should look like and they imposed it by the means of Bolshevik propaganda, institutionalized terror and manipulation of information, isolation, imprisonment and killing of millions of Romanians in prisons and outside . These people, intellectuals or people without too much school but with basic, peasant-like common sense, people whose main crime was love for freedom, for their nation, for God. Thinking outside the box of Bolshevik propaganda was also a crime for which they suffered physical and psychological mutilation or extermination at the command of these “messianic “ figures. They were classified as criminals and exterminated or excluded from the Society after decades of imprisonment.
Romania participated in WWII on German side, without any formal agreement or commitment to Hitler, or the Nazi. Romanians fought a war of honor and they had the goal to liberate national territories Basarabia and Bucovina from Bolsheviks occupation, and also, as a more distant goal to recuperate Ardeal from Hungarian occupation. Communists rewrote history, incriminating Romanian Heroes like Marshal Antonescu, Romanian soldiers, or innocent youths from Iron Guard of crimes they had not commit.
This is a crime perpetrated against a whole nation. Following the war, after the Communists took power in Romania, they based their massacre against Romanians on the assumption that these people inflicted a Holocaust against the Jews and also as a revengeful act for Romanian participation in war against Bolshevik Russia. They thrived on ethnic and class conflict, turning minorities against one another and against the majority of population, incriminating people for belonging to upper classes or for being intellectuals. Just to be fashionable they promoted mostly people from Jewish communities who had strong commitment to Bolshevik mentality to position of power in the society. Anna Pauker, Nicholski, Zeller the most horrendous Bolshevik figures in Romania were Jews .
Millions of Romanian people died in Bolshevik prisons in the name of their JUSTICE. These Bolshevik leaders, conducted extreme social experiments on how people react under great terror, and how terror can be used as means to re-educate prisoners and convert them to communist ideology. They aimed to destroy the soul of the prisoners , control their minds by forcing them into false declarations that aimed to defile their own families, their own past, their own upbringing, their own friends, God Himself. They managed to turn prisoners into perpetrators of terror on other colleagues of imprisonment. They persuaded to build a “new man” through re-education by terror that would oppose no resistance to Marxist ideology, will have no attachment to family values, to tradition, to religion . Turcanu, a Romanian from Moldova, one of the most ferocious victim-perpetrator in Pitesti experiment said: “If Christ Himself would have passed through my hands He wouldn’t have resurrected. I am the Bible and I am going to write it on your cadavers.”
Many young Jews were promoted in position of power, because they, more than any other minority embraced Bolshevik mentality. Stalin, Marx and if I am not mistaken Engel too were Jewish descendents. They were the false Messiah of their times, the prophets, the teachers, the Rabbis, the healers, the Judges. I believe that Jewish communities need to acknowledge this and present condolences and make reparations to Romanian society and to other people in Eastern Europe and in former USSR as well, by acknowledging the truth of the horrendous crimes some of their leaders perpetrated in the Former Eastern Communist Block. No matter how representative these leaders’ ideas are or are not to Jewish mentality and values, it would be a gesture of modesty and delicacy for them to empathize with the pain of others—Goime/Gentails—especially when they ask for so much acknowledgement of their own pain during WWII. If Christians from the Former Eastern Communist Block were to respond in Tooth against Tooth stile than there will be a second Nuremberg after the fall of Communism to incriminate all leaders and communities that perpetrated crimes against hundreds of millions of people in this region and to mirror the nowadays perpetual incrimination for Nazism. Just as if between Nazi era and today there was not a 50 years of Genocide against many nations and races. Of course those 50 years don’t erase the memory of a community that suffered persecution, and yet many other people suffered persecution as well, and they don’t ask for any reparation. Christians live in a normal dimension of Time. For them Last Judgment hasn’t started yet, and they are not Messiah. Anyway they acknowledge the truth and they have the right to do so. I don’t believe that the famous statement “ if a Christian is on the edge of abyss than the great honor for a Jew would be to give that person a last strike” is a general Jewish value, but at least in the beginning of the Communism in Romania that’s how it appeared to be. I believe that the true Jews have a right appreciation for justice and I believe that God’s grace has started to shine upon them again since they will be the last ones to come to Christ. I also believe that those who purposely perpetuate this skewed sense of justice and false history are not the real Jews, because first of all they do their community a great deal of injury.
Ignorant about the facts, Bolsheviks misrepresented the Romanian participation in WWII affirming that in Romania there was a holocaust perpetrated by Romanian Authorities. They attributed to Romanians the Holocaust that took place in Ardeal while under Hungarian occupation and also misrepresented the deportation of Jews to labor camps in Transnistria. The truth is totally different from their version. Actually Marshal Antonescu rendered passports in white to hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Ardeal to cross the borders and enter what was left of Romanian territories. In Romania they were actually protected from Nazis. Jews in Romania were protected from participating in war and also their businesses were protected. Romania fought under the WWII for her national territories and the Romanian authorities saved 300 000 -400 000 Jews from Holocaust.
In Romania, before 1940 Viena Dictat and Ribbentrop-Molotov Treate that ripped off Ardeal, North of Buccovina and Basarabia from the country there were about 756 930 Jews, one of the biggest Jewish community in Europe. In what was left of Romania after these political truces between Stalin and Hitler that ripped off probably about ¼ of Romanian territories, there were 400 000 Romanian-Jews left in Romania. Romanian Authorities were responsible for them and others that crossed the borders and came to the country, not for those that remained in Ardeal. Antonescu also helped hundreds of thousands of Jews to escape to Palestina. In Romania they had the option of staying and being protected by Romanian Authorities or just take refuge to Palestina. After the war about 400 000 Jews emigrated to Israel. So if Romanians exterminated 400 000 Jews during the war what’s the magic that fulfilled this great generational gap in 400 000 living, vibrant people that asked for Israeli citizenship after the war? Something ain’t right. I do not, by any means, I do not believe in spontaneous generations phenomena in humans. After war when Communists came to power a considerable number of Jews came from USSR and they came to stay because they usually came to bring Communist Propaganda and they have great conditions in a country where Romanians were thrown in prison and Killed or brought to labor-camps. Those people came to Romania for GOOD, for very good, they did not leave.
Jews in Ardeal were killed by Hungarian Nazi, because, as History shows Ardeal, although a historical Romanian territory passed under Hungarian administration following Viena Dictate 1940 August 30th. There was a significant group of Romanian refuges that passed from Ardeal under occupation to Romania. Among Romanians there were, as documents show about 15 000 Romanian-Jews passing over. Marshal Antonescu rendered Romanian-Jews passports in white to help them cross the border safely.
In the East, even more turmoil. Following June 26th of 1940, when Stalin in agreement with Hitler stole Romanian territories Basarabia and North of Bucovina many terrorist elements belonging to local Jewish communities and other groups attacked Romanian refugees and Romanian Army while they withdrew from these Romanian territories to what was left of Romania of those times. In Basarabia and Bucovina they perpetrated savage acts against Romanian refugees, under the protection of Sovietic Bolsheviks. There was an instance where a Romanian soldier was actually tied up to a pole and a group of Jewish assaulters made a line and urinated on him. In the morning, some Romanian fellows found him and untied him. As soon as he found a moment he shut his brains off out of shame. Assaults like these on refugees and refugee army, horrified the Romanian society of those times and fueled some revengeful acts. Marshal Antonescu contained them and actually extinguished them with a great national price. Many Romanian Nationalists who did not host any revengeful ideas or did not inflicted any revengeful acts were imprisoned by Antonescu and they continued to execute many years of prison after the war, in horrendous conditions imposed by the communists . During the war, many Bolshevik terrorists coming from Jewish communities were deported to labor camps in Transnistria, not because they were Jewish but because they were violent. This measure was strict utilitarian in those times of great trial, and aimed to protect the rest of peaceful Jewish population from the generalization of an ethnic conflict during those times of great tribulation for the nation. From those labor camps many of them were actually allowed to “escape” to Russia.
What amazes me is that this historical truth is obscured here in the US just like in former Bolshevik regimes that gripped Eastern Europe, and countries occupied by the Soviets in Asia. The Holocaust Museum in DC appears to ignore the history. They attribute to Romanians the crimes that were perpetrated by Horthy in Ardeal , while under Hungarian administration and acknowledge Romania among war criminals. They defile the memory of Romanian leaders and heroes at those times who defended their nation and other people who took refuge to Romania during those great tribulations. They were heroes for Romanians and heroes for hundreds of thousands of Jews they saved. Hundreds of thousands of Romanian-Jews that emigrated to Israel are the living legacy these people offered to Christ. In Christianity people offer living gifts to God by saving the life of those under great persecution because Our God Is a God of Life and Mercy…and not of Judgment and Condamnation…NOT Yet! Those who judge before Time bring Judgment upon their head, that’s a spiritual law, that applies no matter how ignorant someone would be of its existence.
As I said , we become more and more knowledgeable about the fact that people who perpetrated the most horrendous crimes during communism in Eastern European countries and Russia, many ferocious Bolsheviks and criminals belonged to Jewish ethnical groups. They claimed their Jewish identity because it was fashionable during those times and because that gave them a martyr aura and rendered them entitled to the gruesome crimes they perpetrated against Romanians after WWII. Telling these truths becomes an impiety against the whole Jewish community while Romanians have to take the blow and pay a false tribute in their own country or overseas, acknowledging a fact that did not occur in Romania: A Holocaust against the Jews. There was a genocide against Romanians in Romania during Communist period, perpetrated by Jewish leaders. Some of these political leaders and their murders bring a shadow over the whole community. Romanians are forgiving but they don’t usually forget history, because they made their own history in those lands, defending their country from foreign invasions and foreign ideologies of totalitarian happiness. Romanians are Orthodox Christians and Christians are free people and respect other people right to self-determination. In true Christianity nobody imposes their own vision on others. That’s why Romanians in their millenary history did not invade other countries. There were many Romanians and people from different minority groups contaminated with Communist ideas, but of the whole minority groups, Jews were the most representative ones, and they had great access to power and control in the society.
The propensity to hide horrendous crimes perpetrated by some of the leaders of a community using an ethnic umbrella brings a great injury to the whole community. Re-writing history with fist in the mouth does not serve the truth, and the truth always surfaces like oil in the water. Rewriting history by disregarding the role that some very important Bolshevik leaders belonged to Jewish communities while accusing national martyrs and heroes like Antonescu or Legionaries of anti-Semitism does not serve anybody.
Victims of totalitarian visions were both Romanians under the Communist years and the Jews under Nazis. There is no monopoly over martyrdom or heroism. It would be nice if the history were written from the peaceful stance where Romanians helped Jews and vice-versa and not from a protochronist perspective, denying historic realities and thinking in large blocks and clichés. Peaceful Jewish communities everywhere become even more targets of hatred because of the great injustice perpetrated but some of their leaders or “great thinkers” during Communist times and in “Post-Communist” era as well. People love and respect their martyrs and heroes, and their national values and there is no double standard for appreciation of what is valuable in a society or the other. “You need to respect my heroes and martyrs, especially when they helped you, and I will respect yours.” That will be a more fair standard for social concord rather than the gross manipulation of truth and history by some of the political leaders. They care more about their political influence, and their chair underneath their “royal” butt rather than the communities, let alone nations they need to actually serve. When the society subscribes to their political vision that serves only the interests of few lobbies than that society serves the political power and not vice-versa, as any democratic Constitution statutes.
The truth that a community that was victimized had its own criminals that victimized a significant number of people from other communities/nations does not make that truth anti-ethnic. It is an historic, documented fact, and there is no impiety against the whole community to acknowledge this truth. I actually believe that criminals and those who serve criminal totalitarian ideologies don’t have anything in common with any ethnic group they are actually ignorant of the values of the community they come from. They only happen to be borne in a community or other and their totalitarian visions and zest for power and control bring a great damage to the community they belong to and to the whole society where their ideas triumph. They use the means of terror, manipulation, social exclusion, mass murder to implement their dreamy vision of what a society should look like.
I believe that acknowledging the history is a basis for a better informed present, otherwise history repeats itself.
In Romania, for the whole Communist period, US was a great hope for freedom. Many people imprisoned by communists hopped that one day, Americans would descend from sky in great spaceships/plains and throw the communist hydra away from the country. Well many other Romanians in prison and outside of prison had the intuitive knowledge that this would be of a too much burden on US and is not going to happen. Another disappointment was that Americans did not intervene to help revolts in Hungry, Czechoslovakia and Poland . Actually globalist beasts like communism cannot be simply overthrown, there is a need for a political truce among the key leaders/former enemies/partners/cold war warmers from the both sides for this great event to take place. I believe that’s what distinguishes a revolt from a revolution. The revolt starts from within the oppressed masses, and they are usually quickly extinguished, while the revolutions start from without, speculating the discontent of the masses. They typically start with an agreement between the second echelon of figures of totalitarian power and more distant leaders who represent role-models of the new political –design. They help the revolutions logistically and strategically—many times with arms, of course. The outcome is good for some in the beginning, especially for those who know how to make quick profit in wars, but on a log run is bad for everybody, because it typically leads to a new degree of totalitarian power and militarization.
US faces a great moral dilemma:
– To be blamed for intervening and to be blamed for not intervening. Intervention is necessary when is effective. Fighting against beasts like totalitarian regimes have the recoil effect of internalizing the demons of those who we fight against in our society at home, or bring home other people’s phantoms while forgetting about ours. Soon the ethical and moral, heroic motivation that drives people to die far away from home dries out and the main motivation that moves people to die is economical. Well.. the Government pays and they take care of my family. So the Government becomes the great paternal figure, TatuKa and soon the society starts to endear without even knowing and give in to the Image and Paternalistic Authority of the State. Soldiers are great heroic figures in any society and their ideals become the ideals of the society and vice-versa. When they constantly lack victory in their endeavor and when their blood is sold at the expense of other people’s resources then they become demolished as human beings. Killing a person like Saddam or Ben Laden does not win a war it only brings more hostility from innocent people in the countries tyrannized by a dictatorship or torn apart by civil wars after the fall of the former power, and also by a foreign invasion as well. Our soldiers are not being cherished as liberators but rather are being looked upon with hatred by the local population. American society doesn’t share common values with middle Eastern countries, so people there perceive any American presence as a foreign threat, not as a blessing. Without a sustenance of moral and ethical alliance with the ‘Liberated” population the liberation doesn’t actually take place and the soldiers become occupants. When the economical piece adds they become mercenaries, just like soldiers from Roman Empire. What person who is willing to walk in Godly presence can sustain such an identity without suffering a great psychological divide? There is a great confusion our soldiers have to face:
– Their initial vision about the enemy and the hands-on reality they go to fight against are two totally different situations.
– Suicidal bombing that they consider immoral is embraced actually as a supreme form of martyrdom by the oppressed population against the foreign invader, and not only by the official theorists- those bad guys who threaten our country-(ies)/ democracies and who, as agents of the political power oppress their own population. Therefore the soldiers find themselves fighting against the oppressor and the oppressed… and nobody prepared them for that.
– When the economic and political makeup starts to reveal itself, then the real motivations and the premises of the actual war become more shocking, and shaking for soldiers who find themselves in the midst of a political, religious, social, cultural and economic forces that they had no previous knowledge about. They become the real enemy, kind of like the Russian winter for Axis Army during WWII. They are all influential and cannot be overlooked unless the person shoots only from the sky and never touches the ground. I believe that this is the turning point, the corner stone. Here everyone starts to decide either they would consider a double standard of ethics and act on what is required and not on what is actually right. Alternatively they might start to wonder that maybe the terrorism is actually a natural response to an illegitimate attack since most of population agrees with it. Let alone that, for strategic reasons that serve “the new order and security”, the old order Steak Holders serve the new regime in their liberated countries , dutifully so.
– So just like the drunken citizen from a well-known Romanian comedy asks himself “who I am going to vote with?” the person sent to fight and give his life in all this social/political turmoil starts to asks himself/herself :” Who liberated whom, from what.” It is a very legitimate question I believe and this has the effect of throwing our soldier in an existential dilemma that will probably haunt the person until the projected withdrawal.
In the war fueling countries, like in a perfect symbiosis with what’s going on far away we start to import oil and fear. More fear than oil actually. Fear for theorist attacks ( once upon time former friends of democracy and liberators), fear for diseases, fear for drugs, fear for extraterrestrial encounters, fear for thieves, fear for economic disaster, fear for weather change, comets, fear for allergen cosmic dust, fear for …well there is so much fear in the air, that even babies stink. An actual escape from fear is the virtual world, where of course we encounter A HUUGE PLANETARY BRAIN with which we confabulate even more cosmic fears, such that terror, becomes a common element in dreams and in reality and the whole world just a huge piece of Sault that is about to crush in our head . So, once we all agree that , yes !!!! It is very dangerous, we The People start to give up basic, common sense rights in the hands of Those who treat us by Exposure to a more and more intense degree of danger. Therefore, We, The People, agree that giving up our civil rights and move in a prison is the solution for security.
US and other parties start to resemble those they fight against, especially when our Government promotes inequities and actually accentuates conflicts in the countries where they intervene and import more hostility to US.
Unfortunately American lobbies and American politics along with other Western /Westernized societies move more and more under the auspicious of Totalitarian ideas and they becomes more and more gripped by a totalitarian application of social control. These ideologies about how a region of the world should look like fuel our nowadays wars and bring us more and more enemies. We call them terrorists and we disregard the fact that our International Economic Politics mediated through Biiiiiiig, Huuuuge, at a Planetary scale huuuuuge agents like World Bank or International Monetary Fund actually destroyed national economies. They promote their own interests and buy lobbies (the modern terminology for local traitors) in the host countries. That’s how they succeed in implementing their unique vision of how the world can be destroyed economically and how some corporations can prosper by the means of revolutions and wars.
Here is just a synopsis of their economic and political genius, some of the ideas that sustain their vision. Here are some of the paradigms in which some people who proclaim themselves the New Leaders of the new “Open Societies” think our world. Don’t shut the sheriff -—I am not anti-Semitic by any means, on the contrary. The truth is not anti-Semitic ,or anti-American or anti-Indian or anti-Martian or Anti-Mercurian, or anti-moon, or anti-sun, anti-earth, it just is, especially when it comes from the mouth of the sinner (a Romanian saying). Actually this “Anti-Semitic” incarceration of truth and justice brings even greater turmoil over Israel, and like a Romanian writer and former political dissident put it “Islamizes all the tensions” in Middle East.
• Jewish Banker, The Jewish World
“Someone might say that Marxism is the most veracious enemy of Capitalism, that for us is sacred. For the simple reason that they are two opposite poles, they render us the two poles of the Earth and allow us to be the axis. These two opponents ,the Bolshevism and us, united us in Internationala. These two opponents, that constitute the doctrine of the two opposite poles of society meet with one another in the unity of scope, that is the rejuvenation of the society at the upper levels through the control of possessions and at the lower levels through revolution.”
• The American Hebrew
“The Russian Revolution was the very product of Jewish brain, of the Jewish discontent, of their own planning, and their purpose is to create a new order in the world (Disorder—my note). That which was realized so well in Russia because of Jewish Brains, because of their discontent and their planning, through a similar intellectual and physical effort can become a worldwide reality.”
• The Jewish World
“The most important ideal of Judaism is that the whole world to be impregnated with Jewish teachings, and then in a Universal Fraternity –actually in a big Judaism—all races and religions will disappear. “ I love my religion, I believe Judaism is backwards without Christianity ,and I believe that all races are creations of God, and in New Testament, there is new racial divide, we are all one in Christ. Nobody is forced to be part of this Unity if they don’t want. It is not like in this gelatinous combo of religious ideas where the very essence of the religious believes is diluted to the degree of political correct lame statements. Nope! Our God is a God of burning passion and cohesive identity. The God of Law (law is curse now because nobody can fulfill it)-God the Father, The God of Mercy Christ, and the whole sustaining Holly Spirit that come from the Father after Christ Resurrection and reaches all people from all walks of life .
Anyway, if we go back to Judaism, than yes, there is a huuuuuge racial divide: The Jews and the rest of the world. I don’t like that. I believe it’s backwards. If God has changed His Testament it means that probably He finds it backwards too.
Here at home, and elsewhere in former once democratic countries, like in a perfect symbiosis with what’s going on far away we start to import oil and fear. More fear than oil actually. Fear for theorist attacks, fear for diseases, fear for drugs, fear for extraterrestrial encounters, fear for thieves, fear for economic disaster, fear for weather change, fear for …well there is so much fear in the air, that even babies stink. An actual escape from fear is the virtual world, where of course we encounter even more terror, that becomes a common element. So because there is so much danger, we all agree that giving up our civil rights and move in a prison is the solution for security.
The “free world” starts to resemble those against she fights, especially when our Governments promotes inequities and actually accentuates conflicts in the countries where they intervene and import more hostility to US and other countries.
Here is just a synopsis of their economic and political genius, some of the ideas that sustain their vision. Here are some of the paradigms in which some people who proclaim themselves the New Leaders of the new “Open Societies” think our world. Don’t shut the sheriff -—I am not anti-Semitic by any means, on the contrary. My father was half Jewish so go figure. The truth is not anti-Semitic ,or anti-American or anti-Indian or anti-Martian or Anti-Mercurian, or anti-moon, or anti-sun, anti-earth, it just is, especially when it comes from the mouth of the sinner (a Romanian saying). Actually this “Anti-Semitic” incarceration of truth and justice brings even greater turmoil over Israel, and like a Romanian writer and former political dissident put it “Islamizes all the tensions” in Middle East.
Here in US, we transform our own country in a prison, allowing authorities to inflict numbers on us, and control and regulate every aspect of our civic life. We don’t do anything to stop the great inequities that these policy makers and common sense law breakers instill here and overseas. Here are some citations that are truly anti-Semitic because they express a skewed view of reality and impede on other nations right to self-determination and freedom.
The world is still free and most of citizens don’t willingly and consciously obey to these rigid standards of prosperity and happiness for some. People are mislead and misinformed by media Trusts that have a huge financial gain out of this deadly propaganda. Therefore, the same mechanisms and dangerous ideologies that work in totalitarian societies seem to be working here, at home:
I never found a better formulation of what’s going on the society , globally in the present. I believe that it is dangerous and it’s a serious infringement on people’s rights and freedom. If any other minority in the world would have come u with this vision it would have probably been condemned or dragged to the wall of infamy. I refuse to believe that this ideology generalizes to the whole Jewish community and I believe that it is strongly anti-Semitic. I believe that this mentality accentuates racial and ethnic segregations in a society and makes Jewish communities everywhere and especially Israel target for hatred.
Beyond these religious, racial and ethnic discriminations there are also other aspects of social inequities .
I would mention just a few mechanisms that promote a totalitarian social control in US, and other western former democratic countries that are immersed in these turbid waters of globalization :
– Gross manipulation of public opinion regarding the reasons that drive our country to corporatist wars that are meant to “redesign the world”—first the Balkans and then Middle East. Redesigning means basically destroying the local economies “Food for Oil “ kind of politics and transforming them into” free” markets with cheap labor force, destroying their local culture, values and religion.
– Gross manipulation of public opinion regarding the “international terrorism”. In Romania during the Revolution in 1989 they shouted at TV that people are being shut on streets by Arab terrorists and yet no Arab Terrorist was ever identified. We know now from publicly available sources , others then the political propaganda that the Revolutions were actually an Internatioal political truce between political agents from both sides, and the beginning of a new totalitarian order worse than ever in history. Those who actually shut people on streets and propagated the terror and disinformation were actually agents from CIA, KGB, Mossad, and OF COURSE local agents-traitors. The war was against a nation, not against a political power/order and was perpetrated through the means of TV disinformation, manipulation by the great endeavors willing to redesign the world by spreading out terror and illusions of freedom and democracies. The country was basically destroyed. Economic and spiritual destruction were the main desiderates for the new era, and the rewards were integration in UE/NATO under the auspicious of Monetary Fund and World Bank.
– Governments in democratic countries don’t serve people anymore, they fuel the war-machine and they actually imprison citizens everywhere promoting very wired civil laws -law against/pro tobacco, law against/pro abortion, law against/pro winter tires, law against/pro breathing probably very soon, law pro/against alcohol, law pro/against child supervision, law pro/against colors. These laws only lunch useless debates in the society, and have as a outcome the excess and transgression beyond the healthy limits of the behavior the Government struggles to regulate. Simply because this is not Government’s business, it is a dominion of free choice and common sense of every citizen to decide for themselves. When the Government begins to treat citizens as children with developmental delays that are not able to self-regulate their conduct, than that Government is not representative for the whole society anymore. Unless of course , the society as a whole agrees that is developmentally behind.
– Like Nicu Steinhardt, another Romanian-Jewish too political dissident put it, the Government in any democratic country has the duty of promoting justice, taking care of the environment, creating jobs for people, promoting dignity and freedom of expression, and respect for family and community values. Therefore how about law against electronic regimentation of citizens, laws against microchiping animals or people, laws against tapping phone conversations by governments and third parties, laws against terrorizing citizens in the airports with drastic control, laws against ripping off the good of nations and transforming them in war-grounds, laws against discrimination for differences of opinions. Basically how about laws that defend the citizens and statute their dignity and that promote free speech and liberty and not programmatic thinking. I believe that these kind of laws would better sustain a democratic society.
– Here in US and in other western countries people are misled to believe that the revolutions are a gift from God to nations. It is not the case. Revolutions bring destruction and they only reinforce a totalitarian order, they bring also desperate acts of cultural rejection of the foreign invader that we call terrorism.
– The skewed vision perpetrated by the Media on the actual terrorism allows free democratic countries to become prisons where their citizens give away more and more civil rights for their “security”. Actually the world would become more secure if the greed and gross inequities that motivate nowadays wars and revolutions will be reduced significantly.
– Instead we assist to an even greater militarization. Peaceful nations like Romania face the blackmail of hosting nukes by the great defenders of cosmic peace like NATO, while the rest of the economy is being destroyed and more than 4 millions of Romanians have emigrated.
– The gross violation of the right to privacy –telephones are being tapped for quality assurance. Private correspondence and domicile are being violated.
– Exactly like in totalitarian regimes people carry files without even knowing. Thanks to this microchiped ID papaers, authorities and other third parties “know” more about the biography of a person than the person in cause knows, of course because they write them, and file them. Electronic centralization of data, the culture of microchips, and the wired dissemination of “personal numbers” like SSN, just like in Nazi Camp, allow those concerned with the good of humanity to manipulate personal information, to lie about personal data and then to misuse it for intimidation or social exclusion.
– Our law system becomes more and more cumbersome. The terminology is more and more complicated just to obscure the fact that yes—at the other end —the application of the law becomes more and more punitive and people actually lose more and more freedom.
– Personal lives and the free flow of information is being more and more controlled by machines
– It is hard to surpass any birocracy because it serves a system where every piece has to be connected to another , but when it comes to this “perfect intelligent designs” like Computers, than it is useless to even argue. One can physically be in a place and pay a bill, but if the PC did not record it then the person’s presence means nothing, or a bill can be generated multiple times for the same service and if the person doesn’t have the receipt anymore, than well…it shows one did not actually pay it. Few days I requested a report from an institution to solve a computerization problem–basically the machine told the operator that I did not pay a bill when I actually paid it. When I requested an additional proof from a different institution the piece of paper I got in response from them had the heading “Demanded” report. So the machine got upset with my request….And other hassles and wired abnormalities like that that show that the control for human transaction and operations belongs more to the machine, or other third party, then the actual person. I have no doubt, this system will crush, because more people will want to think freely, not in bites.
– I strongly believe that “They” , the computers are actually the living icons that are being prophesized in the Bible and people bow to them, trust the machines exceedingly to the point of becoming one mind with them.
– People are trained to participate in spam culture, such that we become more and more zombified, programmatic societies that reads into “messages” rather than communicating openly and freely. Some people in professional roles even imitate the robotic intonation of the machines we start to serve.
I believe that this new culture of death tends to become more and more universal. I don’t believe that any nation on Earth has a Messianic role , to stop the wide-spread wave of this new revolutionary world that will take us to an unavoidable global dictatorship. I believe that people and nations can oppose destructive politics and refuse to host war-fuelling mentalities and not betray in their life space the freedom of expression and stay away from gross infringement on people’s rights. Not ultimately refuse to be enchanted by machines, avoid to become one mind with the beast and not accept ID papers with microchips. God takes care of those who don’t obey a machine and refuse to implement the politics of the Beast. The beast claims that it is for security. Who’s security?
Totalitarian regimes and dictatorships through the means of brainwashing techniques train citizens to perpetuate and sustain the ideology of the installed power by spreading-out confusion, fear and gross manipulation of persons and truth. Their actions are short-lived and backfire because many, many, many people, again have the bad habit of being free—free thinkers, free citizens, free children of God. No matter how much lies, manipulation, social inequities and dirt flow on streets they are still living, walking shelters of peace and freedom.
I believe that this new culture of death tends to become more and more universal. I don’t believe that any nation on Earth has a Messianic role , to stop the wide-spread wave of this new revolutionary world. But I believe that people and nations can oppose destructive politics and refuse to host war-fuelling mentalities and not betray in their life space the freedom of expression and stay away from gross infringement on people’s rights. Not ultimately refuse to be enchanted by machines, avoid to become one mind with the beast and not accept ID papers with microchips. God takes care of those who don’t obey a machine and refuse to implement the politics of the Beast. The beast claims that it is for security. Who’s security?
Well, this writing might look nihilistic or negationistic. It is not. It denies a negation of life and freedom, therefore is an affirmation. Many of us will actually departure from one another, based on this very crucial divide: We either choose Life and Freedom against the ODDS, or we get lost in this new tide of perdition and false victory. For many, especially the dreamy ones, or the ones that believe that they can make it on their own, without Christ’s help, or those who hunger for power, control and influence this new collective illusion will became their reality and it will condemn them because they refused to receive the Truth. There is no a third choice besides Yes or No to Life. Things are very Radical here, very black-or-white, although in beautiful dreams there is always a scenario, a dreamy world/shelter/ resource/weapon/device that takes the hero to a new level of victory. There is no Is as if a Boy Scouts Team follow Cartoon Character, let’s say Popeye’s Sailor, descending directly from TV/Internet Media instead of the real Guide. Well , that might be funny up to a certain point, for those who adore stories for kids. I personally believe that it would be a big disappointment at the end of the trip to realize that the whole endeavor was actually only a Cartoon story. I also believe that no matter what forces are being engaged in these deadly combat, nobody can actually keep the peace. The inner or outer peace is granted by God, at the degree that people can handle. Most of We, the People don’t do well in peace; that would be too much of a burden for everyone to carry, a lot more so then the Cross itself, that is the easiest burden anyway. The Cross when is real is actually antigravitational because it involves to leave off all Earthly worries and walk only in the spirit of God.
There will probably be a short period of false peace where people will be entirely just walking zombies with Socially-Securing numbers on their forehead or right hand, but that kind of peace will crumble together with the whole ground because there is no sustenance in Grace and Mercy for it. Kind of like” I KOW YOU NOT”. And then God will have to make a new Earth– that’s how shaky that peace will be. I hope we’ll meet there, if we don’t get lost in a marvelous illusion . Otherwise our hope would be, at least to meet with one another in the same cartoon.
As a conclusion, instead of writing false histories, and accusing or trialing indefinitely some while excusing others, how about taking care of this very present moment that’s being snatched from us .
I am not anti-Semitic (Arabs are Semits too), or anti- American or anti-Romanian by any means. I believe that it becomes scary when people are regimented again to subscribe to one vision of life/death with the price of alienation and great alteration of self-determination. As a quick global Chrystal glimpse, I believe that Romanians need nukes as much as the bold man needs a pearl cup, Jews need more courage to assume the vicinity they live in and get to know better the needs/wants of Palestinians . They need to gie up unconventional arms they use against innocent people in Gaza –arms with white phosphor and bombs. They need to interact from the basis of a lager range of human needs (Food, shelter, culture, religion, dignity) that would bring them closer and not assume as a starting point of their interaction only the most extremist and desperate ones. In Romania there was a say: “Romanian’ best neighbors are the Serbs and the Black Sea.” Well, along Romanian’s millenary history there was no neighbor that managed to throw Romanians into the Black Sea. I believe that Romanians had great episodes in their History when they acted like David. I believe that Israel has many Serbian neighbors there in Middle East. Americans need to realize that the Old World has seen these evolutions before, and they usually escalate quickly, lead to more turmoil and less freedom, and generalization of the conflict. The gross manipulation of public opinion regarding the nature of the conflict, the unconventional arms that Israeli army and NATO uses against population in middle east is “Strigatoare la cer” meaning is like a bluntly brutally unfair and it needs to be addressed.
US used to be a great hope for democracy and unfortunately She gives away more and more this calling and vocation by succumbing to political agents that resemble more and more a totalitarian make-up.
I hate to say that, but there is the danger that US that our country will become a new Russia, only “with more stars on Her flag” as the father of a Romanian writer stated back in ‘50. Americans have a great advantage they have the most powerful army in the world, an great disadvantages the greatest number of enemies. No matter what they do, I personally strongly believe that they better stay home, or they don’t do somebody somewhere would get upset. I believe that if we were to operate on a danger assumption than probably each one of us would need, just like in the Snow White story at least 7 bodyguards just to go safely through the day in US or overseas. But that would make a life not worth living. Fear and terror is not a good political informant for the majority of population, but it can be for those few that actually desire a better degree of control over society. We kind of shut oversees in the foot regarding the freedom of speech and free determination. Our national and international politics become just the politics of a few lobbies, they do not represent Americans anymore.
History was written with blood so heroes and martyrs need to be acknowledged no matter what nationality they are. There is a double of acknowledgement and a gross manipulation of truth regarding the past and the present and it does not serve anybody.
Overall, I believe that the only control we have is over our industrious companies that make big profits out of revolutions and wars than over other political milieus….And of course not to forget history. Nations without real authentic history are like persons incapacitated by Alzheimer’s diseases. They can only be carried from one vision to another, by other people with more vitality, they don’t have their own determination and critical thinking of what’s best for them, anymore.
Of course, not ultimately, this centralization of information, power and levelization of the world is really concerning. Soon with the degree of computerization of natural life one will not know when pick up the phone whether at the other end there is a human being or a robot.
More tranquility to the peace makers warriors!
Give peace a chance.
Eu cred ca inca se poate face ceva in privinta reantoarcerii romanilor in tara. Este suficient un proiect pentru romanii care au plecat si nu au renuntat la cetatenie, daca n-au fost conditionati de patria adoptiva, sa se emita o lege care sa le ofere o scutire de taxe si impozite, fie pe salariu sau pe firmele infiintate in tara, daca se intorc. Sa zicem pe vreo 5-10 ani. Statul ar castiga enorm! In primul rand potential uman, neriscand sa patim ce-a patit tot vestul, apeland la fluxuri migratoare. In al doilea rand castigam si capital financiar. Acesti oameni se vor intoarce cu capital financiar si un dinamism specific vestului..Este timpul sa ne inmultim in acest fel, daca pe cale naturala nu mai putem..
Mi se pare un proiect bine gindit si de bun simt. Sunt curios daca chestiunea a evoluat si eventual ce soarta a avut – respectiv ce sanse are de a fi preluat de vreun for competent (dintre cele ce au pretentia sa se ocupe de romanii din strainatate).
Cu tot regretul – de dragul obiectivitatii – de a nu fi de acord cu cele mai multe din ideile d-lui prof. Coja.
Cind iti anunti canditatura?
Cu toate ca nu impartasesc multe din punctele de vedere ale D-lui profesor Ion Coja, il respect si ii doresc mult noroc