Klaus si Carmen Iohannis, traficanti de copii
În data de 22 octombrie a. c. am a prezentat, în cadrul emisiunii „Naşul” de pe postul B1 Tv, o serie de probe privind implicarea soţilor Klaus Werner Iohannis şi Carmen Georgeta Iohannis în trafic internaţional de copii, la începutul anilor ’90, dar am prezentat şi alte infracţiuni ale primarului sibian. Spaţiul de emisie fiind limitat la doar oră, nu am putut să prezint nici măcar o zecime din probele cuprinse în teancul de dosare aflat în faţa mea. Emisiunea , deşi difuzată la o oră târzie şi la concurenţă cu meciul internaţional al unei echipe româneşti de fotbal, a avut cea mai mare audienţă naţională. Telespectatorii din întreaga ţară au fost surprinşi să afle că „imaculatul” Klaus Iohannis, „neamţul corect de la Sibiu” propus ca premier al Guvernului României de către liberalul Crin Antonescu, nu este, în nici un chip, „Alba ca Zăpada”! Nu a fost prima emisiune de aceste fel, eu „recidivând” după o altă emisiune similară la „Codul lui Oreste”, în urmă cu doi şi jumătate, când emisiunea respectivă era găzduită de postul „Antena 2″. Spun asta pentru a se observa că nu am ales un moment special pentru a arăta chipul adevărat al impostorului Klaus Iohannis, care pozează în „neamţ cinstit şi bun gospodar”, dar nici nu înseamnă că pot să stau indiferent şi să privesc cum un hoţ de case, cu mâinile pătate de sânge, are şanse să fie împins în fruntea statului de forţe mafiote sau oculte.
Tot atunci, în emisiunea lui Radu Moraru, am arătat şi motivul animozităţii mele faţă de primarul Sibiului, acesta evacuând singura bibliotecă particulară din România, acel aşezământ cultural fiind patronat de mine. Eu investisem în amenajarea spaţiului respectiv toată averea mea de la vremea respectivă. Am fost ruinat de acest individ, pe nedrept, deoarece s-a şi dovedit de instanţă că spaţiul a fost furat de clanul Iohannis şi cred că aceeaşi reacţie pe care o am eu, ar fi avut-o oricare dintre dumneavoastră, dacă ar fi rămas sărăcit în urma unor malversaţiuni declanşate de un ticălos lacom şi fără scrupule! Acestea se întâmplau în anul 2000, când Iohannis fusese ales primar pentru prima oară. Biblioteca, numită „Biblion”, ocupa aproximativ 40 de metri pătraţi dintr-un imobil furat de Klaus Iohannis, soţia sa, soacra (Lăzurca Georgeta) şi un alt escroc (Baştea Ioan), stabilit ulterior în S.U.A., prin trafic de influenţă şi uz de fals. Eu demonstrasem toate aceste infracţiuni de atunci, din anul 2000, dar justiţiei române i-au trebuit patru ani ca să se pronunţe privitor la falsurile prin care escrocii deposedaseră statul român de două imobile imense şi ultracentrale. Astfel, decizia civilă nr. 310/R din 30 iunie 2005 a Curţii de Apel Braşov consfinţeşte, definitiv şi irevocabil, decizia civilă nr. 240/A pronunţată de Tribunalul Braşov în data de 22 aprilie 2004, prin care Certificatul de moştenitor şi legatar nr. 90/ 01.06.1999, emis de notarul corupt Radu Gabriel Bucşa a fost anulat ca fiind eliberat pe bază de documente false şi cu încălcarea competenţei teritoriale absolute. Prin acel Certificat calp obţinuse Iohannis şi ceilalţi escroci casele din Sibiu, str. G-ral. Magheru, nr. 35 şi N. Bălcescu, nr. 29, imobil în care se afla şi micuţa mea bibliotecă. Deşi au trecut patru ani de la pronunţarea acelei sentinţe definitive şi irevocabile, nimeni nu are curajul să o pună în aplicare! Ce să ne mai mirăm de lentoarea justiţie române, din moment ce un alt dosar al mafiei imobiliare sibiene, conduse de acelaşi Klaus Iohannis, mai precis dosarul cu nr. 296/P/2006 de la Parchetul General, Secţia D.I.I.I.C.O.T., provenit din nr. 42/P/2006 de la Parchetul de pe lângă Curtea de Apel Alba Iulia s-a prăfuit prin sertarele secţiei conduse de „celebrul procuror” Doru Ţuluş, de la D.N.A. timp de trei ani (!!!) pentru ca apoi să fie retrimis recent (1 octombrie 2009) la Parchetul de pe lângă Curtea de Apel Alba Iulia prin declinarea competenţei D.N.A. Inadmisibil! Procurorilor D.N.A., conduşi de „incoruptibilul” Daniel Morar, le trebuie trei ani de zile ca să-şi dea seama dacă un dosar este sau nu de competenţa lor!!!
De acolo a pornit conflictul dintre mine şi acest personaj veros şi corupt, primar al Sibiului, care din lăcomie şi dorinţă de mărire se vrea acum premier! De la acel spaţiu furat de la statul român, unde eu eram doar chiriaş şi desfăşuram o activitate utilă, generoasă şi altruistă în folosul comunităţii, dar pe banii mei. Şi, pentru că tot mă atacă unii suporteri ai idolului umflat artificial, cu pompa, întrebând pe internet, la comentariile unor ziare sibiene, că ce a făcut Marinescu pentru Sibiu, faţă de primar, care , uite!, a făcut ceva, se vede, am să mă explic. Măi, oameni buni, eu nu prea văd nimic la capitolul realizări, decât doar că a distrus farmecul Sibiului, transformându-i pieţele pline de verdeaţă altădată în nişte deşerturi pietrificate, care seamănă cu platourile lagărelor naziste de exterminare (Piaţa Mare şi Piaţa Gării), mai văd cum se deteriorează tot ceea ce „a renovat” de mântuială, dar pe bani mulţi! Oricum, indiferent de ce a făcut sau nu a făcut Iohannis, acolo au fost bani de la buget, nu din economiile personale ale primarului. Pe când eu am făcut o bibliotecă publică, pe care am pus-o la dispoziţia comunităţii, pe banii mei personali! În plus, eu aduceam bani la buget, prin impozitele pe care le plăteam ca să funcţionez cu o activitate culturală, în timp ce Iohannis a furat bani de la buget, chiar folosindu-se de activităţile derulate în anul 2007, când cu capitala culturală a Europei. Cam astea sunt diferenţele! Vă las pe dumneavoastră să judecaţi, cine ce a făcut. Pe cei care, încă, mai judecaţi…cu propriile minţi!
Iohannis foloseşte, în continuare, acel spaţiu în scop propriu şi încasează foarte mulţi bani de laRaiffeisen Bank (chirie), bani care nu se regăsesc în declaraţiile de avere de pe site-ul Primăriei Sibiu şi nici în cea de la Fisc. Evaziune fiscală clară! Ca să se piardă urma declaraţiilor de avere vechi, unde nu figura venitul din chiria de la Raiffeisen Bank (evaziunea fiscală de care vorbeam), Iohannis a dat ordin să fie şterse vechile declaraţii de pe site-ul Primăriei, rămânând doar ultima declaraţie de venituri, cea din 2009. Acest aspect a fost sesizat şi de revista „Academia Caţavencu”. Când vorbesc de spaţiul închiriat băncii austriece, nu înseamnă că mă refer la spaţiul în care am avut eu biblioteca, ci de cel alăturat şi cu o suprafaţă mult mai mare, unde funcţionase librăria „Mihai Eminescu”. Eram perete în perete cu librăria, aceasta fiind evacuată de către Iohannis, sfidător, chiar de ziua poetului naţional, în 15 ianuarie 2001! Spaţiul în care am avut eu biblioteca a fost închiriat de Iohannis pentru un W.C., care deserveşte vara două terase-cârciumi de pe stradă, deci pot spune fără rezerve că este un căcănar, din moment ce face bani până şi din necesităţile fiziologice ale oamenilor. Acesta-i adevăratul Klaus Iohannis, primarul capitalei culturale europene din anul 2007, acesta-i „omul” care din lăcomie a sacrificat o librărie şi o bibliotecă, înlocuindu-le cu o bancă şi o budă, doar ca să câştige el bani, cât mai mulţi bani!
Tot lăcomia l-a împins, imediat după revoluţie în implicarea directă în trafic internaţional de fiinţe umane, infracţiune deosebit de gravă, pedepsită dur de legislaţiile tuturor statelor civilizate. Eu am aflat despre această vocaţie a lui Iohannis, de geambaş de copii, în aprilie 2000, deci la zece ani după primele vânzări umane derulate de familia Iohannis. Mi-a fost pus la dispoziţie un ziar, „Ziua de Ardeal”, apărut cu trei ani înainte, în care ziaristul Dan Tapalagă scria, negru pe alb, despre implicarea cuplului de profesori Iohannis în adopţii de copii din comuna Răşinari, judeţul Sibiu, pentru cetăţeni canadieni şi era emisă ipoteza că aceşti copii au devenit „piese de schimb” în bănci de organe. Cei trei copii rămăseseră orfani în urma uciderii mamei de către soţul ei, acesta sinucigându-se după actul necugetat comis la beţie. Nu am crezut tot ceea ce am citit, aşa cum nu cred nici astăzi tot ceea ce citesc sau văd la televizor, nefiind o persoană uşor de convins sau manipulat, aşa că am întreprins propriile mele cercetări legat de acest caz. Astfel, am luat legătura cu bunicii fraţilor Iliuţ, cei trei orfani pomeniţi în articolul lui Tapalagă, iar pe Maria Iliuţ am prezentat-o presei sibiene într-o conferinţă de presă organizată la biblioteca pentru care mă luptam, pe vremea aceea, cu străşnicie. Menţionez că încă nu fondasem revista „Justiţiarul”. Doar după câteva luni, mai precis în septembrie 2000 a apărut primul număr al revistei, creată de mine în scopul de a apăra acea bibliotecă. Ulterior, după ce am fost evacuat printr-o sentinţă nedreaptă şi abuzivă a Curţii de Apel Alba Iulia, „Justiţiarul” s-a transformat dintr-o „armă” defensivă în una ofensivă, luptând făţiş nu doar împotriva lui Iohannis, ci împotriva întregului sistem corupt din ţara noastră, datorită căruia trăim noi, majoritatea românilor, în sărăcie. Am pus această publicaţie la dispoziţia cetăţenilor oropsiţi, a celor deveniţi şi ei victime, aidoma mie, ale unei justiţii corupte, aflate nu în slujba cetăţenilor, ci a infractorilor! De aceea am şi ales acest nume sugestiv: JUSTIŢIARUL.
Am adunat , cu tenacitate, toate mărturiile legate de adopţia celor trei fraţi Iliuţ, Elena-Maria (7 ani), Vasile (5 ani) şi Anca (3 ani). Aceştia au fost adoptaţi împreună cu fetiţa Anda Maria Scutelnicu, în vârstă de doar patru luni, copilul „din flori” al unei tinere din Tălmaciu,fără posibilităţi materiale şi repudiată de propria familie. Am predat aceste probe (materiale audio şi video) sublocotenentului Cristina Ghişoiu de la Serviciul Combatere a Crimei Organizate (S.C.C.O. )- I.P.J. Sibiu în data de 13 iunie 2000 (facsimil 1). Parchetul de pe lângă Tribunalul Sibiu a dispus neînceperea urmăririi penale faţă Iohannis Klaus şi Iohannis Carmen în dosar nr. 423/P/2000, având ca obiect înfierile ilegale. Direcţia de Combatere a Crimei Organizate (D.C.C.O.) din cadrul Inspectoratului General de Poliţie (I.G.P.) a efectuat cercetări cu privire la traficul de copii, respectiv adopţii ilegale, în care au fost implicaţi cei doi Iohannis în dosarul 346007/2000. Mă întreb dacă mai există acest dosar în arhiva I.G.P.? Personal, mă îndoiesc. În anul 2000, subsemnatul am sesizat Camera Deputaţilor, la Comisia pentru Cercetarea Abuzurilor, Corupţiei şi pentru Petiţii atât despre traficul de copii, cât şi despre obţinerea frauduloasă de către aceeaşi familie Iohannis a celor două imobile pe care le-am pomenit anterior. În naivitate mea, eu chiar credeam că o comisie a aleşilor poporului, cu o titulatură aşa stufoasă şi războinică chiar se va implica şi va face dreptate. Iluzii deşarte!
Am persistat în naivitate şi am revenit la aceeaşi comisie, aducând-o la Bucureşti pentru audiere şi pe doamna Iliuţ Maria, pe cheltuiala mea (transport, masă) în data de 3 martie 2004 (facsimil 2). A fost invitat la audieri şi Iohannis, în două rânduri, dar acesta a sfidat Parlamentul, refuzând să vină. Regulamentul Camerei Deputaţilor nu prevede sancţiuni pentru persoanele care refuză să vină. Un regulament făcut de şmecheri pentru alţi şmecheri!
Bunica Maria Iliuţ s-a adresat şi lui Ion Iliescu, în ultimul său mandat de preşedinte, dar a primit un răspuns „în doi peri” (facsimil 3), iar promisiunile din scrisorica alcătuită din două propoziţii şi o frază, primită de la Preşedinţie, a rămas fără nici un fel de rezultate. S-a adresat, biata bătrână îndurerată şi procurorului general al României (facsimil 4), dar tot degeaba! Singura ei speranţă a rămas preşedintele Traian Băsescu, căruia i-a trimis o scrisoare, imediat după emisiunea de pe postul B1 Tv, care a agitat spiritele în comuna Răşinari şi a determinat-o să reînceapă lupta pentru aflarea adevărului, fiind cea mai interesată de soarta acelor copii, sânge din sângele ei. Publicăm şi noi alăturat scrisoarea pe care am adaptat-o gramatical. Femeia, chiar dacă nu are multă şcoală şi nu este cultă, posedă o inteligenţă nativă, dând dovadă de logică şi intuiţie, calităţi care au ajutat-o şi în cercetările pe care le-a desfăşurat de una singură, până să iau eu legătura cu ea. Astfel a reuşit să găsească liceul „Gheorghe Lazăr” unde lucra Carmen Iohannis, deşi aceasta nu-i spusese unde predă limba engleză. Tot aşa a aflat că cei doi „geambaşi” ştiau de tragedia din familie şi de nepoţii ei, rămaşi orfani, de la Mitrea, un unchi de-al copiilor dinspre mamă, care era şi el vârât în banda traficanţilor de copii, găzduind copii abandonaţi într-o cameră închiriată special cu acest scop.
Acum, în timp ce scriu acest articol, urmăresc şi conferinţa de presă a lui Iohannis din anul 2000, axată exact pe problema adopţiilor în care a fost implicat. Mă uit pe ecran şi nu pot să nu remarc atitudinea de fiară speriată, încolţită. Asta se citeşte pe chipul lui Iohannis: panică! Nu trebuie să ai studii aprofundate în psihologie pentru a realiza că individul minte şi inventează răspunsuri pe loc. Iată ce spune individul aici, pe lângă multe minciuni, când mai scapă şi câte un adevăr, din prostie, că altcumva nu am cum să clasific aceste fragmente de „autodenunţ”. El recunoaşte, întrebat fiind şi după o scurtă ezitare, că pe lângă această înfiere a mai intermediat una în anul următor (1991), dar afirmă că vor veni canadienii cu acel copil şi-l va prezenta presei sibiene. Aiurea, a minţit, aşa cum minte el permanent, la fel cum respiră! Nu a venit nimeni să fie prezentat presei, deşi au trecut nouă ani de la acea promisiune a „geambaşului de copii”. Şi de unde ştia acel canadian, din anul 1991, că familia Iohannis se ocupă de astfel de mârşăvii? Aveau anunţuri în presa canadiană, că internet nu era pe vremea aceea? Tot el recunoaşte, în finalul conferinţei de presă, că a primit cadouri, nu bani, de la canadieni pentru acele adopţii. Ori, legile din anul 1990, când adopţiile din România deveniseră o adevărată „industrie” – preţul pentru un copil era cam 20.000 de dolari americani! – pedepseau obţinerea de bunuri materiale pentru astfel de intermedieri, indiferent că era vorba de bani sau alte foloase. La fel, Iohannis recunoaşte că familia Lalande (Alain Roger şi Arlene Dianne), cei care i-au adoptat pe fraţii Iliuţ „la snop”, împreună cu fetiţa Anda Maria Scutelnicu, au fost cazaţi la domiciliul soţilor Iohannis. În conferinţa de presă este nominalizat şi un anume Gugonea, profesor în Bucureşti şi fost colg de facultate al lui carmen Iohannis, care, cică, i-ar fi trimis pe acei canadieni, familia Lalande, la Sibiu. Iohannis susţine că acel Gugonea era un prieten foarte bun şi de aceea a avut încredere să-i cazeze pe canadieni la el acasă. Aşa de bun era prietenul, încât Iohannis nici nu-i mai ştia prenumele: „parcă Sorin”! L-a căutat vreun organ de anchetă pe acel Gugonea, l-a întrebat cineva de „sănătate”? Măcar a lui, că de copii cred că nu mai ştie nimic nici acel complice din Bucureşti. Legea 11/1990, intrată în vigoare cu două săptămâni înainte ca Tribunalul Sibiu să legalizeze adopţia, prevedea în mod expres, la Art. 3, că: „Străinii sau cetăţenii români cu domiciliul sau reşedinţa în străinătate pot adopta numai copii aflaţi în evidenţa Comitetului Român pentru Adopţii şi care nu au putut fi încredinţaţi sau adoptaţi în ţara, în intervalul de cel puţin şase luni de la luarea în evidenţa”. Ori, copiii respectivi nu au fost nicicând luaţi în evidenţa acelui Comitet de Adopţii, iar de şase luni nici nu poate fi vorba, deoarece în urmă cu patru luni părinţii lor mai trăiau, iar micuţa Scutelnicu nici nu era născută! Deci adopţia a fost total ilegală, iar judecătorii au ignorat Legea 11/90, deşi o citează cu tupeu în sentinţa lor. În aceeaşi conferinţă de presă, Iohannis invocă faptul că adopţia a fost cu drepturi depline şi familia aparţinătoare nu mai are dreptul să ia legătura cu copiii adoptaţi. Total fals! Îl contrazice Dreptul Internaţional al Copiilor, care spune, la Art. 1, că fiecare copil are dreptul legitim să-şi cunoască părinţii şi familia din care provine. Chiar săptămânile trecute am asistat, pe un post de televiziune, la momentul emoţionant al întâlnirii unui grup de copii adoptaţi, tot în 1990 de familii de americani, cu părinţii lor naturali din România. A fost un moment de-a dreptul mişcător şi pentru mine, ca simplu telespectator. Deţinem caseta cu această conferinţă de presă a lui Iohannis din anul 2000, care este un cap clar de acuzare împotriva familiei Iohannis. De asemenea, deţinem două mărturii, de la persoane diferite, care nu se cunosc între ele,privind copii ţinuţi în coşuri de nuiele la familia Lăzurca, socrii lui Klaus Iohannis şi un anume Radu Gheorghe, fratele Georgetei Lăzurca, fost activist comunist,unchiul lui Carmen. Problema devine şi mai gravă, deoarece nu este vorba doar de adopţia fraţilor Iliuţ şi a Andei Scutelnicu. Chiar bunica, Maria Iliuţ, afirmă că erau două familii de canadieni, împreună cu Carmen Iohannis, la Tribunalul Sibiu şi, în timp ce familia Lalande a adoptat cei patru copii, cealaltă familie a adoptat cinci! „Vrăjitoarea Carmen”, cum o numeşte bătrâna copleşită de amărăciune, o minţise pe aceasta că şi ea are o fetiţă pe care o dă, la fel, în Canada pentru un trai mai bun, doar ca să o determine să renunţe la nepoţi. Familia Iohannis nu are copii. Dacă ei au intermediat adopţiile acelea spre binele copiilor, atunci de ce nu au adopta şi ei măcar unul, nu cinci! Sunt mai multe persoane care ştiu că numărul copiilor adoptaţi de canadieni, dar şi de cetăţeni americani, prin intermediul samsarilor Iohannis, pe tot teritoriul judeţului Sibiu este mult mai mare. Astfel, o profesoară, colegă cu Carmen Iohannis a afirmat că ei căutau şi copii cu malformaţii, în special hidrocefali, deci „legume”. De ce oare? Nu cumva pentru ritualuri satanice, care se fac cu jertfe umane? Acelaşi lucru a fost întărit şi de un sas din judeţul Sibiu, care, la fel, a vorbit de copii cu malformaţii din familii de ţigani, pe care Klaus Iohannis îi transporta cu o sacoşă de voiaj şi pentru care oferea părinţilor un televizor color. Deţinem informaţii potrivit cărora au fost adoptaţi, pe aceeaşi filieră Iohannis, mulţi copii de la Casa de Copii din Cisnădie, amplasată pe strada Livezii, cu complicitate directoarei de atunci. Oamenilor însă le este frică să vorbească, fiindcă se tem şi de Iohannis, ajuns mare între timp, dar şi de mafia internaţională a traficanţilor de carne vie. Este interesantă şi relaţia de mare prietenie dintre Carmen Iohannis şi Elena Miruna Tudorache, fondatoare fundaţiei „Un copil, o speranţă” (U.C.O.S.) din Sibiu, precum şi facilităţile create de soţul lui Carmen, în calitate de primar, acestei fundaţii, cum ar fi Hotărârea nr. 292 din 27.09.2007 pentru prelungirea cu titlu gratuit a imobilului din Sibiu, Aleea Streiu, nr. 8, unde funcţionează fundaţia. Pentru ca să înţeleagă şi cei care nu sunt din Sibiu, câtă „democraţie” există în oraşul acesta, unde Consiliul Local este în majoritate al F.D.G.R., de două mandate: toate hotărârile sunt iniţiate de Iohannis, iar maşina de vot, formată din consilierii saşi se pune în mişcare. Nu există niciodată opoziţie şi nici măcar discuţii pe margine vreunui proiect. Trecutul acestei doamne Tudorache s-ar putea să devină foarte interesant pentru o anchetă serioasă, în cazul în care copiii exportaţi de soţii Iohannis vor fi de negăsit. Credeţi că primarul a propus acea scutire de chirie din dragoste pentru copii? Aiurea, se vede din raporturile avute cu copiii Iliuţ cât le erau de „dragi”. Apropos, deşi au venit de multe ori la Răşinari cu canadienii, dar şi fără ei, niciodată soţii Iohannis nu le-au adus acelor copii necăjiţi măcar o ciocolată! La fel şi soţii Lalande.
Cu banii obţinuţi din trafic internaţional de copii, soţii Iohannis şi-au cumpărat, în anul 1992, o casă pe strada Bâlea din Sibiu, la numărul 29. Au plătit fostului proprietar, un sas adevărat, care a plecat definitiv în Germania, suma de 75.000 mărci germane. Ei nu au cum să justifice aceşti bani, fiindcă nu aveau alte venituri decât salariile de profesori. Este exclusă şi varianta cu sprijin financiar de la părinţii lui Iohannis din Germania, deoarece taică-său era un pârlit de tinichigiu auto. Acum, după ce fiul lor a devenit primar la Sibiu, şi părinţii lui Iohannis locuiesc într-o vilă somptuoasă din oraşulWürzburg. Se pune aceeaşi întrebare, cu ce bani a fost achiziţionată? Oare nu tot din afacerile necurate ale lui Klaus Iohannis derulate pe picior mare în anul 2007, când cu „Sibiu- capitală culturală europeană”? Reamintim că toate fondurile au fost derulate atunci printr-un O.N.G., numit Asociaţia Capitala Culturală a Europei-Sibiu 2007, a cărei preşedinte era Iohannis. Toţi cei care au făcut parte din asociaţia respectivă s-au îmbogăţit peste noapte aşa cum am arătat în articolul „Îmbogăţiţi capitalei culturale europene – Sibiu 2007″, publicat în „Justiţiarul sibian” din data de 15 septembrie 2008. Bătrâna Iliuţ, căreia i-a murit şi soţul de câtva timp, şi-a pus mari speranţe în preşedintele Băsescu, pe care-l vede ca pe un om drept şi hotărât să stârpească corupţia şi nedreptăţile din România. Noi sperăm să nu o dezamăgească, aşa cum a făcut-o Iliescu, care are şi el mâinile pătate de sângele tinerilor morţi la revoluţie. Cât despre soţii Iohannis, tare mă tem că îi vor ajunge blestemele bunicii îndurerate din Răşinari. Pe complicele lor, Mitrea, l-au ajuns şi a murit în chinuri groaznice, după ce, mai întâi, i s-a prăpădit fiul.
Marius Albin MARINESCU
Domnule Preşedinte,
Subsemnata Iliuţ Maria din comuna Răşinari, jud. Sibiu nr. 1139, prin prezenta mă adresez dumneavoastră, ca unică soluţie care mi-a mai rămas, pentru a dispune să se elucideze situaţia celor trei copii ai mei care au fost înfiaţi şi trimişi în Canada prin intermediul actualului primar al Sibiului, domnul Klaus Iohannis, în anul 1990, dată din care nu mai ştiu nimic despre ei. Domnul Klaus ne-a promis că-i duce la un trai mai bun, să înveţe o meserie şi limbi străine. A zis că mă vor vizita , la domiciliul meu din Răşinari, de două ori pe an. Dânsul se cunoştea cu înfietorii canadieni. În ziua aceea au dus nouă copii pentru plecare. Domnul Iohannis nu şi-a respectat angajamentul. Încercările mele de a-l găsi au rămas fără rezultat timp de doi ani, când am aflat că domnia sa este profesor la liceul Gheorghe Lazăr din Sibiu. L-am aşteptat în cancelarie. Ştia şi femeia de serviciu că se ocupă cu trafic de copii pentru organe. La întâlnire eu m-am bucurat, dar dânsul era nervos şi mi-a pus mâna în piept, m-a înjurat şi a dat cu piciorul în mine. Era cu soţia lui, Carmen. Am căzut de geam şi am reuşit cu greu să scap de lovituri. A spus că dacă-l mai caut, o să păţesc şi mai rău. Doresc să spună unde sunt copiii şi dacă mai trăiesc. Nu doresc la nimeni să treacă prin ce am trecut eu: să-ţi vezi morţi doi copii şi nepoţii plecaţi. Nu am ştiut că voi fi înşelată, că mă aşteptau toată ziua şi era pe capul meu cu soţia lui, care m-a minţit că are şi ea o fetiţă şi pleacă odată cu ai mei. Eu fiind supărată după cele întâmplate cu părinţii lor, nu am realizat ce se întâmplă. Era de faţă şi mama fetei, nora mea, care zicea şi ea să-i dau pentru ajutor, că le vor da o meserie şi trai mai bun. Eu nu i-am dat nici pe bani sau pe alte obiecte. Am fost de două ori şi la Bucureşti, în audienţe, unde am aflat că s-au trecut la graniţă cu drept de la domnul Ion Iliescu. Am stat de vorbă cu acesta la „Fii satului”, în curte la Octavian Goga, când a spus că-mi dă răspuns Petre Roman, Adrian Năstase. Există Dumnezeu pentru toţi, dar pentru ei nu! Atâta bucurie să aibă cei care ne-au luat copiii şi nu-mi dau nici un răspuns. Atât mai vreau înaintea morţii, să ştiu dacă nepoţii mai trăiesc pentru că sunt foarte bolnavă. Pentru înşelăciunea lui Klaus, care a dus sute de copii. Avea o cameră unde-i ţinea, la prietenul lui Mitrea Ioan, care a decedat în chinuri grele, că a ştiut şi nu a spus. Câţi copii aţi dat pentru organe domnule Klaus? Patru au plecat cu ai mei. Am fost la ambasadă şi ne-au spus şi ora la care i-aţi trecut. Şi mai vreţi şi (n.r.: prim-) ministru! Nu ţi-ai făcut plinul? Vă rog nu mai puneţi un profesor să ne mai trădeze ţara! Dacă nu i-a fost milă de nişte copilaşi, i-au dat la tăiat, ca pe miei primăvara. Vă rog din toată inima de părinte înşelat de Klaus şi soţia sa, Carmen, care-i transporta (n.r.: pe copii) în valiză de 2 ori pe an. Să nu mă lăsaţi fără răspuns. Unde sunt copiii nevinovaţi, care au căzut pe mâna hingherului Klaus Iohannis?
Iliuţ Maria, Răşinari
Cum peste putin timp, urmeaza alegerile prezidentiale, m-am gandit sa caut ceva informatii despre Klaus Iohannis, fiind cel pe care l-as fi preferat in detrimentul lui Ponta si Udrea.
Dupa ce am citit toate aceste articole, cu siguranta nu l-as alege ca presedinte.Rusine sa-i fie!!!
Va rog frumos, faceti ceva sa afle toata tara despre aceste lucruri.Nu vreau sa ajungem sa fim condusi de un traficant de copii!!!
Ce desteapta sunteti, mie imi pare rau de Johannis, pentru ca Romänia este o tara asa de corupta si nu este inca pregatita pentru un asa presedinte. Mas bucura sa nu castige Johannis, sa castige tot acei oameni care sunt acum la conducere, pentru ca romanii is merita soarta, nu vor nici o schimbare… si cred ca totul li se cuvine fara sa faca ceva.
Desi se spun multe despre Iohannis,il prefer pe neamtul care dadea ciocolata si tigari bune soldatului roman decat pe rusul sau mai rau kazarul care ne-au luat ceasul desteptator si ne-au violat si impuscat bunicile…
du-te mai cu comentariile tale de cacaO, nu tii cu el si basta , esti gelos mai coja ?? crezi ca daca era manjit cu ceva , mai era primar reales atatia ani?? ti-ar fi suras sa fii in locul lui , stii proverbul : pisica unde nu ajunge zice ca pute !!!! du-te si canta la alta masa !!
romana o vorbesc 18 milioane
engleza 2.000 milioane
odata ce ai scris si in engleza
toata planeta va cunoaste ideea ce doresti sa o expui, este bine sa ai si in romana si pt romani dar trebuie sa-i dam si caracter international, atunci nu mai are unde vugi si nici strainii nu-l mai cred, si nimeni nu vrea sa piarda alegerile in tara lui cu un asfel de personaj, papitoi, si nu mai au voie sa se asocieze cu un asa …. . Daca il pui pe tapetul international este ca si lichidat, sincer il dore in c … de noi lui ii este frica si are interes cu strainii pt el romanii nu sunt decat niste vaci proaste de muls care mai se vaita dar pe el in c.. il doare.
Nu-i rea ideea. Atunci să publicăm simultan cele două versiuni. V-aș rămâne îndatorat dacă ne-am întâlni să discutăm și alte subiecte, dar și acesta. Screiți-mi pe ionzcoja@yahoo.com
Finance Braila: We have no involvement in data interpretation taught Health House !
On this nebula , managing director of Finance Braila explained that the protocol signed between NAFA and National Health , only towards the end of last year was completed effective teaching procedure databases , including centralizing the form 205 – informative statement on tax withheld on income subject to withholding tax on income beneficiaries . ” We’ve taught database as set out in the Protocol and have no involvement in their interpretation by the Health or their use by the institution. According to OMF 233/2011 on the instructions on completing and filing Form 205, it sets that the tax on distributed dividends that were not paid to shareholders or associations by the end they approved the annual financial statements, is contained in the statement for the period in which occurred the approval of annual financial statements . From here probably confusion about the fact that the beneficiaries would be charged the actual amounts , „explained lead DGFP Braila .
Robbery in health insurance Olt and Valcea
Oltenia patients received free prescriptions in the ” treatment of death ”
The Court of Accounts regarding the settlement of free treatments prescribed by doctors remove the * out a whole chaos in the health insurance system , Olt and Valcea is the leading rigging insured money . Several houses have validated health insurance 2011 free recipes 769.000 lei for inpatients , but also deceased , the report for 2011 of the Court of Auditors.
House Health Insurance Defense, Public Order , National Security and Magistrates ( CASAOPSNAJ ) Health Insurance House of the Ministry of Transport , Construction and Tourism ( CASMTCT ) and some county homes , including that of Olt , validating prescriptions issued in 2011 for drugs with 100 % compensation scheme , with no medical letters , some patients which were admitted to the hospital continues , day and outpatient hospitalization , but also on behalf of deceased persons , worth £ 769,000 , according to the report . However, CASAOPSNAJ , CASMTCT and CJAS Olt validated and settled recipes worth 911.000 lei issued by practitioners of outpatient , hospital, family doctors in the same period the patient appearing in continuous hospitalization . In the same style , CASAOPSNAJ , CASMTCT Vâlcea and Olt county houses have settled unduly subsidized drugs worth 328,000 lei of retirees who derive income from other sources . Also there were any errors by accepting payment of prescription drugs showing no acknowledgment by the insured , worth £ 201,000 .
” Every year for mafia academics are diverted Health (theft and corruption ) thousand billion $ ‘
Artisan of a health system of ” mafia and feudal ” , which seeks to impose through the current government, the beneficiary of a parliamentary majority of 70 % , thus perceives Senator PNR Valeriu Todiraşcu liberal minister of Health, Eugen Nicolaescu . In addition , they accuse of being trapped or mafia complicity Health academics who would be real leadership Health ” at the top of the pen which is delaying approval guidelines and clinical protocols defining the basic package , inserting Health , over-financing of national programs or outsourcing antieconomic hospital laboratories . ” He accused the government annually diverts to ” mafia academics Health ” billion lei.
„There is a cost effectiveness analysis ”
Valeriu TodirascuSenatorul P.N.R. Valeriu Todiraşcu , member of the Senate Public Health Committee , considers responsible for the mess in the Romanian health system all governments that have succeeded in the past 23 years and have relied on involvement in the development programs proposed and implemented to those he called ” university of Health barons ” who ” build their fiefdoms , the life and death of patients ” and are responsible for over- suggestions that have resulted in the allocation of huge sums and unjustified targeting of funds and assets of Health .
According to Valeriu Todiraşcu wastage of public health has reached huge , resulting in the misappropriation by the government of a billion USD annually to the health mafia academics . Senator says New Republic bases these statements on the findings of a study on solutions to streamline the health care field in Romania , issued in January 2012 by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence , UK. This study , which cost one million euros , was prepared at the request of the Government. Paradoxically , however , instead to rely on the results of this study , the government seems to completely ignore the expert British.
For example , NICE International study provided the need to establish the National Health Management , an independent body reporting to the Parliament and the Government, which would be followed to establish priorities for action and monitoring mechanisms adopted measures and their impact. That , given that „there is no analysis of price , cost-effectiveness , the total budgetary impact or opportunity cost for the health system to be taken or to influence the use of any financial resources to determine the effectiveness and high quality care , ” notes the report’s findings NICE .
External Audit internationally seen as the only effective way to control
Regarding the effectiveness of the management of money for health – either the budget or European funds – but also on the implementation and compliance procedures work in the system, the only effective way to control the activity of the health management has proven external audit international , says Senator Valeriu Todiraşcu .
In a cost estimate that would generate the efficient operation of the National Health Management , it should not cost more than ten million annually . According to Valeriu Todiraşcu assessments economy achieved by stopping wastage , theft and eliminate incompetence but the system would exceed the annual value of one billion euros , a sum which Senator accuses government of the New Republic and the Minister of Health and abetting embezzlement by the gray university medical mafia who would be encouraged to use their perpetuation as pseudo – management skills , with dramatic results on the system policyholders affected by underfunding , the lack of medicines and supplies and poor quality of medical services provided .
For all these shortcomings , says Valeriu Todiraşcu the responsibility of the poor management of the health system that allowed managing budgets of up to five billion annually without requiring the need for justification and rigorous analysis of cost- effectiveness.
Formal proposal that collide head
Referring to the reform package proposed by the Minister Eugen Nicolaescu , Senator Valeriu Todiraşcu criminalize inconsistency proposed measures and practice of rhetoric designed to distract attention from the failure to increase the wages of health by allocating additional funds. The reason would be that the Government U.S.L. decided a negative budget adjustment budget for Health , which means less money .
In line proposals at odds with the realities of the system head would fall , in the opinion of Valeriu Todiraşcu , and measure the performance of individual physicians correlation salary . The doctors performing could theoretically even earn double while performing physicians less could receive a lower salary . Additionally , however , the government made promises to increase the incomes of residents through their materialization could unbalanced balance so fragile obtained by increasing the income of some of the employees on account of the incompetence of others. What percentage allocated to increase the wage budget was estimated at only 4 % , it would follow that any increase in income residents could only be achieved by freezing the income of other categories of employees in the health situation that brings things to a standstill and once again highlights the inconsistency and fragility of the proposed measures inconsistent Minister Nicolaescu Health reform package .
Also on the list of proposals generating controversy and suggesting a flawed approach to management problems of the health system also includes a proposal to create a network bathrooms subordinated University of Medicine and Pharmacy , which Minister argues the impending Nicolaescu a decentralization process healthcare organization . But this will require passing a portion of hospitals subordinated local authorities and not subordinated to higher education institutions that are , in turn, the Ministry of Education , which brings things right starting point of application of reforms.
In this context, Valeriu Todiraşcu opinion that ” interest illegitimate civil and political trainers from the Ministry of Health and CNAs link to centralize funds, procurement and auditing elimination competition neutral and objective quality , minimization and nationalization of private sector money to policyholders , offering to exchange , strengthen health feudal power by capturing all local administrative levers taking the lead clinical hospitals . ”
Proposals for solutions that would save millions of euro
Among the solutions proposed by sena -tor P.N.R. to reduce wastage , theft and incompetence , addressed in writing of the Minister Nicolaescu – measures , opines Valeriu Todiraşcu would save several hundred million annually – are eliminating mob influence academics and feudalization Health, introducing guidelines and clinical protocols and therapeutic and accurate definition of the basic package of health services .
Cornel SamartineanDe are also seen as effective solutions eliminate discriminatory treatment of private medical funding , introduction of health cards and control of the performance of health services, application of the reduced VAT rate on products for prevention and diagnosis , stopping wastage of funds allocated to health and funds from government laboratories in hospitals, public health departments and the Public Health Institute .
2015 draft budget provides resources to support the reduction of CAS
Deputy P.D.L. Cornel Samartinean maintains that the reduction of the contribution to health is not included in the draft budget for 2015 that will be presented in Parliament and said that , given the series of four negative budget amendment that has made government in August 2013 – October 2014 , amounting to a deficit of 8.6 billion , it is unlikely that the II quarter of 2015 to be operated a positive budget amendment that could allow reduction of CAS proposed .
Ticks health . Mafia health ( Raed Arafat & Klaus Johannis Klub Klan ) is directed from the antechamber Minister ( Raed Arafat & Klaus Johannis Klub Klan ) . How do consultants inflated paper money diagnoses
Romanian health system resembling a dystrophic dog vigorous and full of ticks . As might scratch , they do not fall , they have sharp teeth . The solution would be , perhaps, an infusion of insecticide . But such a dog die ? Each year , hospital managers are expected to allocate a budget and hope , all hope that next year ‘s budget to be more consistent. Beyond hope , it would be bad if if would help a little luck , if the system is leaky and make room for a break … That ‘s why they invented consultants . The story that follows is about consultants, about some companies who earn a lot of money from computerized patient diagnosis coding . Their role in the economy of the health system is a simplistic and vulgar explanation of the transfer statistics from hospitals to the Ministry, and on this route , they swell of the paper , so the ministry to know that the hospital worked more than actually spent more, and next year needs a more consistent budget . A kind of play stole the hat , but even guaranteed benefit consulting firms . This business has key somewhere at the top of the system, in the person of Levente Vass (pictured right , with Minister Chek Attila ) . The owner of consulting firms, he became minister counselor CSEKE after his resignation was even given the favorite for the health portfolio . Levente feels great but under current Minister Ridli , which binds many : friends , interests, and what not .
Without boring you with details , you should say that every patient who has undergone a hospital discharge sheet will be on the primary and secondary diagnosis . Medical data are encoded and transmitted monthly ministry, the institution called the National School of Public Health . These data encoded using the settlement of medical services and establishing caseload complexity that has some correlation with hospital unit performance . The complexity index cases increases, theoretically , the hospital will sign a contract next year advantageously with Health Insurance House . The relationship between the hospital and the ministry appears intermediate: software consulting firm that implements encoding and bring ” know- how” . Software as software , are on the market a lot of companies that have software coding diagnoses , if you will , but one that can grow 70 % per month and complexity index cases , well , I just find DRG Audit and Medicode , from Targu Mures . True, there is waaaay more expensive than software marketing and consulting firms come with a bonus : a contract by claiming 10% of the extra money they will bring health facility . Plus that will be – or not – for the House of Health Insurance by increasing the budget next year. But the percentage is charged on site .
We do not know precisely how consultants are of the word , because they are secretive , and customers ? hospital managers ? they hide like ostriches , head under wing when addressing the topic . However pursuit of economic indicators of the two companies , we can only conclude that hospital managers are queuing at their door .
With only six employees , DRG Audit managed to collect in 2011-2013 , according to its financial statements over £ 5.2 million gross profit on a turnover of more than 2.4 million annually.
In October 2008 , DRG Audit Targu Mures wins two contracts by open tender Emergency Hospital „St. Panteleimon ” in Bucharest . The first contract dated 02.10.2008 has a value of £ 961 200 and the second dated 21.10.2008 amounting to £ 250,000 , both of which entered the ” external audit issues and DRG coding .”
In Moldova , trace contracts with this company and Suceava County Hospital , and Radauti and Campulung .
Players are actually referees
Founder DRG Audit Vass Levente , Istvan Gergely and Lorenzovici with Lazlo . The moment Vass Levente left the Ministry of Health for his personal adviser CSEKE , Istvan Gergely shall vacate its shares in the company. We can assume without fear of error that left only the acts as the link between the three is quite close , as out of his own wealth statements of Vass Levente . He holds with Gergely Lorenzovici , buildings and land.
The other firm in the market, Medicode SRL Targu Mures , belongs to another close – by Levente . Administrator and sole shareholder in the company Medicode is Margaret Lengyel , but which incidentally has the same address in the bulletin Lorenzovici Zsombor Laszlo founded in DRG Audit . The company was founded in March 2010 and has 12 employees , and financial activity in the first year had a turnover of £ 213.04 .
After retiring from DRG Audit Vass Levente fall as a member of the cabinet minister, the board of directors of the National School of Public Health and Health Management ( SNSPMS ), that the institution of validating files and sets ICM hospitals. In other words, he is part of the team that sets the rules of the game , at the same time and will, and player . The same board of directors also includes other familiar names : prof. Dr. Cristian Vladescu , Director General SNSPMPDSB , Ritli Csongor Laszlo , director MS Office – the son of the current Minister of Health, Dr. Nicolae Lucian Duta ? CNAS president , rec . others. Liliana Michael, Director of Legal – CNAS, prof. Adrian Streinu – Earring – UMF , Assoc . Dr. Alexander Rafila – UMF .
Levente states that emerged from Biznis
From the position of firms under the influence of the ministry , DRG Audit and Medicode always have the latest information on changes in the system and thus determines managers to sign with them. Consulting firms in Targu Mures come with ” know-how ” as stipulated in the contracts , and the information is not yet public and speculates system .
But former ministerial adviser Vass Levente claims that it has either wedge or sleeve for a while , with consulting firms , because he sold the shares . And if we insist on questions of his reign links to this activity , as the occult so profitable , it will ask whether we are driven by vested interests . He asks us to no longer upset with questions, without being willing to give explanations , as can be heard clearly in the documentary video posted on http://www.jurnalul.ro .
A business less legally
I wanted to get and a totally neutral on this business , which is why we turned to a magistrate in Iasi , the condition of anonymity told us that ” the data presented , the contract and documentation showing at first glance a strange business . it is fragrant . , why would pay a sum so large hospital , you could hire two people to do this and make a saving of at least 60-70 percent. to see clear advantages and disadvantages but the contract is need serious scrutiny from the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office should take action to see if it is a crime or not . ”
How does DRG ( Diagnosis Relative Group)
Any patient discharged from hospital discharge sheet will have a primary diagnosis (DP ) and one or more secondary diagnoses ( DS ) . Basically they will serve as a justification for the settlement of medical services and external case to determine the complexity of the cases treated in the medical unit , known within the specialty index ICM ( Case Mix Index ) . At the beginning of the year , when signing contracts with the National Health amounts that each hospital will receive will be given by a simple formula calculation : ICM x TCP x no. contracted cases , where TCP is the cost per weighted case , or otherwise as the house settles every case. That’s because hospitals receive the same amount for a broken arm and an ingrown nail .
So the only way for a hospital to get more money is to have statistical complexity index cases (ICM ) as high, so from the formula resulting in a total as possible.
Hospitals are forced so that every patient discharged to encode primary and secondary diagnoses , and all procedures performed , so to see what ICM conducted . Each receives a diagnosis code DRG ( Diagnosis Relative Group) , a corresponding value. When you multiply the primary and secondary diagnosis resulting ICM , which is why it is ideal diagnostic value of each DRG be as high.
” It’s a stupid policy there …”
Hospital managers are satisfied with the encoding that their doctors do , which is why I feel the need to ask for outside help. It is the case of the Municipal Hospital Campulung . ” Including we have difficulties , we have problems . ‘s Why I turned to one point ( na – a consulting firm ) they are some hospitals where it was an education regarding diagnosis coding … if there are two of a kind . ‘s example comes to abortion woman , right? If you pass the first diagnosis and following diagnosis abortion bleeding, the score is low . massive bleeding If you pass the first and second abortion completely changes the encoding … ‘s primary and secondary diagnosis … yes ! ICM ! ‘s one thing that people do not know and then some hospitals have a lower ICM Why, because there ‘s a stupid policy that … there are many things that … ” the manager told us Campulung Municipal Hospital , Dr. Eugen Cioşnar .
Bureaucratic paradise is populated by all the demons
All hospitals want a big ICM as next year to receive a contract as the Health fatty . But, the national budget is one fix for all hospitals and health care facilities if any artificial increase in the money would logically be the same , the only reason they win will be the ones actually in Targu Mures . According to the contracts that they sign with hospitals after they receive a consultancy fee plus 10% of that they bring medical unit concerned, but not more than £ 110,000 a month , when the company DRG Audit SA This is a single reason for not exceeding a consulting service CPV 15,000 euros and the need for auction.
Incredibly, hospital managers sign contracts with those companies , though they are to the detriment of hospitals . In this view became a prosecutor from the Prosecutor Suceava, which I presented at the hypothetical such conluzionat contract and that „it would be clear to the edge of legality and hospital expense .”
The 10 % are the quantification of differential ICM money that after computing the auditor brings great addition . The agreement provided that he would be paid even if the ICM decreases. Furthermore nowhere in the contract does not specify exactly where base leaves 10% , or in other words from that firm adds value in Targu Mures .
In other words, the company said that for example , the hospital ” x ” conducted an ICM August the value of „y ” , which is £ 10,000 , and the analysis was reached ICM ” y1 ” , which is £ 15,000 and they receive 10% of £ 5,000 . Only £ 15,000 should be included in next year’s contract with the Health hospitals and in reality no one can say that the hospital ” x ” and charge you for the month of August next year £ 15,000 because it is know next year’s budget . Ie consulting firms receive a commission anticipatory and nobody notifies that the contract is not stated anywhere that the money should be returned for example if the financial forecast is not true.
The system gives misfires
Blind trust managers in these contracts is perhaps even foolish . The consultants from Targu Mures is not infallible and they get their money under the contract , either plus or minus bring . Municipal Hospital Cluj- Napoca, because someone at the consulting firm sleeping in front, was recorded earlier this year, a sharp drop ICM . Serious is that at that hospital Medicode company that receives money to encode more accurate , did not see the error until validation came from the National School . Thus, if in 2012 the Municipal Clinical Hospital Cluj- Napoca have an ICM 1.1365 and TCP ( price per weighted case ) £ 1390 , now in 2013 reached 1.0884 ICM and TCP ( price per case ) increased to 1.433 lei, similar growth as in other hospitals in the country. Overall, because of this error Municipal Clinical Hospital Cluj- Napoca lost early before 100,000 euros.
Klaus Johannis – Chosen Baron 322 anti – Băsescu coalition managed to overcome Nastase won the nickname ” Mayor – six houses ” After a secret meeting of the master clock at home tonight Antennas , Dan Voiculescu, 322 coalition formed by the PSD PC -PNL -UDMR formally submitted the proposal that the mayor of Sibiu , Klaus Werner Johannis , to occupy the position of Prime Minister of Romania. An extremely controversial person , Johannis could not be a better choice on the profile of those who support it . Just yesterday, Mediafax Prosecutor confirmed that Alba Iulia Court of Appeal has officially announced that it investigates , on October 1, the mayor of Sibiu , Klaus Johannis , for negligence on the restitution of property in the city . We are in a position to offer you this exclusive proof that the right person and the mayor’s family . Moreover , the case was widely covered by the newspaper ” current ” in 2004 . Locally, a small publication, ” Dacians ” , has managed to highlight many nebulae which have transformed a simple Johannis physics teacher in a ” Primary Wonder ” billionaire. One ” independent ” secured the future by purchasing no less than six buildings in two primary mandates (see facsimile income statement ) , all in the name of his wife , thus surpassing ‘ birth – four houses . ” It can be said to be primary , with a salary budget is more profitable than being a businessman : you have the chance to get from simple local baron , ” regional baron ” and now, after nomination Coalition 322, ” National baron ” . Local media colleagues show that Sibiu benefit on a brilliant propaganda , maintained by invisible threads centrally internally and externally, by a false image of an efficient administration . A facade hides a clever mob coordinated by a mayor who now wants premier writes the ” Dacians ” . Since the real estate business and juggle dubious European funds and the Ministry of Culture of the time ” European capital ” fraud on child trafficking , nothing has escaped the mayor who dreams premier . The wife and mother to DNA Ancheta who now works for the National Anticorruption claim with false documents by the mayor of Sibiu illegally acquired at least two buildings. ” Current ” shown in previous investigations as Klaus Johannis , mayor of Sibiu reelected , Carmen Johannis , his wife, and Georgeta Lazurca his mother are ” investigated ” for years by magistrates Sibiu committing the crime of incitement to forgery , forgery and perjury . Reason: using false documents , persons have acquired ownership of two properties located in the center of Sibiu , including the building in which it is the largest theater in the city, then hired by the mayor , the tens of thousands euros per month, Raiffeisen Bank . Along with the three family members Sibiu mayor , mentioned folder contained three ( Suciu – lawyer , John Basta – presumed heir , and Rum Mărginean – control ) involved in the action by Johannis wives claim . In this case , Liviu Munteanu – Secretary commune in Sibiu Porumbacu Netherlands – is charged with forgery and abuse of office , as official documents issued illegally helped Carmen Johannis obtain ownership of the two properties . According to official documents revealed by the investigation „current ” buildings Johannis family claimed and won as a result of civil decisions handed down by the Court of Appeal Alba Iulia in 1999 , are located in Sibiu , on St. Nicholas Bălcescu no. 29 , that General Magheru . 35 . Each of the buildings has a high market value , taking into account that include more apartments and commercial spaces . The buildings in question , taken by the Romanian state through nationalization spouses belonged to Mary and Eliseu Ghenea , both died in 1962 , respectively in 1969. According to Law 112/1995 , those who lived in those buildings bought from the Romanian state apartments and commercial spaces . Surprisingly , in 1999 , the wife of Mayor Johannis appears in the scene , asking them the new owners to leave their homes on the grounds that it is proprietary . Intrigued , people took to the flea story and came to a staggering discovery . Network Engineering macabre funeral spouses Johannis seems a fantasy : One of the owners of the buildings tabular Maria Ghenea (born Basta ) should be left at his death, a testament that those buildings endow a nephew , Nicholas Basta , died and he in 1993. Subsequently , it all through a bequest , as relayed buildings John Basta , Georgeta Lazurca mayor’s wife , Carmen Johannis . Based on that document , John Basta and wife ” technocrat ” Sibiu asked Justice to declare the invalidity of the state tabulation . Then revendicatorii obtained land registry restore the situation at the time of nationalization , then promoted and obtained shares in order to establish invalidity of acts of sale concluded between the state and those who lived in the property. Fakes all along the line ” current ” revealed in 2004 that claimed the owners of buildings Johannis family appealed to the court in 2001 . So it turned out that Mayor Johannis & comp . obtained the buildings on the basis of false documents issued by the Secretary Porumbacu Upper Hall , Liviu Munteanu . According to the Munteanu ‘s criminal case investigation , it appears that he has released a series of documents on the legacy of the deceased Eliseu Ghenea , who had a rather surreal content corresponded to the entries in the documents of civil status records . ” These maneuvers performed by Bastos called John, Lazurcă Georgeta and Johannis Carmen, supported by the accused Munteanu Liviu – which issued certificates 168/1998 and 73/2000 and Annex 1 no. 25/1997 , falsely led to erroneous tabulation mentioned above in the land , although they had no vocation succession as Nicholas Basta was only relative Ghenea Mary , wife of the deceased previous Ghenea Eliseu „reads the folder Munteanu who is accused of forgery and abuse of office in qualified form . Moreover, the family lawyer Johannis , Suciu , was accused Nicholas Basta turned from grandson of Maria Ghenea , the grandson of Eliseu , so that it can be considered the direct successor of the last representative of the family Ghenea . Originally Johannis family lost in court , after a handwriting expert revealed the invalidity of the will left by Maria Bastos , which made his will Nicholas Basta fall. Thereafter followed appeals, Johannis family managed to win because false certificates issued by Munteanu , came on the line and the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Supreme Court , but stupor : Johannis remains owner survey is sent to the DNA decline . Behind the arrogant and seemingly relaxed smile of ” regional baron ” Klaus Johannis just hope it stays that may cling to a function and protection policy that bury deep in the DNA file . In reality , ” Mayor – six houses ” failed to reveal pus boils local national and , why not , and internationally.
. That is what Raed Arafat & Johanis Klaus Klub Klan or His name , Physician , Philanthropist and savior of the nation ?
I know it’s only gay and mafia ( businessman with homes and Child Trafficking ) . What can I say That this scumbag Raed Arafat DID not force you put in jail or what doctors cunperi drug Musa Musa He Wants What He Wants and if the pharmacy to consult Musa somewhere WHERE He Wants and What He Wants and if you want to change your family dr you swear you do not release the documents threatens you with death and the underworld Sophisticated or rocket puts you Liquide . Thanks mafia in Health Raed Arafat is expanded and it is the head of year octopus , if pica pica head and mob outside the filth of Raed Arafat. There has power of thousands of young dr dr Old Men have no love in the system ( corrupt asleep stupid Withdrawn malpractice , family , messy , screaming schizofrnici Patients ) . Out of this miserable health nosocomial Those infected outside the corrupt and stinking of Raed Arafat spagaciul a plagiarist input . A Syrian Mafia kind to take us home and especially a third world country MSanatati and has come to lead us WHERE Foreigners and especially tomorrow Msanatati and MORE government and parliament take all I got slaves to Foreigners in Their Own Country . Arabitoiul this input to be Crucified or burned and cut hands for theft as do the Arabs . The RO is a huge mob TENS of thousands of people die every day for the stolen drugs or money from Them is required bribe malpractice Germs in hospitals for stealing money as expense the maid is stealing 2.5 million influenza vaccine flaws and laugh and piss Arafat & Johannis Romans shaving jail for it Should Be Done embezzlement theft of 2.5 million and is the only way to do vc hepatitis and cancer pills Were Allocated 50,000. 000 euro / year to hospitals and over 50 % WAS Spent badly to say the truth That They Were stolen , embezzled or stolen funds broken and no one DID Even 40 years in prison and confiscation of Family Fortunes and 100,000 euro fine . Everyone got away Because motherfuckers Raed Arafat & Johannis father defending mafia . If you look at it think it is Vadim and Becali giving mouth but THEN discover That really is heh heh That year the main culprit is actually illusion thief shouting thief is a good actor but a fool and a medical doctor is corrupt .
Conspiracy Raed Arafat & Johannis sale , destruction, extermination of Romanians and Romania (if you grab the MAI and the Ministry of Health extermination Romans will be play make extermination camps and will poison , irradiate food and water already brought million tons / year garbage and chemical waste in 200 pits redioactive romania in Italy and throughout Europe , in 20 years there will be Romans, but will sell with maximum profit romania mafia conspiracy Raed Arafat & Johannis ) .
Helge Fleischer , Undersecretary of State in the Department for Interethnic Relations and former local councilor FDGR of Sibiu, has died at only 33 years old , killed by an incurable disease , after some time spent in Germany. It was the man DIE and Germans were caught movement. Daniel Thellmann , former Mayor of Medias fired by President Johannis in FDGR passed because the PDL was died just 49 years. After a last visit in Germany has triggered a rapid and relentless cancer , just as in the case of Helge Fleischer . A plausible scenario : Crin Antonescu if a physically disappear in less than a year – and see how easy it is dying of „cancer” when you have direct contact with President FDGR ! – Klaus Johannis automatically becomes interim president de facto Liberal presidential candidate and Romania. Cacaraule , you have no idea what you put in or what awaits you in the future!
Mayor of Sibiu in the past eight years , Klaus Werner Johannis is a controversial figure . Subject estate scandals transformed to a point in criminal cases , Johannis appears to have trouble with the law again . The reason : when he completed statements of wealth , the mayor of Sibiu was tangled in calculations and data , committing a series of ” Open Season ” punishable by the Penal Code . Reporters daily ” Public Interest ” Mayor Johannis found that failed in the last statement of assets filed in late 2007 to disclose all monies which have helped to purchase, in the past year, the two buildings . Moreover, the mayor suddenly remembered the last statement of wealth that has two bank accounts that failed to evoke in previous statements made in July 2004.Surprinzator at the end of last year , the mayor of Sibiu submit another declaration of assets in that babble that at the time of the declaration of assets filed in July 2004 the offense of false public statements provided by art . 292 Penal Code. Thus, the declaration of assets filed in 04.12.2007 ( registered under no. 162 873 ) , Johannis mentions under ” Financial Assets ” , that has three accounts , two of which , one and another of 4.062 USD 19.060 euro , dating from 1990 and 2003 respectively . Why not check these two accounts in Sibiu mayor asset declarations made in 2004 ? It is a question that must respond Sibiu mayor . But this is not the only question that Klaus Werner Johannis must find a plausible answer . First he has to explain where he got the money to buy in 2007, the name of his wife , two houses whose total value is £ 110,639.30 , given its cumulative revenues obtained last year ( exclusion of those of his wife, because they were not specified ) were only 76.070 RON ( income from wages – 40.368 RON , income from transfer of usage of two buildings – 35.702 RON ) . Thus, if we draw the line and gather results that the mayor of Sibiu can not explain how he made the difference 34.570 RON , given who mentions that appealed to any loan. The explanation for the difference could come from salary earned by his wife, a professor at the College „Gheorghe Lazar ” Sibiu . But it is hard to believe that this annual income from wages should be equal to the sum of money whose origin is not explained by the mayor . And if we assume , however, that the difference of primary unexplained , ie 34.570 RON (equivalent to 2.880 RON / month salary impossible for a high school teacher ) would come from the annual salary earned by his wife, it is impossible to believe that the mayor of Sibiu has spent one year any money to support themselves and agreed to give all their savings in a year , obtained from wages and rents , only to buy two houses . That’s because air can not only live …
What I mean about Calafat ? Took to the streets to defend him !
Exclusive – Outrageous : Raed Arafat secretizează public spending at Ministry of Health
Shock and Awe : Raed Arafat angel savior is the author of an order of the Ministry of Health (No. 964 ) that data critical to citizens regarding the Ministry of Health are ” exempt from notification ” . That can not be made public , I can not get media attention , so no citizens who pay taxes, social security , health and other state drool .
Under Order 964 signed ” for” Minister of Health State Secretary Raed Arafat , are ” exempt from notification ” information ” Annex 3″ which you can see below:
continue aici:http://prisacariu.ro/2013/10/08/exclusiv-scandalos-raed-arafat-secretizeaza-cheltuirea-banilor-publici-la-ministerului-sanatatii/
Here is my opinion http://www.gazetadesudest.ro/2013/08/30/calafat-baiatul-care-va-descarcereaza-banii-din-buzunar/
Raed Arafat & Johannis is a big corrupt in the West it is Considered discrimination and malpractice and translates to 2-10 years in prison plus confiscation of Family Fortunes Responsible for genocit killer . Raed Arafat acst obscure comic dirty pan in the bone DID not Hear from Him Anything Requires medical heh boards Believed That Syrian slick liar in afriac if erea doctor standing in a hospital do not interfere in politics WHERE only whores , tell me to tell you who unbli who you have Mr. Alcaide . THUS the duty to resolve incidents and Passed this sheep ‘s head bribes facula is 1.Ministerul Health ( That just did not privatizta and Even If It Was Responsible criminally privatized Before the law for health disaster , and is the subject of work heh heh yes april cancel The Authorization ) Police Prosecutor Public Health. And for uneducated mob Syrian head of sheep and grimy to get Their hands on the book for the College of Physicians Legally has no power and no field attributes of Can not measure it until He M Health Justice and Police (local Public Health) do not condemn . And so if sanction They built a medical college Dr. Conflicts with the Constitution and Laws of the country , it is not a public Authority and therefore of Can not punish anyone . Mr. Raed Arafat on your post terrorism HAD to sit a novel not a bad sheep like you , you old Raed Arafat mafia men 60-100 years in the system and Dr. Young DID not like Them , These reptiles bud losing Ask Them Their meat to lie steal and bribe , height of foolishness has experts in malpractice operates left you When you break the law you apedicita operates When You have to remove part of your bowel tumor or diseased kidney not to mention the Theft and Trafficking in organs is common. Arafat missed it in HER mouth giving a father of the market is the shake but ultimately does nothing , why , Because the logic is invalid , heh bribes HER Their tithes from the direction of public health hospitals and Local Health Departments Barons That each 5000 euro / month or 50×20 = 5,000,000 euro .
Even accounting for defect management embezzlement plagiarist double this loser does not dismiss Arafat not to imprison These executives ( Barons ) , and I think to 5,000,000 euro / month as paying into Them . Finish Him to idolize this Clofn mascara DID not do Anything and Will not do is just a ghost of a shadow , WHERE voltage of thousands of doctors and convicted for malpractice Corruption Dismissed Him, He Appears public after media barely Cases and shake like a mascot stadium meciiuri in USA but no more than two classes as compared to the drugged train Syrian terrorist , so we put a folk atmosphere to do and zavoreanca is good and mother caterpillar and Tate tote scales block from the queue and everyone Knows gossip scandal shook the hand beak but not real so why not dismiss thousands of corrupt doctors or / and for That logic malpractice why not – pay Them and fire into the hat dance and soundly 5,000,000 euros / month . Well if Raed Arafat worked at a hospital in the U.S. with all bribes have up to 6000 euro / month if They work out have 6000 euro / month without pay bribes Like That has not Romanians (if you catch it like the priest 2-10 years of jail and confiscation of property maenda 100,000 euros plus family , where is the law That is odd bargain WHERE not Roman law ( supercorupti ) ) , how to go on When He Steals 6000euro/luna 5,000,000 euros / month . How does this octopus Called Syrian Mafia Romania Arafat plain tb Maintain Those experienced and old men unconscious maximum server between 60-100 years especially EN dad law as if it has more than 70 years if not very serious Crimes do not jail or be suspended or at That part is a great home EQUAL to zero jail . City Barons spiatle directors and public health Directiii monthly pay into EUR 5,000,000 for Sheikh Raed Arafat over bulibasa marog da dick in mouth Called Suliman Romans . And for Raed Arafat ‘s Witnesses to make Them Matan to relics of Raed Arafat , and to lick the dick That stupid country no larger than RO. Aces Puto Raed Arafat not worth snot nose or marmalade left the toilet , urine therapy miss serves . If He DID Something d aa plagiarism SMURD Brotherhood in 1970 and Applied in EN 1992 EN wrong but not in the Székely Land , simple 8 sponsors Hungarians as sponsorship is tax exemption and Their Hungarian DID HER not godsend for all eight ambulances That Gave Their Dacians erea Breck and vans actually transformed , THEN got involved action, action and Mayors in this country That tote Hungarian Romanian parties and ii ii begging votes lig under the tail , so stinking jerk of Raded Paduchiosu Arafat DID not put any money the doctors and nurses erea of the Hungarians They volunteered to Their nation for Their bravo uuuuuhhhhhhoooo Romans , after four years seeing what Will you still find nothing special with this super SMURD ambulance this Arafat praised toad frog Girl prabuisit doctor himself said in mountains with Jovan it is a stupid doctor DID not Need to well know its not correct coordinates analfabetule Dr. Arafat Gave the exact mind that you do not read just after supercorupt erea GPS ( thank sir That DID WAS not made by Romanian = illiterate to the bone thieves , beggars scumbag and Europe) after it the phone IP4 not going to make mistakes WAS He is SMURD Syrian mafia EN STS nor any Western roams merchandise precision is not illiterate executives who Sidelined Arafat Some of Can not read Coordinated and sour wonders between Them as They have done for PARACEM erea first time , and it is the first time you ask erea They kind Directly coordinate bribes and do not know Anything Copied to exams , the young doctor Raed Arafat Accused That made sinceriate bad for tv, made it His foul and That He knew how to Give first aid and That it is not SMURD Their foul and search attributes , it does not drive me nuts Monkey Arafat stupid SMURD is saving it has the Obligation to seek to save , not looking to eat cat hiding between 18 That I, millions Sophisticated and one is like me asking you to eat it . SMURD brother has special role in search not stay in the mountains between the edge astrazi ruins and smoke cigarettes and take as the U.S. Another swig and say They do not look like it does not buckle in France is criminal case if the Victims do not seek and anyway the law partner That includes military rescue acute services required to have inspections and making healthier Victims entire public administration farata Even When Something disappears or is a downstream Victims mayor mobilizes every day half the inhabitants and the local and central aadministratia and starts Theme for His quest led 10 days every day and I make lists HER CAN rotation who does not want to or not bode must pay 200 euros a day WHERE Romans expelled the law (where law odd bargain ) . And if you look at the foreign front SMURD ambulance is only normal Volunteers without wages not like us WHERE there is a high theft Volunteers does not have MSanatati Salaries Employees have two (from ambulances and emergency ) and more ( wires ) to Give Them two Salaries and ditch All That ambulance . What century DID Give two jobs to get rich and I set it aside reloare moves . Either is a petite Sacara in each county or Bucharest sector has only five ambulances and normal 5ambulata SMURD to 10 cars on tour operator and manned Partially complete on ambulatele as doctors in romania Will never see Them skipping or hiding in offices why people die like flies anyway Even if erea the ambulance with the 200 euro / medical exam and you want to know 10,000 Which license book and what students have skipping the old men instatigati medical doctors is afraid That the new generation is better Prepared and We Will like it to stand up to 200 years . What do you do if you know nothing Them Were Given to bribe She trained Dr. Old Men . So do not all reptiles Give aste aste system mummies Dr. Old Men , People Will die in the end .“All decision makers (all mafia Johannis Raed Arafat Antonescu etc.), All that could hasten healthcare reforms are hand in hand and have no interest to finish things on time. Their personal or party interests are prevailing. Consequently, ordinary people suffer, while elected officials are getting rich on their backs. Unfortunately, such things happen everywhere, not just in health. “
Abuses County Emergency Hospital Ploiesti
Mr. Johannis (Johannis Klaus Klub Klan (KKK USA )) and Raed Arafat why not put to jail corrupt doctors and nurses and malpractice because you tithe paying into you too . There are over 100,000 similar cases in the country in the past 20 years .
At the hospital I had a patient admitted to the orthopedic ward . Absolutely all medicines, perfuzoarele , syringes, diapers were bought by new tutors . It is interesting to find out who owns the pharmacy in the hospital courtyard , pharmacy where you can find everything you tell the nurses to buy .
Check in how they make service station , the head nurse to nurse . Enter incognito , as a caregiver and will remain
marked the hell out of there . I’m not saying that it happens only in Ploiesti , but if you do not notice and do not start with what
we know how to change the mentality of those working in hospitals. It is said that a nurse goes home every day with a minimum £ 100 , but a nurse , who moves without a cup and place your hand in your pocket? And even after receiving urneşte not too easy .
I’ve made this complaint and a famous TV station, but remained unanswered.
Why are we like to make our idols ? Just because you do not know and were smart enough to stay in the shade ? For me the desire to stay and if he was elected mayor and deputy would have found a legal loophole , Mr. Iohanis disqualified from the image of the liberal politician corect.Cati it would not wish to be directly vice president of party immediately after enrollment as promoted Mr. Iohanis ? And Chapter communication always brings me in remembrance extraordinarily stubborn sole master of truth in economics and finance and Stolojan . Therefore I can not agree with this gentleman providential Klaus Iohanis .
Another impaled it takes PNLul : Ioannis = thrust Basescu ‘s Trojan Horse in NLP .
Now is the time Iohanis , now sing maneaua Iohanis or clan ‘s Witnesses pedophile pimp . Something similar to the various literary movements or painting . What you have not yet used consistently perfect ideas of our beloved president ? If tomorrow will be another day to see if reorientation of presidential consistency .
johanis stay calm as he has enough bumps and therefore went to USL otherwise he enter politics.
Johanis also made part of the DFDR and he hopes to steal higher level.
give johanis has no merit in Sibiu else he deals mainly with children and organs …………………….
I’ve seen how it all .. Rome after the pope Ponta came out brown smoke chimney .. Either Vatican Pontios soul was to be confessed that what she ate now in post … and you will eat the large spoon .. no one knew what to say …
Raed Arafat & Johanis Klaus Klub Klan homo-gay bitches camp-switching lovelies firecrackers since these are personalities?
Penela Offer Winter : salam Saxon tasting Johannis
In classic fairy tale story … things are . Prince , who is always charming , moving on a white horse , and when reach the destination applies the death of the princess who sleeps a kiss more effective than the vaccine produced by Cantacuzino. A few moments after their salivary secretions joins Princess suddenly goes from a state of waking sleep , amount of crystal copârşeul and goes to officially marry Prince Castel ( secondary observation : marriage is never celebrated a king ! ) .
The tale PNL ‘s fucked . Prince tired and unconvincing , air- parrot , is passed into the secondary. The central figure of the story becomes German horse , who plays opposite than the story Classical unicorn instead of being local, the best horse in the paddock of the Saxon , he struggled for years , quivering on the royal gates , just, just so turn into a runt only made good government wagon . For under buttocks knight named flower, horse Johannis Sibiu has become a different perspective than a dozen stallion that will whinny nazi racist xenophobic and will urge the Romanian ham , to no avail.
The German Johannis Klaus Klub Kluan (Johanis Klaus) , hardworking nazi racist xenophobic pedophile pimp and child trafficking and organ, but dull mind , he understood nothing of the effect it has on animals of burden jockey – jocker Lily : instead pass the finish line first , he out of the competition early . How to put the ram stroke Becali, it will do the Lipizzaner Saxon . If I correctly show me the magic globe , in just a few months we will have a tasting lasagna Johannis .
German Ethnic Group was organized structure after Hitler model , the real fifth column of Germany in Romania , Romanian state in the country during the Second World War. Racial ideals atheism Hitler ‘s party with activities contrary to the Romanian state and its official symbol was the swastika . It was pulled from indigo by what was happening in Berlin.
Document German Ethnic Group – Democratic Forum – Klaus IohannisDizolvată after 1945 under a provision of the armistice of 1944 , which provided the abolition of all Nazi and fascist organizations , its property was turned over to the Romanian state .
Since 1989 , the founders of the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania claimed the immovable property of the German Ethnic Group , as its successor . except
With the exception of Justice newspaper , nobody raised the objection that these goods were claimed on behalf of Nazi organizations .
Researcher Victor Dogaru, author of books on the right wing interwar Romania has the merit of being removed from the archive documents relating to German Ethnic Group and its Nazi character and make them available to the public in autumn trecut.Stampila German Ethnic Group Nazi Klaus Johannis is revednica
Robbery estate in Sibiu illegal restitution to the DFDR , successor organization of the Nazi German Ethnic Group ( I)
Sibiu have returned high schools , kindergartens, retirement home Philharmonic and the DFDR , successor organization of the Nazi Party …
Sibiu have returned high schools , kindergartens, retirement home Philharmonic and the DFDR , successor organization of the Nazi German Ethnic Group by Mayor Klaus Johannis . He was in conflict of interest, the mayor and president of the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) at the time. These abuses of power and obvious conflict of interest were and are past still overlooked by the Romanian authorities .
History : Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) officially became the successor organization of the Nazi German Ethnic Group by a judgment of the Court of Sibiu
On 26 February 2007, Hans Klein ( Evangelical priest and local councilor DFDR ) , as chairman of the organization Sibiu Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) has filed a Request Sibiu Court summons against Sibiu mayor Klaus Johannis represented ( DFDR Klein ‘s boss , the president of Johannis nationwide ! ) and Sibiu County Council , where FDGR have an absolute majority at the time, 16 councilors ( including ” petitioner ” Hans Klein ) out of 23 . Here’s what you asked Hans Klein in the civil action filed in court Sibiu: ” Please you find the quality of our organization successor in title to the German Ethnic Group ( Deutsche Volksgruppe ) „, ie , to understand everyone officially recognized without ambiguity of continuing Nazi doctrine promoted by the German Ethnic Group not only in Romania , but throughout the European continent before and during the course of the Second World War.
Hans Klein Klein 1jpgHans Klein2Hans 3PG
Maria Miller , the judge who reactivated irresponsible Nazi organization
Incompetence , corruption, careerism or less each ? Are the questions that come to mind when driving Civil Sentence no . 2790 of 28 May 2007 issued by Judge Maria nonchalantly Morar .
decision – FDGR – 1jpghot . FDGR 2_n
Although mention Law . 485 of 1944 Honor ignore the content of the law, you probably do not even bother to read it. Moreover, she has ignored even the Constitution , which provides in Art. 11 , para. (1) ” The Romanian State pledges to fulfill in good faith its obligations as deriving from the treaties it is a party” . Romanian state was a signatory to the Armistice Agreement of 12 September 1944, which provides , in Article 15 , the dissolution pro – Nazi organizations on Romanian territory or German Ethnic Group dissolved by Decree – Law no. 485 of 7 October , but reactivated by Judge Maria Morar Civil Sentence no . 2790 was just such an organization ! JUDGE For information and general culture , even Armistice Convention was the one who forced King Michael to issue Decree – Law no. 485 of 7 October .
To give you idea of the level of education of some of those who judge us … Wealth Declaration JUDGE little hand written in 2007 seems a humorous sketch of his Caragiale .
Statement Wealth Wealth MM_Page_1Declaratie MM_Page_3
Conspicuous , first , calligraphy , which seems to belong to older people , like this , about 80 years old . But fun and sad at the same time is how to complete boxes judge Mrs. Maria Miller . Thus , it appears that pre-school Teodora Morar was won on roulette , since it is part of the ” Income from prizes and gambling” . The lady does not even know where he works , because the source of income is passed Sibiu Court , although she working in the court . Husband , Nicolae Morar is passed twice in the wrong categories . Look who judge us ! A person who is not even able to properly fill out a form trivial, but has the power to decide the fate of others !
However , Judge Mrs. Maria Miller wants to improve, promote professional hierarchy that has chosen. So that part , like any respectable magistrate career and wants to promote the training courses. So the spring of 2010 met the lady judge blossom bat , hat away at Bārlad . Specifically , from May 5 to 7, 2010 , Mrs. Maria Miller attended a seminar … Suspense ! … Warning … Title seminar organized by the National Institute of Magistracy was : Return of assets confiscated . Bingo ! Well , the lady judge was about ” specialized ” because three years earlier, in May 28, 2007 , issued Civil Sentence no . 2790 whereby he dismissed the property refunds ” trampling on law law ” ! But , she specializes permanent because, who knows, maybe someday reach the Minister of Justice and will be able to retrocedează throughout Transylvania . If it will take and chief Johannis , as Prime Minister , then rest assured that it will happen .
Klaus Johannis and Hans Klein , two Saxons who wanted to become Hitler’s followers !
Subsequently, those who made the request for summons tried to save face claiming that they were only interested in real property of that organization Nazi property seized by Decree – Law no. 485 of October 7, 1944 , issued by King Michael , which had been abolished and that Nazi organization . But the phrase „successor rights” can not apply as „heir ” of anyone , whether you are natural or legal person and try to suction only good things and ignore the negative ones do ! Since F.D.G.R. declared ” successor in title ” , then automatically retrieved and the doctrine of ” deceased ” German ethnic group at whose goods craves !
On the basis of a court sentence irresponsible Sibiu no. 2790 of 28 May 2007, file no. 1672/306/2007 , which upheld the status of successor organization to the Nazi German Ethnic Group FDGR this ethnic organization does not even have to be judged by courts when seeking a building . After May 28, 2007 was sufficient only to city hall decision signed by Mayor Johannis for that property becomes property FDGR site where President on national was … all Johannis ! Quoting from the publication Sibiu ” Tribune ” article ” Building the House of the Coşbuc , returned to the Forum ” (http://www.tribuna.ro/stiri/eveniment/cladirea-caminului-de-pe-cosbuc-retrocedata-forumului-51370.html) dated May 25, 2010 : ” Building works Home for Senior Citizens in Sibiu, Henry Wadsworth Street , was returned to the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania – Sibiu , which will lease the House for a period of three years , with the possibility of extension of the contract . ” So what happened to the building located in Henry Wadsworth street no. 20 where work Home for elderly Sibiu. As regards the order of restitution and rental further quote from the same article published in the local newspaper ” Tribune ” dated May 25, 2010 : ” The building has returned to its former owner , FDGR Sibiu, in a decision last year , and the meeting City Council will vote Friday counseling the lease of the building and land . Basically, if the project is approved , House will still work at Henry Wadsworth Longfellow , and Public Service Home for the Elderly in the City Hall of Sibiu , will pay a monthly rent of 10.318 lei. ”
Other buildings in Sibiu, returned or restitution under the DFDR successor organization as Nazi German ethnic group in Romania : building Philharmonic , Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Office , Agricultural High School. 12 and many others in the city and county of Sibiu.
List of buildings undergoing restitution
Applicants : Evangelical C. A. in Romania
FDGR Sibiu
Avram Iancu . 10
Avram Iancu . 14
Ocnei St. , nr. 3
Philosophers Alley no. 16 *
St. Nicholas Bălcescu , no. 30
St. Nicholas Bălcescu , no. 45
Market , nr . 8
Market , nr . 9
Street General Magheru . 16 *
Street General Magheru . 18
Street General Magheru . 19 *
Street Archives , no. 1
Street May 9 , no. 47
Printers street no. 18
Printers Street , no. 1 – FDGR requested Sibiu
Constitution Street , no. 22 * ( requested by FDGR Sibiu )
Fortress St. , nr. 1 ( the Museum of Natural History ) – requested by FDGR Sibiu
Onofrei Pompeiu Street , no. 7 – requested by FDGR Sibiu
Fortress St. , nr. 17 *
Magura Street , no. 5 *
Fortress St. , nr. 19 *
Avram Iancu . 18 * ( Lyceum building ” Axente Sever ” Medias )
Source: interpellation signed by deputy Ovidiu Gant
Addresses marked with * are buildings that are not included in the national heritage
Some other buildings have been returned to the Evangelical Church , including Brukenthal and high school Brukenthal though evangelical church and she donated her entire fortune German ethnic group on August 11, 1942 ! Then he signed the Framework Convention for the Regulation Relationship between Evangelical Church Augsburgiană and ethnic Germans in Romania , which decided the former transition property ” Saxon Universities ” ( Romanian Royal Court disbanded in June 1, 1937 for improper function as a ” state state ” ) in the German Ethnic Group . ” Convention ” signed by Bishop Evangelical Church , Wilhelm Stäedel and Andreas Schmidt – the leader of the German Ethnic Group ( Volksgruppenfuhrer ) in Brasov. The document by which the Church Evanghelcică C. A. and provided the German Ethnic Group entire estate can be read here :
Surprisingly, the processes concerned with the Evangelical Church in Sibiu , the tenants of property claimed by church representatives that have won in court , while others have lost, though – the peak ! – Claimed it was the same building . Those who had won a previous court of justice, the document that we reproduce it :
As noted , the court relied on the 1942 Convention even where transivăneni Saxon church has transferred his wealth German Ethnic Group on Nazi ideological considerations .
This is Hans Klein, when he was a counselor. Eternal upper hand on his boss to approve projects of the DFDR , Klaus Johannis . Just Sibiu mayor proposes draft decisions of the local council, the only role of councilors is only voting machine to mimic democracy .
This is Hans Klein, when he was a counselor. Eternal upper hand on his boss to approve projects of the DFDR , Klaus Johannis . Only Sibiu mayor proposes draft decisions of the local council, the only role of councilors voting machine is only to mimic democracy .
Hans Klein was guilty at the time of submission of the proceedings , the charge of conflict of interest because he was a member in the council which he sued ! Specifically, sued the city of Sibiu , Klaus Johannis represented by Mayor Werner ( DFDR Klein ‘s boss , the president of Johannis nationwide ! ) And Sibiu County Council , where FDGR have an absolute majority at the time, 16 councilors ( including ” petitioner ” Hans Klein ) out of 23 . I mean, vindictive civil action filed in court by the DFDR , where Klaus Johannis was national president , was against the city of Sibiu , Klaus Johannis represented by the Mayor and City Council consists mostly against all members FDGR . Basically, DFDR was given one trial ! „Normal” that the process has been gained since the defendants ( one and the same with ” pârâcioşii ” ) did not appear in court , their interest is to grant the request made by Hans Klein , being pushed from behind his approach to his boss supreme FDGR line , Klaus Werner Johannis . Regarding conflict of interest , it is evident from Hans Klein , who sued when Sibiu City Council disregarded that he was part of that Local Council . So Werner Klaus Johannis , who knew of his subordinate intention , both in terms of local government Sibiu and in FDGR organization is guilty of the same conflict of interest. In addition , Klaus Werner Johannis is guilty of abuse of office , because as mayor of Sibiu did not arrange for the Sibiu be properly defended in court nor the Court Sibiu attacked civil judgment no. 2790 of 28 May 2007, file no. 1672/306/2007 , it remains final.
I mention that I found out later about the place in 2007 , as it was done in secret , without public to find out those actions triggered by FDGR in court. Therefore we submitted the criminal complaint to the Prosecutor of the Tribunal Sibiu , registered under no. 425/P/2010 on June 24, 2010 :
” Mr. Prime Attorney , Albin Marius Marinescu undersigned , residing in Sibiu , str … , ap … Sibiu , phone no. … Brought this complaint against the perpetrator Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania , located in Sibiu , G-ral . Magheru , no. 1-3 , no. 29 Sibiu , Romanian legal person of private law and against its representatives , said Klaus Werner Johannis , the president of the organization at national and Hans Klein , chairman of the municipal Sibiu, for the offense of establishing a fascist organization . Grounds for complaint :
In fact , on February 27, 2007 , Hans Klein, in his capacity as president of the organization Sibiu Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) has filed a Request Sibiu Court lawsuit against the mayor of Sibiu represented Klaus Johannis ( DFDR Klein ‘s boss , the president of Johannis nationally ) and Sibiu County Council , where FDGR have an absolute majority at the time, 16 councilors ( including ” petitioner ” Hans Klein ) out of 23 . Said Hans Klein asked the civil action filed in court Sibiu following , and I quote : ” Please you find the quality of our organization successor in title to the German Ethnic Group ( Deutsche Volksgruppe ) ” .
German Ethnic Group was established immediately after the Vienna Award . It exists in other countries with German minority in France ( Alsace ), Poland ( Silesia ) , Czechoslovakia ( Sudeten ) . The goals of these groups of ethnic Germans (the famous Column of Hitler ) were : Nazi propaganda , economic sabotage , diversionary actions behind the lines , ” intoxication ” and misinformation of the majority of countries. Romania Allied Powers imposed by Article 15 of the Armistice Agreement of 12 September 1944 dissolution pro – Nazi organizations on Romanian territory . The German Ethnic Group was abolished by Decree – Law no. 485 of October 7, 1944 , signed by King Michael of Romania.
The court granted the request of the President of the organization FDGR ( Sibiu ) Hans Klein and civil sentence no. 2790 of 28 May 2007, file no. 1672/306/2007 was not attacked by anyone and final. So officially , through a final , the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) , is the successor of Nazi organizations .
Act is an offense under the Emergency Ordinance of the Government no. 31/2002 , published in Official Gazette no. 214 of 28 March 2002 on the prohibition of organizations and fascist , racist or xenophobic and worship of persons guilty of crimes against peace and humanity .
The two presidents F.D.G.R. shall have the instigator ( Johannis Klaus Werner ) and author (Hans Klein ) because by their actions they have re-established a fascist organization , in violation of the Constitution of Romania, which provides in Art. 11 , para. (1) ” The Romanian State pledges to fulfill in good faith its obligations as deriving from the treaties it is a party. ” Romanian state was a signatory to the Armistice Agreement of 12 September 1944, which provides in Article 15 dissolution pro – Nazi organizations on Romanian territory .
Evidence complaint intend to make use of the following tests:
Application for summons filed by Hans Klein , chairman of the municipal Sibiu Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) that it requires official recognition FDGR quality successor of the German Ethnic Group ( Deutsche Volksgruppe ) .
Civil Sentence no . 2790 of 28 May 2007, file no. 1672/306/2007 , which allowed an application by the applicant Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ), represented by Hans Klein .
FDGR decision 1jpgfdgr 111_n
– Armistice Convention of September 12, 1944
Convention armistitiuConventia truce truce 2Conventia 3
– Decree – Law no. 485 of October 7, 1944
Decree King Michael
– Number 6 issue of ” Justice Sibiu ” 22 June 2010, where in the article by yours truly entitled ” Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ), led by Klaus Johannis , official statement furthers Nazi party in WWII „(from page 3 to page 5 ) is explained in detail and documented throughout the history of the German Ethnic Group in Romania . http://www.justitiarul.ro/forumul-democrat-al-germanilor-din-romania-fdgr-condus-de-klaus-iohannis-se-declar-oficial-continuatorul-partidului-nazist-din-al-doilea-rzboi-mondial/
I hereby request outlaw and dissolve the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ), according to Government Emergency Ordinance no. 31/2002 and Investigating called Hans Klein and Klaus Werner Johannis under the same ordinance the Romanian Government. ” http://legeaz.net/text-integral/oug-31-2001-interzicerea-organizatiilor-si-simbolurilor-cu-caracter-fascist-rasist
The criminal complaint dated 24 June 2010 addressed to the Tribunal Prosecutor Sibiu. However, it was passed Prosecutor’s Office of Sibiu Court . The complaint was against the perpetrator Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania , located in Sibiu , G-ral . Magheru , no. 1-3 , no. 29 Sibiu , Romanian legal person of private law and against its representatives , said Klaus Werner Johannis , the president of the organization at national and Hans Klein , chairman of the municipal Sibiu, for the offense of establishing a fascist organization , so as reflected in the Government Ordinance no. 31/2002 , published in Official Gazette no. 214 of 28 March 2002 on the prohibition of organizations and fascist , racist or xenophobic and worship of persons guilty of crimes against peace and humanity .
Resolution signed by Prosecutor Blind Tudor , who has NUP was stated to File 3345/P/2010 on May 5, 2011 ! We emphasize , with indignation , that research took eleven months and one day ! So 11 months of „work ” can be found on page A4 Resolution drafted and signed by Prosecutor Andrei Tudor blind .
Against that resolution telegraph , an offense against the prosecutor job ! , I submitted the complaint , on June 28, 2011 , of which glean the essentials :
„I believe the resolution in question is inconsistent with reality and therefore ask you restart criminal proceedings against the perpetrator Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania , located in Sibiu , G-ral . Magheru , no. 1-3 , no. 29 Sibiu , Romanian legal person of private law and against its representatives , said Klaus Werner Johannis , the president of the organization at national and Hans Klein , chairman of the municipal Sibiu, for the offense of establishing a fascist organization , so as reflected in the Government Ordinance no. 31/2002 , published in Official Gazette no. 214 of 28 March 2002 on the prohibition of organizations and fascist , racist or xenophobic and worship of persons guilty of crimes against peace and humanity .
Solution prosecutor not to prosecute is wrong and unfair for the following reasons :
One . There may be requested recognition as the successor organization, the applicant dezicându its doctrine as automatic as no longer to be the successor (heir ) , because they have not shared the exact identity of the organization whose heir is claimed . Creed of an organization, which is reflected in its status , whether the association is political or otherwise, confers its own identity and distinguishes it from other organizations.
Two . Regarding the patrimonial aspect invoked by Dumitrescu Ciprian assistant inspector of police in Working Paper from 04.01.2011 , there is a perceived conflict between status FDGR Recognized through the statement said Hans Klein, as the organization is ” constituted non-profit ” and Hans Klein same statement that ” FDGR property is the legal successor of the German Ethnic Group ” .
PolitiejpgReferat police report 2jpg
Statement KleinDeclaratie Hans Hans Klein2
This apparent contradiction has been overlooked by blind Prosecutor Andrei Tudor .
FDGR status in the introductory chapter , ” General Provisions ” in Article 1 , states : „The Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) is an association of the German minority in Romania , organized on an ethnic basis , Romanian legal person of private law , non-profit organizations . ” By claiming property rights of organization Hitler German Ethnic Group , FDGR – Sibiu even violates its Statute , art. One ! ( http://www.fdgr.ro/ro/statutul_organizatiei/ )
Three . Furthermore, the undersigned support the argument that this organization so -called ” democratic ” was created deliberately revisionist purposes . Thus , Article 6, the same state FDGR are written as follows: ” F.D.G.R. is the legal successor of all institutions and organizations of the German minority , which were abolished by coercion . ” That the founders in 1990 of the ethnic associations ( what kind of democracy can be an organization formed on ethnic , exclusive and participating in elections as a political party ! ) paved the way for subsequent claims of succession after the German Ethnic Group ! The only issue that hangs still in the way of these plans is that the neo-Nazi German Ethnic Group was not abolished by the Communists constraint as lawyers DFDR or the Evangelical Church Consistory CA permanently supported in false before the courts, when they claimed the property on behalf of the two institutions of the German minority . As shown in the original criminal complaint : the Allies forced Romania , Article 15 of the Armistice Agreement of 12 September 1944 dissolution pro – Nazi organizations on Romanian territory . The German Ethnic Group was abolished by Decree – Law no. 485 of October 7, 1944 , signed by King Michael of Romania. Communists have done nothing to implement this Decree – Law no. 485 of October 7, 1944 , which belonged to them , they are not in power at that historical moment .
In conclusion , I call on resumption of criminal proceedings against the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) and the people they represent and argue further that the two presidents FDGR shall have the instigator ( Johannis Klaus Werner ) and author (Hans Klein ) because by their actions they have re-established a fascist organization , in violation of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 31/2002 , published in Official Gazette no. 214 of 28 March 2002 on the prohibition of organizations and fascist , racist or xenophobic and worship of persons guilty of crimes against peace and humanity .
Also, offenders have violated the Constitution , which provides in Art. 11 , para. (1) ” The Romanian State pledges to fulfill in good faith its obligations as deriving from the treaties it is a party. ” Romanian state was a signatory to the Armistice Agreement of 12 September 1944, which provides in Article 15 dissolution pro – Nazi organizations on Romanian territory , so the civil sentence no. 2790 of 28 May 2007, file no. 1672/306/2007 issued by Judge Maria Morar , in the Sibiu Court , which ruled that the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania ( DFDR ) is the successor organization of the Nazi German Ethnic Group has broken the fundamental law of the Romanian state , the Constitution . ”
I filed this complaint on 28.06.2011, and this time was very prompt Turcu wife, Senior Deputy Public Prosecutor ‘s Office attached to the Court of Sibiu. Sibiu Court Prosecutor’s Office decided not to prosecute , NUP eternal when it comes to mayor Klaus Werner Johannis Sibiu (protected by political considerations , given that represents German interests in Romania and Germany leading EU) and his cronies .
Interestingly Sibiu Court Prosecutor’s Office requested the court ( File no. 13354/306/2010 ) on 12.07.2010 after complaint filed by me on 24 June 2010 – complain placed ” strategically ” to lower floor ! – Review and annul the decision by the DFDR become the successor of the German Ethnic Group , based on the same evidence in the criminal complaint filed by yours truly !
Request review ParchetpgCerere review floors 2
A more contradictory than this or that way. So prosecutors Tribunal Sibiu review by the action filed in court I agree with , but on the other hand , their colleagues at the Prosecutor’s Office of Sibiu Court by the NUP liberally granted denies truths supported me and also even their colleagues at the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Court Sibiu in the two lawsuits filed by this Court and the Court held in Sibiu in file no. 13354/306/2010 . Regarding Prosecution proceedings , courts have upheld Sibiu except tardivităţii revision request . About ” wagging the cherry after ” the Turcu prosecutor Paraskevi and NUP its site in the next episode !
At the time of the great mafia theft Raed Arafat & Klaus Johannis Klub Klan (the best thief one mafiot sirian if a german nazist mafiot )
Published on February 26, 2014 by mutsunake
Romanian health Stake ? Five (5 ) million. Or, at a rate of 4.5 lei / euro 22.6 billion lei talk ( us). Of these, about half are from direct contributions to subscribers of health. The rest of the corridors and hallways of funding ” state ” comes from the budget and return the system to different addresses . It should be noted , the avant propos further discussion, you can find up to 40% of these funds ultimately , medicine , medical supplies and health products ( Source – CNAS ) . When we think of drugs like aspirin and anticoagulants to expensive or generation antipsychotics . Plumbing materials involve both operators alcohol or scalpel blades and cotton field . And medical devices , so they are endoscopes , radiology equipment , ultrasound, etc. Its annual maintenance cost, so be careful – 10 billion lei (2.5 million euros).
Deimos populist demagogue health service is always pushing the agenda costs ) national health programs that „work ” . The funds allocated to them this year are still below 1 % of the total budget ( 3.4 million lei / cam 800 thousand euros). That’s if you believe what is written in the CNAS website where I expect a clerical error was found . I hope it is an administrative error and had million lei , but were billions of lei , where the percentage rises to about 7 %. I’ll use my speculative version being 3.4 billion lei burned. Most of the money is manifested in oncology, where it will be treated estimated that about 100 000 patients by the amounts indicated in the 1.2 million billion lei. That is , 12 ( 000 ) patient lions. Is 2,500 euros / year for cancer drugs . O 2.5 Euro (no, can not you? ) For patient.
I am a psychiatrist. Mental illnesses are highly prevalent in Romania. Some have a fixed presence . It is estimated that we have about 1 million people who suffer from depression , about 150-200 thousand people suffering from schizophrenia, as many people who suffer from bipolar disorder (manic depression ) , we have about 300-400000 dependent on various substances (mainly alcohol) , say roughly that, in general , very conservatively speaking, 500-600 thousand people suffer depression than whose morbidity is high severe mental illness. Last year in Romania (again , the official figure ) a 15 year 000 people benefited from this national program. I mean less than 1% . The money from the budget ” in time „? 1867 (hopefully millions , not thousands) of lei. Millions version that means that the per capita patient per year , Romanian state offers this line costs 120 lei and 50 bani for the treatment of a serious enough mentally ill. That’s about 10 euros per month. It’s the only logical conclusion I have reached after 1867 is assumed that ” thousands” of lei. Or something . The graphics on the site is very difficult intelligible CNAS a minimum agreement of logic.
But do not just look in my garden. In Romania more than 800 000 people suffer from diabetes. They are presented annually by the budget , about the same amount of lei ( if you believe in them) . But admitting grammatical error miserable let ‘s assume that every diabetic receives around £ 1,000 per year. This is about £ 80 a month for their medications. The surprise comes to note , moreover , that although mortality from cardiovascular diseases (cardiovascular ) is his first time in Romania last year were treated in the national program , only about 12 000 patients. Apparently diabetes is more important than cardiovascular disease. Avoid excess salt , sugar and fat .
If you want to understand transparent about what they go for £ 10 million from the budget in the cost of health / national programs plus-minus is therefore sentenced to a maximum headache .
In Romania there are about 20 000 doctors ( optional ) . But let’s say there are 20 000 are 30 000. Average salary of a doctor is about 800 euros per month ( gross) . That’s 24 million dollars in funding for salaries . Any 12 months reached 288 million euros We always say that in many places the choke wage funds reach the hospital staff . Managers say . I think their managers . No director of the hospital , I like to refute or confirm this, but when I look at the health budget can not fail to raise the issue whenever I go , not 288 million , left 300000000-2500000000 . I tell you, I figured . 8.3 times . I mean, our wages are a tenth of the money left after the state seems to have paid pills , bandages and toys nino -nino . O 12 % . The remaining 88 % are miscellanaea . Lord. Bureaucracy . The budget of the National Health Insurance (90 million USD per year on the amount of four large hospitals). And what is required , ie , payments to the costs of hospitalization / treatment / medical sanction of the patient that can not otherwise be resolved soon , because somehow they are in real life , otherwise budgeted for MS .
Allegory figures could continue , for example the amount of one day of hospitalization in a hospital in Romania to settle service (the roof) vs how much is a consultation on admissions of outpatients are made by Romania and how you can „trick” the DRG system to maximize their income because otherwise will stop paying (you, the hospital).
The problem is that I put in health benefits annually Romania EUR 250 per head if you know who are sick or bath . About 1,000 lei come. Assuming that at least half of the population is healthy and does not need any medical attention , probably the time talking about 500 euros, or £ 2,000 , which the state gives all citizens the disease. It is what sustains and LMR Mr. Astărăstoaie and colleagues that it is unwise to give £ 2,000 for the care of a patient. And he is right. But macro risk statistics , and that is because some people sick costs – say £ 100 and 100,000 lei. It would be great if the health budget can rise to 6% of GDP, about 2 billion for health appears . In this case, using the same algorithm , the annual amount per person would be 700 euros ( or around £ 3,000 instead of 2,000) in the state to give the individual the disease. But just do a £ 1000 annual difference so great ?
The illustration on the division budget by national programs shows that the annual £ 1000 receives a diabetic , for example. In principle bag of sugar and maize need not £ 1,000, it would take at least twice to make a noticeable difference in the quality of care.
It’s like when you make a meal. You can invest in the most spectacular shopping, to buy more red mushrooms or cucumbers with your topknot, but that does not necessarily promise better soup . Missing something absolutely necessary ingredient without which you can not . Missing chef.
We eat soup and very expensive . State offers patients an amount roughly equivalent to an average wage . That’s about 1/12 of the annual income of an individual. Individual , moreover , contribute through taxation between 40 and 60% of government revenues . Moreover, the individual contributes about a fifth of its revenue from social security contributions and health. The individual is more generous than the state is the state with the individual. It’s loser. If health cost me in a year about 800 euros contribution ( individual give my case) you claim that only 250 back to me ? What is done , the state with the rest of my money? All I can understand is that your magnanimity to indicate the three-quarters of my money to other people who are a) poor people , b ) the elderly, c ) children, etc. . But I do not want to do this. I want to do that if I want and who I want .
Each person must have a direct and immediate contribution to the health of the individual to access . A quantum of it , say 40 % , you should go to the social and apostolic medicine. 40 % seems like a generous fraction. The rest should be the health of individual security that individual could have that money in their contractual relationship with health how , when and where you want to. Closing this together, Bolshevik Åland has to stop. On one side are the costs of baseline health , just across the access to health care of individual basal , but no taxpayer entitled to benefit from their contributions. My money no longer my money, is not that social inequality is social justice that I know much better work and earn as much you still have rights. Currently in Romania , is fixed inside . The more you work the more you earn and the more bad and good pay. Rather than encourage work and productivity laziness, theft and encourages social parasitism . Countless analyzes have shown that it is better not to give any kind of health insurance, and if God forbid strikes you, go and pay for the CAS for the past six months andvoila!
Well , is not that better?
No better and not give you anything and that gave me that money in an account at the same time , if I have , I give you 400 euros and goodbye ? Because in Romania, now, almost half the population do, in one way or another. Minister Nicolaescu was a turning point in the ministry. He left behind a robbery of large installations. A black and white type , in which billions , millions , thousands of millions of money and the return of mass of citizens and often less than what was paid one year in the form of health. What state is that in which , after I worked on „common good” , after I joined the amount of profitability in the economy plus , after his honest input , receives so little? Why do I enroll in such a state that gives me 10 lei pill head and 100 € for diabetes pills in a month? Tablets , on the other hand , all you get to buy them at the pharmacy when my money „roof” over. What state will be hospitalized when the sea otherwise, you ‘ll pay zero to four stars ? And in that state , when I finally get to the doctor, see a man who can give me only 10 to 15 minutes of your life ( paperwork included here , right?) By working to rule , what I prescribe medications can find them, maybe not, I send my analysis that can be done , can not , and that’s because my cohorts were previously sickest and most needy people ( literally and figuratively ) and that is because it means poverty and the need for a medical illness.
You tell me that ‘s a sick thought that medicine should be for all , that the homeless deserve infusion. Right, right and right again . What about my rights as a man who is healthy and productive , and help support them ? Why am I discriminated against? Why do you care MIE been accused of people who are not my citizens are citizens? And when it comes to the poor health of you like villainy fund national programs of charity? If related to poverty in Romania where they are sanctioned , diseases besides diabetes ? Where is the alcohol, which is the snuff , which are infections, health is presumed to start in neutral common health problems relatively easy to treat, but treated badly ?
And we came to the great bridge waiting lists . The basic package of health care proposed three siding , 3 to 6 months, one of the months 1-3 and the order of one week to cases life threatening . Romania is currently in health indicators at all, because there are plenty of fighting and bayonet for the good of the patient. Great difficulty when it gets to a patient to wait six months for medical intervention is that it can change its status to become more expensive than subsequent disease . The first evaluation of the patient’s family doctor must be provided (Mr. Busoi said something about reducing bureaucracy in this regard) . The waiting list should be centralized to not be a queue for bread for a pill to be a hierarchical order in which you will be notified if you have seen before ( in the absence of state). It can be a list of zonal / regional / national waiting within which , for example , you can see a specialist in your city just over six months or more than 2 weeks in a neighboring city , depending on the coverage . That, or the community can increase the number of specialists covering a performance target on waiting lists. Waiting lists means that people take a proactive stance vis -a- vis their health. You can not do waiting lists in hospitals, waiting lists do specialized outpatient clinics . Out of the waiting list may encourage the patient (although a subtle form of blackmail ) to go to places where , for a fee, you can see in the shortest time . Optional extra services without health insurance , it is not plausible that the order Mioarele diversion will be more than an extra clutter and therefore expensive extra .
Romania has no health. Romania is experiencing a zerg rush (pardon the analogy, but it’s good) health. And very, very expensive. Five million dollars is money that could provide much better if they had been proactive in order to improve human health in the background , not the form. In the last 5 years I have lost about 30 % of the number of health professionals . Doctors’ salaries have not increased by 30 %. In the last five years have changed Minister after minister and I was forced to admit that the price of drugs in Romania can choke a bit like Bechtel can strangle a road. And anyway I look around I can not say that 5 billion is a big bill for services so terribly bad .
Revealing backstage interview LARGEST HEIST of Health . How Romanians remained ill , and without 170 million
Author : Cristina Lica , Dan Andronicus
What you have to be a big health reform ended up being the most expensive electoral program of all time. Money was wasted on a program megalomaniac when the economy ” roaring ” . Character who had access to data „inside” broadly speaking in an interview for EVZ about this resounding failure .
A key character talks about the biggest heist in the health
The initiator of this program is the former and current Health Minister Eugen Nicolaescu . Although now blames ministers who followed him , EVZ will present evidence that ” business ” was a bad one from the start and should have been avoided. A group of specialists from the Ministry of Health, who analyzed this program has produced a conclusive report on the disaster. Although these data are public , they were never presented in a press conference.
Read more : revealing backstage interview LARGEST HEIST of Health . How Romanians remained ill , and without 170 million > EVZ.ro http://www.evz.ro/detalii/stiri/exclusiv-interviul-care-dezvaluie-culisele-celui-mai-mare-jaf-din-sanatate-cum-au-ramas-10353.html#ixzz2v3r0w0Ox
CAMPAIGN \ ” doctor on call \ ” . Dr. Aurel Marin : The Health of the population was only an electoral program | VIDEO
Author : Dan Andronicus , Cristina Lica
What was supposed to be a great reform ended up being the most expensive program to attract voters , believes Dr. Aurel Marin , journalist ” specialized ” the famous health assessment program , initiated in 2007 by the Minister Eugen Nicolaescu
Aurel Marin says it was suffi cient to see nine hundred pages , as is the report of the commission of the Ministry , to realize that they can do almost anything with 2007 data
While Eugen Nicolaescu blames ministers who followed him because they published the results of the National Assessment Program to the health of the population ( PNESSP ), a report drafted by a committee of the ministry he pastors shows that data can be thrown away . Aurel Marin doctor , editor of „Life Care ” talks , in an interview EVZ , the failure of this investigation 170 million, which was also the subject of his dissertation work .
CAMPAIGN \ ” doctor on call \ ” . Dr. Aurel Marin : The Health of the population was only an electoral program | VIDEO
” Abolishing the DSP is a hasty decision , and does not bring anything good”
Interview Aurel Marin 1
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Interview Aurel Marin 1
Interview Aurel Marin 2
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Interview Aurel Marin 2
Interview Aurel Marin 3
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Interview Aurel Marin 3
Interview Aurel Marin 4
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Interview Aurel Marin 4
Event Day: In the context of the campaign ” doctor on call ” , we drew attention to the fact that the „Life Care ” have made an inquiry in depth about PNESSP that you as a failure , given that they spent 170 million euros and only 1.36 % of patients were found sick . Have you identified the mechanisms of this business , you already not to mention a health program ?
Dr. Aurel Marin : It’s something between a health program and a business because of this came out winners practitioners. It’s a bad deal for health, that’s clear . In 2006, when Nicolaescu announced that he wants to know who is the health of the population , everyone has pointed out that it’s not what they’re doing .
Source ” doctor on call ” and spoke highly of falsification of these analyzes . Vladescu , former Minister of Finance , had a simple solution : Compare amounts of substance in laboratory analysis number . For this reason I say that is like a business, because no one checked whether the money was spent.
On the one hand, we have checked how they spent the money , and on the other hand , the fact that you can not evaluate the health of the population by evaluating the entire population . In any public health manually write this.
Well, if it’s business , not health program , then what is ?
Electoral program . Eventually, Minister of Health sent a letter to every citizen said he ‘s interested in his health.
When is the most expensive campaign that I heard .
No he did something else. We, today, in 2013 , do not know if the Romanians are sick more cardiac than 16 years ago. In 1997 became the last major survey on health. Since then there have been some studies by the Institute of Statistics.
The analysis provided in PNESSP were already settled . It is possible for a person to be done twice those tests?
There was , indeed , a very big problem and may find, if it makes control of that program evaluation is ensured checkups and tests already included in the contract with the insurance .
” Those born in July would have a higher risk , which is absurd ”
I understand that there is a database of the 10 million patients see that you can work …
What I know is that at the end of the national program , Geza Molnar , president of the National Society of Epidemiology and the time was advisor to the Minister Bazac , put the whole team at the Center for Computing and Statistics of the Ministry of Health to centralize data . A final report has not been published , but some data were presented at the time the Minister Bazac decided to discontinue the program.
Bazac know that he did a criminal complaint …
It may be , but nothing is known about her . I , out of personal interest , that I wanted to do a masters degree in health management and I wanted to choose my dissertation theme just PNESSP failure , I asked Geza Molnar data . From a document of 100 pages , gave the first nine pages, more than enough to make me think about the validity of data that are not reliable. The program requires every citizen to go to the doctor near the date of birth and is calculated and the risk of disease . But what was the curve of these risks ? In the first month , the risks were at 20 %, so one in five patients had disease risk , while nine months later, only one in fifty had risk at the same number of patients. Basically , it was set, as anyone would expect , but a line has dropped a lot. What you could to say is that patients born in July are more prone to illness than those born in March . It is a fallacy in itself , this means that data are not used , they can be thrown away .
Read more : CAMPAIGN \ ” doctor on call \ ” . Dr. Aurel Marin : The Health of the population was only an electoral program | VIDEO > EVZ.ro http://www.evz.ro/detalii/stiri/campania-medicul-de-garda-dr-aurel-marin-evaluarea-starii-de-sanatate-a-populatiei-a-1035-1.html#ixzz2v3rWksTb
Vampires health . Robbery million to CJAS Iasi, where that will leave you dazed
Author : Sorin Semeniuc
Dump the wife of an inspector budget CJAS received more money than the largest hospital in Moldova. Offices did not even exist , having no door knob . The most outrageous : they were caught , but not fucked anyone accountable.
The shadow cabinet office is bluffing . The couple staged a robbery and not shoot anyone accountable
A network consisting of an employee of the County Health Insurance House ( CHIH ) Iasi, his wife and two Arab doctors partake of about a year and a half , through two companies , the budget of the institution .
So far , President CJAS Iasi, Iulian Serban recognized only one of the two cases that one of the group companies , established in May 2011, ” settle securities , not health care .”
Suspect is that nobody knows the business addresses of the existence of any medical clinics in operation, while the amount settled by the two companies in a year and a half amounted to £ 1.8 million .
Direct 4th place out of 163 contractors
Lucian Nedelciuc is mainly inspector CJAS Science , working under the Contributions and Claims Management Service . In none of his statements of interest does not say that his wife, Mariana , is associated with two companies tha
Aștept și originalul în românește al importantelor texte pe care ni le-ai trimis.
What could we say about Mr. Jojannis business houses with his friend Stefan Braune, big businessman in Sibiu. This Braun seems to have been in the former GDR Stasi officer, undercover priest. He came in Sibiu louse with unTrabant now bought half of the historic center, hundreds of hectares. earth. threw dozens of street families (old) only Romanian Sibiu which he always called „rumanischer tziguoener” = Gypsy romani.A claimed and won land and houses on the basis of requests made by German citizens left before ’89 in Germany, and who actually claim they were dead on the mult.Falsuri rude.
Stimate Domn,
Va invita la Inaugurarea Complexului de servicii pentru copiii cu handicap – 60 de copii minunati, joi, 25 iulie, ora 10.
Poate o sa intelegeti in ce confuzie va aflati. Nu ma cunoateti, dar veti putea sa o faceti. Ce ziceti? ma gandeam sa va dau in judecata si sa va cer despagubiri intretinerea celor 60 de copii cu handicap grav din centrele noaastre. Si sa va oblig sa invatati legea ONG-urilor de Utilitate Publica care au gratuitate prin lege, pentru cladirile in care desfasoara servicii sociale. Deasemenea va invit sa o chemati si pe dna Johannis la Inaugurare, poate mi-o prezentati si mie. Ce ziceti? Desaemenea sa invatati pe dinafara cele 239 de articole din presa care descris realitatea de care ne bucuram… Sau sa vizionati cele 18 ore de interviuri la TV.Sau premiile nationale si internationale??? Sau macar, sa priviti in ochii copiilor paralizati, autisti, Down si sa le spuneti relele banuite despre cea care de 15 ani cauta bani sa ii intretina. Cu 2 procese, al Dvs si al dlui Marinescu, copiii ar avea servicii de recuperare ceva timp.
Ce sa va urez? Numai de bine, ca asa sunt eu. Nu fac diferente intre cei din jur, care, constat cititnd acest articol, ca nu prea sunt cu totii oameni.
Doamna Tudorache, atentie la afirmatiile pe care le faceti, deoarece se pot intoarce impotriva dumneavoastra! Mintiti cu nerusinare ca nu o cunoasteti pe „doamna” Carmen Iohannis.Deocamdata nu v-am acuzat de implicare directa in traficul international de copii! Deocamdata… Nu ma impresionati si nici nu ma speriati cu amenintarile cu datul in judecata si „cremenalul”. La fel, nu ma impresionati nici cu „dragostea” fata de copiii oropsiti de soarta. Prin natura meseriei mele de jurnalist am cunoscut o serie de escroci care s-au imbogatit prin intermediul ONG-urilor, clamand misiuni umanitare mustind de generozitate si altruism, dar totul nu era facut decat spre prosperitatea lor, nevoiasii sau copiii invocati ramanand tot la marginea societatii, asa ca mai taiati din ele… Daca tot pozati in persoana sincera, fiti buna si spuneti-mi si mie unde ati lucrat intre anii 1989 -1992?
Grupul lor de interceptari este la ROTARY INTERNATIONAL
din acest grup fac parte TOTI fara exceptie.Diferentele si conflictele dintre masoni se gasesc datorita GRUPARILOR diferite din interior.
PETRE ROMAN neulander-este seful masoneriei de rit scotian.
Angela Merkel,pe care presa o acuza ca a lucrat la STASI,politia tovarasului evreu HONEKER la Berlinul de est,
face parte din masoneria EUROPEANA,care e in conflict deschis cu masoneria AMERICANA!
Americanii au interesele lor in Europa,Merkel are interesele ei cu RUSIA impotriva Americii!
Basescu insa e un ,,sa traiti sefu,, la AMERICANI! adica la Mark Gitenstein,evreul ambasador USA
De aici e si conflictul intre USL si Basescu!
USL,PNL in special e cu MERKEL-adica cu europenii,iar Basescu e cu americanii.
Acelasi conflict intre UE si NATO de fapt.Acelasi conflict din 1944 intre EUROPA si AMERICA!
MASONERIA astazi este cu mai multe ramurele,nu este una,ca la comunisti.Pana si la COMUNISTI lucrurile nu erau internationale.PCR si Ceausescu nu se supuneau internationalei din Moscova Kremlin.
CHINA s-a razboit la granita cu URSS!
Un articol despre Iohannis si GERMANDOM (german domination)preluat de pe un site foarte competent: http://www.german-foreign-policy.com/en/fulltext/56289?PHPSESSID=c0lmc1t791814m2a9c7ft0bbg7
Traducerea si scurte comentarii aici:
Apropos de masonerie si Klaus Iohannis: „Strânsa legătură dintre Klaus Iohannis şi Andrei Marga, acesta din urmă fiind şi singurul ministru nominalizat de „premierul” de o noapte, când cu „Mihaela, dragostea mea, am învins!”, nu se rezumă doar la relaţia celor doi cu Germania şi nici la raporturile cu serviciile secrete GRU, BND (Serviciul de Informaţii Federal al Germaniei) sau SRI. Această „frăţie” a fost cimentată de apartenenţa acestor doi profesori, deveniţi politicieni, la masoneria internaţională. Andrei Marga este chiar caraghios cu veşnica sa „uniformă” de mason, compusă din cămaşă albastră şi cravată roşie. În fond, cele două tabere de la alegerile pentru preşedinţia României, din 6 decembrie 2009, au stat sub semnul ingerinţei masoneriei internaţionale. Mircea Geoană a fost sprijinit de alianţa masonică germano-rusă, iar Traian Băsescu s-a bucurat de ajutorul masoneriei americane, britanice şi evreieşti. Cine a fost mai puternic… s-a reflectat în rezultatul alegerilor!” Articol intgral aici:
Si: ” Klaus Iohannis a fost şi el membru „Lions”, unde a ocupat şi funcţia de preşedinte în perioada 2004 – 2005, doar că acum a trecut de la stadiul de anticameră direct în templul masonic. Astfel, Klaus Werner Iohannis face parte din Marea Lojă a Austriei, fiind un apropiat al fostului Mare Maestru al Marii Loji a Austriei, Michael Kraus.”
Articol integral aici:
KLAUS IOHANNIS suna ca si KLOWN-ul IOHANNIS.Asa e muzica.
TRAFICANT DE COPII IOHANNIS? asta nu stiu insa nu exclud nimica.
Aici e vorba de MASONERIA tovarasei ANGELA MERKEL,aceeasi masonerie din care face parte si ANDREI MARGA si IOHANNIS. Ambii sunt din PNL si din aceeasi gasca,prieteni cu TARICEANU.
categoric este neaparat nevoie de o investigatie guvernamentala,acuzatiile fiind foarte grave.gm
Dl. Marinescu este o persoana tenace; pacat ca nu are prea multe persoane in jurul sau sa-l sprijine.
are dosarel, este santajabil ! Basescu stieeeee!!
Comunitatea germana este condusa de acest escroc si traficant de copii. Mai mult, este si nitel mai mlt fascist, fiindca a resuscitat Coloana a V-a germana in Romania, reprezentata de Grupul Etnic German, al carei continuator se considera klaus Iohannis.
Pentru detalii cititi aici: http://justitiarul.ro/remember/285-resuscitarea-coloanei-a-v-a.html.
Mai grav, masonul Klaus Iohannis a fost chemat si in fata legii, dar nu se stie din ce motive presedintele Traian Basescu l-a protejat, desi are procurorii la indemina; pentru detalii, cititi aici: http://justitiarul.ro/dosar-justitiarul/267-dosarele-penale-ale-primarului-klaus-iohannis-nu-johannis-tergiversate-in-scopul-prescrierii.html.
Dupa unele informatii credibile, protectia de catre D.I.I.C.O.T si D.N.A. si propulsarea subita in fata opiiniei publice, ca viitor premier, de catre Crin Antonescu se explica prin faptul ca Klaus Iohannis este mason si este sprijinit de niste loji masonice germane. Pentru detalii, citit aici: http://www.justitiarul.ro/editorial/257-crin-antonescu-vorbete-omul-cu-ochi-de-pete-mort-de-trei-zile.html.
Acum, in pierdere de viteza, Crin Antonescu reia mirtoaga Klaus Iohannis ca „sa ii arate pisica” lui Victor Ponta. Aceasta manevra constituie un alt semn caP.NPL. este in cadere libera, iar Crin Antonescu nu va ajunge niciodata presedintele Romaniei!
Faptele semnalate de dl Marius Marinescu sunt deosebit de grave și de exacte. Dl Iohannis nu are niciun motiv să tacă – chipurile jignit de acuzații! Dacă este vorba de o calomnie, dl Marinescu să dea socoteală în fața legii și a opinieie publice. Tot în fața legii și a opiniei publice trebuie să dea explicații și dl Iohannis. Răspunsul este ușor de dat: dl Iohannis să publice adresa le care se află cei trei frățiori, ba și adresa celorlalți copilași. Iar redacția site-ului se angajează public să verifice în Canada situația copiilor și să ne aducă tuturor vestea bună că toți nouă sunt bine, sănătoși și voioși!
Fără să dea aceste explicații, dl Iohannis aduce un grav prejudiciu nu doar persoanei sale, ci și PNL-ului, precum și comunității germane din România. Nu-și dă seama de asta dl primar?