Corneliu Zelea Codreanu între mistificare, ură şi realitate istorică (1)
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Stefania Budacu9 hours ago
Domnule Profesor, traim intr-o societate sinucigasa, iar valul dementei ne-a ajuns; cum distrugi o tara? Simplu: o lasi fara invatamant si fara sanatate – se aplica? Nu mai axista un sistem de valori, tinerii nu mai au repere… Da, este nevoie de Desteptare, doar ca suntem in cautarea (asteptarea?) trambitei. Cine isi va asuma acest rol? Cineva drept, demn, serios, iubitor, curajos… Vertical! Privind in urma, vedem de ce toti cei care s-au perindat la conducerea acestei tari au vrut sa sugrume aceasta Miscare: conducerile nu doresc oameni treji! Oamenii sunt tinuti in somn (a se vedea Nichita Stanescu), manipulati, aperiati cu clipa ce vine swi cu ziua de maine… Sclavi! Trebuie sa alegem ce suntem, si nu numai pentru noi, ci si pentru urmasii nostri! Dorim ca fii si fiicele noastre sa fie sclavi, cobai ai diferitelor experimente care s-au facut si care urmeaza? Privesc cu groaza viitorul, dar nu ma tem!
Priviti cu groaza si bine faceti , pentru ca poporul roman iobag nu are reprezentati .Cind cineva va invata de bine nu-l luati in seama . Va duceti la vot sa jurati sclavie cind nu ar trebui sa nu mergeti nici unul , va certati intre voi manati de egoism in loc sa fiti uniti , nu sinteti capabili sa scrieti nici un Protest , Avertisment sau Memorandum .Tot ce stiti este sa miriiti pe internet .
I-a uitati-va la ungurii pe care-i huliti asa de mult cum au reusit sa puna stavila corporatiei otravitoare MONSSANTO-BAYER cea producatoare de porumb ,cartofi si alte Organisme Modificate Genetic -GMO …….Invata-ti de la ei !
National: In January 2005, Hungary banned the cultivation of Monsanto’s maize MON 810. In 2010, Hungary also banned the BASF´s Amflora potato, and filed a suit at the European Court of Justice against its approval. In December 2013, the European Court of Justice ruled against the Commission and annulled the authorization of Amflora potato.
Regional: Since 2005, there have been two regions in Hungary declared as GMO-free: Southern Transdanubia and Western Transdanubia. 5 counties are GMO-free: Győr-Moson Sopron, Fejér, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg, Hajdú-Bihar and Bács-Kiskun, one of the biggest grain producing county in Hungary.
Local: There are 88 GMO-free municipalities engaged either to declaring their territory a GMO-free zone, or to following a GMO-free policy in their services, or to enhancing and supporting GMO-free agriculture with all the possible ways. The Galga-menti small region, composed of 18 municipalities has also declared GMO-free.
(Updated June 2014) Information provided by FIDRICH Robert (Fidusz) at MTVSZ/FOE Hungary
30.01.2009: Hungary to defy European Commission call to scrap ban on GMO crops
Hungary will keep its ban on GMO (genetically modified organisms) maize imports and the planting of GMO seeds, Agriculture Ministry undersecretary Zoltan Gogos announced.
The European Commission recently called on Hungary to entirely lift its GMO ban. Last week the EU’s executive arm backed proposals that would grant standard ten-year licences for the two GMO maize types. Hungary, one of the region’s biggest grain producers, became the first country in eastern Europe to ban GMO crops and foods in 2005, when it outlawed the planting of MON 810 maize seeds, which are marketed by the US biotech company Monsanto. Hungary Around the Clock, Hungary: Hungary to defy European Commission call to scrap ban on GMO crops
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