Dezvăluirea anului Generalul Coldea este şeful Juntei Militare care conduce România!
От кого: Radu Zezeanu <>
Дата: Понедельник, 8 августа 2016, 15:42 +03:00
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O seara liniștita C.G.B.
Este cea mai tare incercare de a-l disculpa pe nemernicul de base…coldea este stresat, facut, creat de diabolicul antiroman basescu…ATENTIE nu cadeti in plasa propagandei lor, nu lasati garda jos….
Dezvăluirea anului: Generalul Coldea este şeful Juntei Militare care conduce România!
Daca pe vremea lui Ceausescu Securitatea era doar un instrument, astazi, la 26 de ani de „democratie”, Romania este condusa de catre o „junta militara” avind-ul in frunte pe generalul preainstelat Florian Coldea, seful operativ al SRI ! Presedintele KI este doar o marioneta in mina aceste structuri securistice ! „Monstrul” a fost creat sub cei 10 ani de domnie a lui Traian Basescu, perioada in care Presedintele a reusit sa tina sub control aceasta „forta din umbra”. E adevarat, echilibrul a fost intotdeauna fragil, Coldea & Co obtinind mereu tot ce si-au dorit practicind un santaj putin vizibil asupra lui Traian Basescu. Putem spune ca intre 2010-2014, Coldea si militarii lui si-au consolidat pozitia cum au vrut !Dupa noiembrie 2014, „Junta militara” a pus laba pe Romania, pe tot! Pina atunci si-a impartit puterea cu TB! Acest „fenomen” se mai intimpla doar in Rusia! Americanii l-au sprijinit pe Coldea timp de 10 ani dar au constatat ca au luat teapa! Astazi, in al 13-lea ceas, americanii constata ca cel mai bun partener al NATO din Europa este o „dictatura militara” de tip sud-american! Din sursele mele, nu asta si-a dorit USA ! E greu sa explici opiniei publice americane ca partenerul Romania a ajuns o „democratie militarizata” ! De unde vine Puterea lui Coldea si a generalilor sai ?
1. Timp de 10 ani si-a instalat prietenii in toate structurile de forta si reprimare, obligindu-l pe Basescu sa ii instaleze in toate functiile cheie si sa le dea toate stelele posibile.
Coldea de la SRI este Stapinul „inelelor”! In afara de SIE (desi nici aici nu sint sigur!) controleaza toate Serviciile Secrete: DGA, DGIPI, SPP, STS.
3. Coldea are Lista cu toti acoperitii, toti fostii securisti (unii condamnati pentru Politie politica), toti informatorii (de dinainte si de dupa ’89).
4. Coldea are Lista cu toti copiii lucratorilor din Securitate, copii care nu au fost obligati sa semneze angajamente dar urmeaza ordinele „Cupolei”!
5. Unde „activeaza” oamenii de pe aceste Liste ?! In politica, administratie, ministere, justitie, presa, companii de stat sau private, banci, ong-uri si societatea civila! Nu mai vorbim de structurile militarizate, Politie, Jandarmerie, etc!
6. Practic, in ultimii 10 ani nu puteai sa fii nimic, nu puteai sa promovezi daca nu iti puneau stampila de „apt” baietii cu ochi albastri ai lui Coldea!
7. Cum si-a consolidat Puterea in SRI tovarasul Coldea, in mod ocult?! Simplu, prin sotia lui, colonel in SRI si Sefa Compartimentului Psihologic. Daca nu „treci” testul psihologic la SRI esti dat afara! Asa au zburat toti incomozii! In plus, toti „acoperitii” dau periodic un test poligraf! Deci doamna Coldea, tot din Zalau, are Lista cu toti „acoperitii”!
8. Cind a luat Puterea absoluta tovarasul Coldea?! In noiembrie 2014, atunci cind, spre surprinderea lui Basescu si Ponta, Livia Stanciu – sefa ICCJ ia o decizie „surprinzatoare” si amina Procesul de Incompatibilitate al lui Klaus Iohannis pentru dupa alegeri! Acela e momentul! Fiindca Iohannis, daca era declarat incompatibil, Presedintele Romaniei trebuia sa fie ori Ponta ori Monica Macovei (ea a fost furata in mod barbar, Sistemul mutind voturile la Tariceanu!) Parerea mea e ca Macovei l-ar fi batut rau pe Ponta in turul doi!
9. Dar lui Coldea ii convenea Iohannis ! Nici pina astazi Livia Stanciu nu si-a motivat decizia de aminare a pronuntarii sentintei de incompatibilitate inainte de turul 2 al alegerilor prezidentiale! De ce Iohannis este doar o marioneta in mina lui Coldea?! Simplu, Iohannis are multe bube (nu doar cea cu casa din Sibiu), ma refer in primul rind la afacerile cu Primarul din Selimbar si alte mari tunuri imobiliare din judetele Sibiu si Brasov!
10. Dupa noiembrie 2014 si Tragedia Colectiv, cusuta cu multe ate albe, Coldea si sotia lui din Zalau, si-au tras „guvernul meu”:
– Dacian Ciolos, din Zalau, prieten si coleg cu seful SRI Hellvig, tot din Zalau. Ciolos este nepot al Vulpii, fost sef la Doi si-un sfert, tot din Zalau. Vulpea are arhiva despre toti politicienii si smecherii din Romania legata de obiceiurile lor sexuale, afaceri ce tin de politia economica, in general tot ce ancheteaza Ministerul de Interne. Astazi, la sefia DGIPI este un general SRI !!! Prieten bun al lui Coldea.
– Si Virgil Magureanu, fost sef al SRI intre 1990-1997, este tot din Salaj. Si el este un fel de NAS al lui Coldea fiindca oamenii sai apropiati l-au inaintat pe Coldea in fruntea SRI pina sa il „naseasca” Basescu ! De la maior, Coldea a ajuns general cu 3 stele in mai putin de 8 ani !!! Coldea a ajuns mare maior in SRI prin doi oameni de baza ai lui Magureanu: generalul Dan Gheorghe si inca un colonel, imi scapa numele. Iata institutiile de forta pe care Coldea si generalii sai le controleaza direct (in afara de Serviciile Secrete) :
1. ICCJ (dovada ca institutia a stat drepti la Dosarul Iohannis!)
3. Ministerul de Interne (Politia, Jandarmeria, Politia locala, Politia Economica)
4. Oficiul National de Spalare a Banilor (aflat formal in subordinea lui Ciolos)
5. CNA (pina de curind)
6. ANAF (prin santaj asupra lui Diaconu Offshore si Tunaru Bani Negri, desi la Diaconu banuiesc ca au dosarul lui de la Securitate)
7. Parchetul Militar
In cazul DNA, acolo unde Coldea a avut o influenta uriasa, lucrurile s-au mai schimbat. Laura Codruta Kovesi s-a dovedit o nuca prea tare pentru Coldea! Dar gheneralul are destui oameni infiltrati printre procurorii DNA, unii cu state vechi de pe vremea Securitatii! In ceea ce priveste Presa si Companiile de Stat sau Private, puterea lui Coldea sta in 3 generali extrem de apropiati si obedienti:
1. Generalul SRI de la Ascultari
2. Generaleasa SRI de la Monitorizare Presa
3. Generaleasa SRI de la Compartimentul economic
Cum controleaza „Junta Militara” Televiziunile din Romania? Extrem de simplu!
– Din punct de vedere economic, RTV, Realitatea, Antenele, TVR, Prima Tv, National (fratii Micula), ori au datorii uriase la ANAF,
ori sint in insolventa si nu isi respecta planul sau oricum sint varza, ori patronii au de returnat zeci de milioane de euro Statului. Datoriile la ANAF ale acestor „organe media de represiune”, bine controlate si dirijate, depasesc 230 de milioane de euro Datorii la Stat! Daca misca „in front” miine sint inchise!
– Din punct de vedere editorial, Coldea si gheneralii folosesc 3 bite: CNA si infiltratii sau acoperitii din Televiziuni! Sau pur si simplu trimit bani cu sacosa catre aceste „organe” tv!
In afara de NASUL TV, care este o minune de exceptie, doar DIGI si RCS are un „statut aparte”! Problema lui Teszari este ca daca nu e „ascultator” Coldea & Company il baga in Faliment sau la Evaziune Fiscala: cel mai mare cablist din Romania este construit dintr-o increngatura de Off-shore-uri netransparente! Si Teszari mai are doua probleme: reteaua lui de cablu depinde de Stat si omul are datorii de peste 1 MILIARD de EURO la Banci ! Orice „informatie” negativa data de „baieti” in presa ii poate prabusi Imperiul Mediatic! DA, stiu, Coldea ma uraste si ma urmareste de 2 ani! NASUL TV este „buturuga mica” de la care i se va trage sfirsitul ! Lui si „Juntei Militare” care cica asigura „democratia” in Romania dupa Noiembrie 2014 si Tragedia Colectiv! In afara de DNA si NASUL TV nu stiu nicio structura democratica ce sa fi ramas in picioare sub aceasta DICTATURA MILITARO-SECURISTICA !
Pe linga Coldea si Gheneralii lui, gruparea Maior-Oprea-Ponta a fost de „mici copii”! „Junta Militara” a lui Coldea are venituri netransparente de zeci de miliarde de euro prin tot felul de operatiuni „secrete” dar si din Companiile sub Acoperire care fac afaceri cu Statul sau practica o concurenta neloiala fata de celelalte sute de mii de firme private. Cine nu e cu EI, e condamnat la moarte! Lichidare fizica sau economica! Coldea e in aceeasi situatie cu Putin: niciunul nu isi permite sa piarda Puterea! Dar amindoi o vor pierde in curind! Primul va fi Coldea ! Va urma! Ne vedem in emisiunile NASUL TV, de luni pina joi de la ora 20.00 !
Sa fiti iubiti!
Radu Moraru
Atentie: PENTAGONUL CONSIDERA CA UN RAZBOI ATOMIC ESTE CASTIGABIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cititi un comentariu la legile noi ale Pentagonului:
In addition to the deeply undemocratic governmental and reactionary political aspects of the „continuity of government” plans another dangerous issue arises. These plans imply that a nuclear war is not only survivable but „winnable” thereby diverting public discourse away from examining the underlying causes of war and towards preparing for conflict. Respectfully suggest anyone who thinks nuclear war is „winnable” check out the British film „Threads”. It is on the Web; You Tube I think.
Tribul lui Iuda era mic , foarte mic la inceput si insignifiant. Hebreu inseamna de fapt vagabond, conform savantilor cunoscatori .
A crescut la numar inimaginabil si s-a imprastiat pe toata planeta!
Si sefarzii si ashkenazi au un numar de elemente definitorii in DNA care ii distinge de toate celelalte rase drept o rasa aparte si care demonstreaza ca sunt extrem de inruditi unii cu ceilalti, ca sunt o singura rasa si ca asa au fost de mii de ani! Deci in Izrael locuieste azi rasa iudeilor de acum 2500 ani! Ca sunt sefarzi sau ashkenazi nu conteaza.Sangele lor este foarte inrudit caci de mii de ani practica endogamia!!!
Haitele de gangsteri iudaici (crypto!!!) dezvaluite de Radu Moraru nu oglindesc decat acest lucru: s-au inmultit enorm si pe tacute, si au preluat toate parghiile peste tot peste crestini!
Acum vor sa mearga contra naturii , aducand africanii musulmani peste toti crestinii de rasa alba ca sa-i metiseze fortat ei vor sa desfiinteze natiile ,cu identitatile lor, oglindite inclusiv de religiile lor.
Noroc ca se trezesc la realitte evrei ca Jimmy Goldsmith sau ca Eric Zemmour sau ca Benjamin Friedmann sau ca Izrael Shahak , ca Gerhard Menuhin si enorm de multi altii care apara existenta si supravietuirea natiilor caci fara ele, acesti evrei de marca, semnaleaza iudeilor tribalisti care vor metisaj fortat, se vor autodistruge si ei odata cu distrugerea natiilor!
Caci natura a creat diversitatea intre specii. Iar Iuda merge contra naturii incercand sa ne extirpeze pe noi in varietatea noastra profund legitima, creata de bunul Dumnezeu si de ordinea pre pamant, unde fiecare specie isi are drepturile ei la viata!
Iudeii s-au batut intotdeauna intre ei!
Preluati doar selectiv pe Radu Moraru: caci face parte dintre indoctrinatii tembelizioarelor, mare arma de lobotomizare a maselor de prosti tinuti in saracie lucie!
SI ESTE UN MARE MINCINOS, acest RADU MORARU, CARE AMESTECA CUM FAC TOTI CONFRATII SAI DIN MASS MEDIA („jurnalistii sunt mai ieftini decat curvele”, declara CIA conform universitarului Gabriele Ganser, Univ din Basel), ADEVARUL CU MINCIUNA GAUNOASA!
RADU MORARU ZICE (cand zice el „americanii”, dvstra trebuie sa substituiti cuvantul Mossadul):
„Americanii l-au sprijinit pe Coldea timp de 10 ani dar au constatat ca au luat teapa! Astazi, in al 13-lea ceas, americanii constata ca cel mai bun partener al NATO din Europa este o „dictatura militara” de tip sud-american! Din sursele mele, nu asta si-a dorit USA ! E greu sa explici opiniei publice americane ca partenerul Romania a ajuns o „democratie militarizata” ! De unde vine Puterea lui Coldea si a generalilor sai ?”
VETI DESCOPERI LEGILE FABRICATE DE PENTAGON DE ZECI DE ANI PENTRU INSTAURAREA DICTATURII MILITARE IN USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
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The Pentagon’s Law of War Manual: Part four
A recipe for total war and military dictatorship
By Thomas Gaist
6 November 2015
This is the last of four articles analyzing the new US Department of Defense Law of War Manual. The first article was posted November 3. The second article was posted November 4. The third was posted November 5.
Pentagon embraces “just following orders” justification for war crimes
As previous segments have noted, key conceptions advanced in the Pentagon’s Law of War Manual amount to little more than a rehash of authoritarian legal theories upheld by the Nazi regime and other fascist governments.
The Department of Defense (DOD) manual’s protocols for enforcing the law of war and establishing the legality of military orders fall into this category, bearing an eerie resemblance to the doctrine asserted by the main defendants at the Nuremberg Tribunal—that they were “just following orders.” In flat contradiction to the principles upheld at Nuremberg, subordinates are instructed to “presume” that commands are lawfully issued and are granted sweeping immunity from responsibility for war crimes committed under orders from the military brass.
US military personnel are instructed and trained to regard orders emanating from the command unit as legal by default, the DOD manual states. The document states: “Subordinates, absent specific knowledge to the contrary, may presume orders to be lawful. The acts of a subordinate done in compliance with an unlawful order given by a superior are generally excused.” (P. 1,148)
“Except in such instances of palpable illegality, which must be of rare occurrence, the inferior should presume that the order was lawful and authorized and obey it accordingly,” one footnote declares, citing Winthrop Military Law and Precedents in defense of this position. (P. 1,058f)
Lt. Col. Oliver North testifying during the Iran-Contra congressional hearings in 1987
In cases of ambiguity, junior officers are encouraged to concoct an “interpretation” of orders that might render them more lawful. “Commands and orders should not be understood as implicitly authorizing violations of the law of war where other interpretations are reasonably available,” the manual states.
The authors write that the law is enforced through “military instructions, regulations and procedures” issued by the Pentagon. “The implementation of law of war treaties and obligations through military instructions, regulations, and procedures has the effect of making such rules enforceable because military personnel are required to comply with duly issued instructions, regulations, and procedures,” the manual states. (P. 1,069)
These formulations point to the fact that there is no real distinction between the decrees of the Pentagon bureaucracy and the DOD “Law of War”, which, far from being actual law, is merely a special collection of military orders issued by cabals of military lawyers and career defense officials.
Planning for mass repression at home
In addition to its international significance, the Law of War Manual summarizes and integrates plans for mass repression and martial law within the US itself that have been developed since the late 1960s by the US Defense Department in direct response to the political radicalization of the working class and layers of the middle class.
The procedures governing mass detention enumerated in the Law of War Manual have already been partially worked out by numerous agencies and programs run by the Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Directorate, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and the Department of Homeland Security, which now incorporates FEMA.
The driving impetus behind these preparations has been the threat of insurrectionary struggles by the working class and the associated growth of anti-war sentiment within the population.
In the aftermath of the 1967 urban upheavals, DOD established the Directorate of Civil Disturbance Planning and Operations as a permanent body to oversee plans for suppression of domestic unrest by federal troops.
The Mochida family awaits evacuation to an internment camp in 1942
Beginning in 1968, US military planners developed frequent updates to the US Army Civil Disturbance Plan, codenamed “Operation Garden Plot.” Updated on an almost yearly basis since then, Garden Plot calls for the rapid deployment of federal military forces to every major city in the US, with initial contingents of troops scheduled to arrive within six hours of call-up. The plan was touted by its original architects as a “counterrevolutionary” response to the mass strikes, anti-war protests, ghetto uprisings, and radicalization of university campuses during this period.
Garden Plot operations were to be activated in response to “strikes, civil disturbances and labor disturbances which affect military installations or other strikes or labor and civil disturbances of sufficient magnitude to indicate a probable employment of Federal troops to preserve or restore order.”
The document continued: “Civil disturbances which are beyond the control of municipal or state authorities may occur at any time. Dissatisfaction with the environmental conditions contributing to racial unrest and civil disturbances and dissatisfaction with national policy as manifested in the anti-draft and anti-Vietnam demonstrations are recognized factors within the political and social structure. As such, they might provide a preconditioned base for a steadily deteriorating situation leading to demonstrations and violent attacks upon the social order.”
Garden Plot called for “saturation of areas with police and military patrols,” continuous helicopter sorties over targeted areas, and deployment of artillery, tanks, tactical air support and psychological warfare against demonstrators in US cities.
“Disturbances requiring Federal intervention will occur simultaneously in up to 25 objective areas throughout the CONUS [continental United States], necessitating the employment in each objective area of up to five 2,000-man brigades plus supporting troops, with the exception of Washington, D. C., when forces totaling 30,000 troops may be employed,” the plan stated. (Quoted from “US Department of the Army Civil Disturbance Plan ‘GARDEN PLOT’ 10-September-1968”).
Planning for Continuity of Government (COG), a euphemism for martial law, “assumed its current shape in response to the mobilization of US Army intelligence and the CIA against left-wing Americans during the civil disorder of the 1960s and 1970s,” as Peter Dale Scott noted in his study of the growth of the military-intelligence apparatus during the postwar era (9/11: Wealth, Empire and the Future of America, 11).
To provide intelligence for domestic counterinsurgency operations, during the 1960s and 1970s the DOD oversaw the establishment of Emergency Operations Centers (EOC), staffed by cells of federal military intelligence analysts maintaining constant communication with the Pentagon’s “domestic war room” in National Guard headquarters across the country.
These initiatives were jumpstarted in May 1971 with the establishment of the California Specialized Training Institute (CSTI), authorized by then-Governor Ronald Reagan. Between 1971 and May 1975, more than 4,000 officials from the National Guard, the Army, police agencies and private corporations received training in “emergency preparedness” at the CTSI in San Luis Obispo.
As the social counterrevolution gained steam after 1975, martial law planning was steadily embedded in the upper reaches on the state apparatus and institutionalized through further executive orders.
FEMA and REX 84
The past four decades have witnessed a feverish build-up of authoritarian legal and political instruments that have been entrenched as a permanent part of the executive branch. Virtually every year has seen new orders and protocols developing the scaffolding of a police state.
The duration and continuity in such planning demonstrates that it is not simply the initiative of this or that reactionary bourgeois politician, but rather something that emerges organically from class relations within the United States and the deteriorating position of American imperialism in the world.
The Law of War Manual expands upon existing DOD plans authorizing mass detention of US citizens, dating from at least the 1970s. The 1978 update of the US Army Civil Disturbance Plan called in no uncertain terms for DOD to prepare to establish detention camps in liaison with state and local agencies.
“Plans for detention assistance to civilian authorities will range from the absolute minimum, such as assisting civil police in the guarding of civilians apprehended and awaiting transfer or en route to detention facilities, to the establishment and operation of temporary detention facilities to supplement those operated by civil authorities,” the document stated.
The civilian apparatus of the US government was increasingly remodeled over decades to serve as the administrative wing of the emerging military dictatorship-in-waiting. Executive decrees issued by the Carter administration consolidated civil and military planning for “national emergencies” under the control of the newly created Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Executive Order 12148, signed by President Carter in 1979, mandated continuous joint preparations by FEMA and DOD aimed at “civil defense planning.”
The Miami Herald of July 5, 1987 documented the existence of a “parallel government behind the Reagan administration engaged in secret actions including … a contingency plan to suspend the Constitution and impose martial law in the United States in case of nuclear war or national rebellion.”
In the early 1980s, the Reagan administration presided over a further entrenchment of martial law planning cadres within the highest levels of the executive branch. In 1981, CTSI lead planner Colonel Louis Giuffrida was appointed “emergency czar” by President Reagan.
Giuffrida had attracted favorable attention from political forces assembled around the future President Reagan for his role in the development of the CTSI and his US Army War College thesis paper, “National Survival/ Racial Imperative,” which envisioned plans for detention of millions of “American Negroes” in “assembly centers or relocation camps.”
In December 1982, Reagan approved the formation of the Emergency Mobilization Preparedness Board (EMPB) to serve as a planning body for an expanded “Civil/Military Alliance in Emergency Management,” headed by FEMA and DOD.
It was while sitting as a member of the EMPB that Lt. Colonel Oliver North of Iran-Contra notoriety developed the REX 84 plan, a major precursor to the 2015 Law of War Manual.
As described by Alfonzo Chardy, a journalist who exposed the plans in a 1987 article for the Miami Herald, REX 84 outlined procedures for “suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the government over to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, emergency appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments, and declaration of martial law during a national crisis.”
Public exposure of REX 84 by Chardy and its mention during a congressional hearing on the Iran-Contra scandal, which involved the secret and illegal funding of the Nicaraguan Contras by the US government, did not succeed in slowing the elaboration of the legal and political foundations for direct military rule.
Expanding upon the Carter administration’s Executive Order 12171, Executive Order 12681, signed by President George H. W. Bush in 1989, exempted FEMA’s National Preparedness Directorate from the National Labor Relations Act, authorizing FEMA to develop forced labor programs and oversee the direct takeover of sections of the economy by the military and intelligence agencies.
The twenty-five years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union have witnessed a further intensification of preparations for military occupation of the continental United States. The Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II administrations all oversaw large-scale mobilizations of the US military against the domestic population.
In April 1992, the Bush I administration ordered thousands of federal soldiers, Marines and intelligence agents to occupy Los Angeles in response to the riots that began on April 29. During the Republican National Convention in August of 2000, DOD placed federal military units on standby “to execute Operation Garden Plot and quell any serious civil disturbances,” according to confidential FEMA documents acquired by Wired News. (Declan McCullagh, US military poised to respond to attack on GOP convention, Wired News, August 2000)
In April 2002, the Bush administration authorized the creation of the US Northern Command (NORTHCOM) as part of a new “Unified Command Plan.” NORTHCOM, the first full-blown US military command focusing on the continental United States, was the descendant of military commands tasked with preparing and developing Garden Plot over the previous period. A NORTHCOM planning document leaked in 2010, titled CONPLAN 3501, showed that the command had rapidly developed a highly detailed division of labor for military occupation of the continental United States during the years following its formation.
The Law of War Manual is a watershed in the breakdown of American bourgeois democracy and the repudiation by the ruling elite of the democratic principles laid down in the Constitution. Outside of a brief protest by the New York Times, in a single editorial, the corporate-controlled media has said nothing about the new codification of Pentagon doctrine. Nor have any of the presidential candidates, Republican or Democratic, from the “libertarian” Rand Paul to the supposed “democratic socialist” Bernie Sanders.
As envisioned by the manual, the US military apparatus becomes the ultimate legal authority on the planet, making up and modifying its own “laws” in the course of military operations aimed at subjugating the entire world population to its dictates.
Rather than the outcome of megalomania on the part of US generals and officials, the manual flows from the objective logic of the development of capitalism as a world-historic social formation.
As Vladimir Lenin explained in his epochal work, The State and Revolution, beginning from the late 19th century, the development of the capitalist state in general has been characterized by the “perfecting and strengthening of the ‘executive power,’ its bureaucratic and military apparatus.”
Miltary forces doing house-to-house searches during the Boston lockdown in April, 2013 [Photo: rilymoskal7]
Despite differences in the forms of government of various capitalist nations, Lenin explained, there remains a clear universal tendency toward the increasing centralization of power in the hands of the vast and permanent bureaucracies that constitute, in every capitalist state, a veritable “permanent government” that remains in power no matter which parties or individuals have won the latest round of elections.
In another of his central works, Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism, Lenin identified the essential economic processes driving this development. From the 1870s onward, the growth of monopolies and the extraction of super-profits from colonial or semi-colonial countries ensured the ever-greater concentration of wealth and power in the hands of financial oligarchies.
As Leon Trotsky, co-leader with Lenin of the Russian Revolution, explained in the Manifesto of the First Congress of the Comintern, the major US and European finance houses integrated themselves with the military agencies of the bourgeois state during and after the First World War. “Finance capital, which plunged mankind into the abyss of war, itself underwent a catastrophic change in the course of this war,” Trotsky wrote in 1919.
“During the course of the war, the regulating-directing role was torn from the hands of these economic groups and transferred directly into the hands of the military-state power. The distribution of raw materials, the utilization of Baku or Rumanian oil, Donbas coal, Ukrainian wheat, the fate of German locomotives, freight cars and automobiles, the rationing of relief for starving Europe—all these fundamental questions of the world’s economic life are not being regulated by free competition, nor by associations of national and international trusts and consortiums, but by the direct application of military force, for the sake of its continued preservation.
“If the complete subjugation of the state power to the power of finance capital had led mankind into the imperialist slaughter, then through this slaughter finance capital has succeeded in completely militarizing not only the state but also itself; and it is no longer capable of fulfilling its basic economic functions otherwise than by means of blood and iron.” (The First Five Years of the Communist International, Volume 1, P. 46)
With these conceptions, Trotsky and the Third International had already recognized the main tendencies of imperialist development that would dominate the interwar years and reach new heights during the post-World War II era.
With the passage of the National Security Act of 1947—legislation drawn up by Wall Street’s favored law firms that created the Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Council, and the US Air Force—the major US banks laid the foundations for the growth of a permanent “national security state” on a scale far beyond anything that had existed when Lenin first wrote of the “perfecting” of the bourgeois state.
The closing decades of the 20th century and the first 15 years of the 21st have witnessed an explosive growth of social inequality, as the US ruling class turned to financialization and dismantled vast sections of industry. Under these conditions, the Law of War Manual amounts to nothing less than a call for “all hands on deck” in defense of the capitalist order. Engaged in a relentless counterrevolutionary offensive that is destroying the living conditions of the vast majority of the global population, and facing an American population that is increasingly hostile towards all of the official institutions, the military chiefs in Washington and their paymasters on Wall Street are preparing to defend their privileges by means of dictatorship at home and total war internationally.
The author also recommends:
Gaza, Ukraine and US preparations for urban warfare
[14 August 2014]
The militarization of America
[25 July 2013]
Obama, the military and the threat of dictatorship
[23 December 2008]
The US war and occupation of Iraq – the murder of a society
[19 May 2007]
Am gasit expunerea in acest articol al nemtilor, care comenteaza legea Pentagonului care declara ca „cine urmeaza un ordin, nu poate comite o crima de razboi” – tineti minte cu cata ipocrizie au rasturnat aceasta lege in procesul de la Nurnberg, „pentagonii to be?”.
Tot astfel o rastoarna si pentru soldatii americani care ar indrazni sa nu urmeze legile criminale de azi ale Pentagonului!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:
Das Pentagon behauptet, „wer einen Befehl befolge”, könne kein Kriegsverbrechen
begehen ”
Mit dem Pentagon-Handbuch zum Kriegsrecht wurden auch die Voraussetzungen für die
Niederschlagung von Aufständen in den USA selbst geschaffen.(Vierter von vier Artikeln)
Das Pentagon-Handbuch zum Kriegsrecht, Teil 4
Rezepte für den totalen Krieg und die Errichtung einer Militärdiktatur
Von Thomas Gaist
World Socialist Web Site, 06.11.15
( )
Das ist der letzte von insgesamt vier Artikeln über das neue Pentagon-Handbuch zum
Kriegsrecht. Der erste Artikel ist aufzurufen unter
, der zweite unter
und der dritte unter
Das Pentagon behauptet, „wer einen Befehl befolge”, könne kein Kriegsverbrechen
psihologia este o pseudostiinta evreiasca, care reprezinta un instrument de lupta impotriva omenirii. Totul este arbitrar in ea, si a fost folosita cu succes pentru izolarea, spalarea pe creier si chiar eliminarea fizica a oponentilor sau patriotilor. Vad ca romanii si-au adus si ei contributia, folosind psihologia pentru epurarile din politie, armata si servicii.
S-a facut vreo statistica sa se vada rezultatele pozitive aduse de testarile psihologice? nu cred ca are nimeni curaj sa spuna adevarul. Doar o pierdere de bani si locuri bine platitepentru niste muieri. Ceausescu n-a fost prost de a desfiintat psihologia….