Gheorghe Vasile
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Comentariu la textul despre Evreii nebuni….
Am cautat pe net de curiozitate mai multe informatii despre aceasta piesa, se pare ca este chiar foarte populara printre evreii plecati din Romania (
Sunt chiar interesante comentariile de ex. de la (Aaron Lebedeff – „Romenye, Romenye” recorded in 1941).
Rumania, Rumania
„Oh! Rumania, Rumania, Rumania …
Once there was a land, sweet and lovely.
Oh! Rumania, Rumania, Rumania …
Once there was a land, sweet and fine.
To live there is a pleasure;
What your heart desires you can get;
A mamalige, a pastrami, a karnatzl,
And a glass of wine, aha … !
Ay, in Rumania life is so good;
No one knows of care;
Everywhere they’re drinking wine –
And having a bite of kashtaval.
Hay, digadi dam …
Ay, in Rumania life is so good;
No one knows of worry.
They drink wine, though it’s late;
And have a bite of kastrovet.
Hay, digadi dam …
Oh, my, help, I’m going crazy!
I care only for brinze and mamalige
I dance and jump up to the ceiling
When I eat a patlazhele.
Dzing ma, tay yidldi tam …
What a pleasure, what could be better!
Oh, the only delight is Rumanian wine.
Rumanians drink wine
And eat mamalige;
And he who kisses his own wife,
Is the one who’s crazy.
Zets, dzing ma, tay yidl di tam …
“May salvation come from heaven … “
Stop and kiss the cook, Khaye,
Dressed in rags and tatters;
She makes a pudding for the Sabbath.
Zets! Tay ti didl di tam …
Moyshe Khayim comes along
And takes away the best part;
Moyshe Khayim, Borukh Shmil –
Tickle her on the sly.
Zets! Tay tidl di tam …
And the girl pouts, alas,
Seems unwilling, but allows it.
It’s good to kiss a lass
When she’s sweet sixteen;
When one kisses an old main,
She begins to grumble.
Zets! Tay yidl di dam …
What a pleasure, what could be better!
Oh, the only delight is Rumanian wine …”
„Of, Românie, Românie, Românie,
Ai fost odat-o ţară dulce şi frumoasă,
Of, Românie, Românie, Românie…
A fost odat-o ţară dulce şi bună,
Să trăieşti aici e o plăcere,
Poţi avea tot ce inima-ţi cere
Mămăliguţa lor şi pastrama lor şi un cârnăcior…
Şi-un pahar cu vin, ahaaa!
La români viaţa e bună,
Grijă mare nu-i prea multă,
Pe-aici se bea vin cu carul
Şi mai guşti şi caşcavalul
Hai digidighi di dam…
La români este mai bine chiar şi de năcazul vine
Beţi vin chiar de-i târzior
Şi mâncaţi castravecior
Hay digadi dam…
Hei, ajutor, că-nnebunesc!
La mămăligă mă gândesc,
Pentru brânză dansez pân-la stele şi mănânc şi pătlăgele.
Cântă, măi, ti didl di dam!
Cântă, măi, ti didl di dam!
Ah, ce mai plăcere!
Ce poate fi mai bun,
Viaţa-i desfătare,
Când vinul este bun.
Hei, ajutor că-nnebunesc!
La mămăligă mă gândesc,
Pentru brânză dansez pân-la stele şi mănânc şi pătlăgele.
Cântă, măi, ti didl di dam!
Românaşul bea vinuţ
Şi mănâncă mămăliguţă
Dacă-şi mai şi sărută nevasta
Toată lumea o ia razna
Cântă, măi, tai didl di dam!
Din cer vine mântuirea,
Chaia mânuie tingirea,
Îmbrăcată cam sărac
Găteşte pentru Şabat.
Cântă, măi, ti didl di dam!
Ah, ce mai plăcere!
Ce poate fi mai bun,
Viaţa-i desfătare
Când vinul este bun!”
„I still have the 78 — grew up listening to this. I remember my mother who, unlike me, actually understood Yiddish, laughing at parts of this song”
„A nostalgic song that reminds me of my childhood … reminds me of my grandfather was listening to these songs”
„I was born in the Bronx in 1945, and my mom was from Moldova.
This was one of her favorite songs I remember as a child playing this 78 rpm on our Victrola over and over..I loved the sound of theYiddish, and the lyrics even though I didn’t understand a word.I later learned all about the food he sings about mamaliga and the Pastramalh.”
„Romanian Jews brought the delicatessen — and its wonderful cuisine — to the New World (including to Jewish immigrants from other countries.) Today some are surprised to learn that Romania was once home to one of Europe’s most vivacious Jewish/Yiddish communities, and that it was largely Romanian Jews who brought fine living, Jewish style, to North America. They were kind of the French chefs of the Diaspora. That’s what this song is about.”
„Me too…The Banner label…My mom loved this record it brings tears to my eyes.. She and her family came from Moldova in1922,living through pogroms escaping to Romania then to England to New York”
„Love the song, love the artist, love the country!
The first Yddish Theater was in Iasi and the first recordings of Klezmer music (on wax records) were made in Bucuresti-Bucharest (Romania).
Also the Israeli anthem is on a Romanian folkloric melody (i.e. Cucuruz), and the Israeli national dance hora comes from Romania as well.
The Rumanim ole hadas were the second largest group of Zionists in Israel.”
„He was born in Galitsia (now Ukraine), he emigrated in Romania, then he left for NY. This is a praise for the romanian way of life. There are a lot of romanian words (pronounced uniquely by him) like mamelige (mamaliga), cashcaval, castravetsi, and so on. He spook English with a similar unique amprent. He has a song named „I like she”.