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Felicitari domnului doctor Razvan Constantinescu pentru mintea sa penetranta, pentru indignarea sa legitima , de om scrupulos al stiintei, si pentru curajul de a dezvalui si ataca frontal prostia si escrocheria, in gura mare !
Iata-i si pe „franciscanii” condamnati la „masuri de urgenta preventive” desi fluiera vantul dupa vreun caz in San Francisco, unde guvernatorul orasului, San Francisco Mayor London Breed (D), vrea sa instaleze legea urgentei -„emergency law” desi nu s-a descoperit inca nici un caz in tot orasul din golf .
Diversi comentatori docti aduc critici revoltate bazate pe antecedente similare : IAR VOR ASTIA SA STOARCA BANI DE LA FEDERAL GOVERNMENT , DEGEABA !
Suna ca la noi, nuuuuu?
Caci ipocrizia este aceeasi peste toate apele :
San Francisco Declares Coronavirus Emergency
02/26/2020 12:00 AM Source: AAN by: AAN Staff
San Francisco Declares Coronavirus Emergency
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While no coronavirus cases have been confirmed in San Francisco, the City by the Bay has declared a state of emergency as a precautionary measure.
The news comes amid mounting bipartisan concern that America is not prepared for a coronavirus pandemic.
Per The Hill:
San Francisco Mayor London Breed (D) declared a state of emergency for the city on Tuesday amid concerns over the international coronavirus outbreak.
The new state of emergency will allow city officials to assemble resources and personnel to expedite emergency planning measures and boost the ability to deploy a rapid response to a potential coronavirus case in the city.
The move follows a similar declaration from Santa Clara County earlier this month. The declaration is effective immediately for seven days and will be voted on by the board of supervisors on March 3.
The statement from Breed comes amid stark warnings from U.S. health officials over the chances of an outbreak of the virus in the U.S.
Despite the likelihood that coronavirus will go pandemic, experts stress that’s no reason to panic or overreact. Coronavirus is easy to spread, but far less lethal. Educating yourself is paramount.