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„După dispariţiunea imperiului bizantin şi a celui turcesc, adecă după o mie cinci sute de ani, vedem încolţind toate naţiunile vechi ale Peninsulei tracice; albaneji, români, bulgari, sârbi, greci, unele scăzute la număr, altele crescute; dar toate vii. Ceea ce n-au putut face cultura bizantină sau cucerirea otomană vor face ungurii prin societăţi de maghiarizare?”
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16.01.2018 la 1:37
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Sa ramanem in zbor planat deasupra faptelor consemnate de istorie, crediciosi adevarului, numai adevarului si sa spunem tot adevarul !

1 .- Listing Fundation KALERGI – Awardees, de la inceputuri si pana in prezent :
1978 Raymond Barre, Prime-minister of France
1980 Constantin Tsatsos, President of Greece
1982 Rudolf Kirchschläger, President of Austria
1984 Sandro Pertini, President of Italy
1986 Juan Carlos I. Spanish King,( N.A. …cel pasionat de elefanti plumbuiti ! )
1988 Franz-Josef Strauss, Prime-minister of Bavaria
1990 Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
1992 Ronald Reagan, former President of the United States
1994 Alois Mock, Vice-chancellor and Minister of foreign affairs of Austria
1994 Otto von Habsburg, President of the Pan-European Union and member of the European Parliament – Special Award of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Century
1996 Lennart Meri, President of Estonia
1998 Emil Constantinescu, President of Romania
1999 Yehudi Menuhin, Violinist – Special Award – Postmortem
2002 Franjo Komarica, Catholic Bishop of Bosnia
2004 Ibrahim Rugova, President of Kosovo & Silivius Magnago, Governor of South Tirol
2006 Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of Latvia
2008 Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, Secretary of State of Poland
2010 Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
2012 Herman Van Rompuy, Chairman of European Council
2014 Jean-Claude Juncker, EU-Commission President.
2016 : ?

Facit : Numai nume , neamule !

Se repeta intrebarea : de ce sa nu avem si noi falitii nostri ?

2 .- Citat din ” Idealismul Practic „/ Kalergi

Cap. 10 : Judaism and Future Nobility
Main representatives of this corrupt as well as upright brain-aristocracy ( … ) are the Jews. The superiority of their spirit predestines them to become a main factor in future nobility. A look at the history of the Jews explains their lead in the struggle for governance over humanity.

The human of the far future will be a hybrid. Today’s races and castes will fall victim to the increasing overcoming of Space, Time and prejudgement. (In other words, it’s only a matter of time until individual races seize to exist). The Euro-Asian-Negroid hybrid race of the future, akin to the likeness of the ancient Egyptians, will replace the variety of races with variety of personalities.”

Ende citat

3 .- Citat ” Tribuna Renegatului ” Oct. 2016
” The flooding of our European Continent with non-white “migrants” from Africa and the Middle East, who are disguised as so-called “Refugees”, is not a MISTAKE, a “Humanitarian Act” ( NA varianta A.M. )
or a matter of “Incompetence”, but a precise, strategic political move of a globally organized and intricate occult network, which is implementing and achieving plans that are decades, if not centuries, old. ”

Chiar asa, din 1922/Viena si pana azi 2018 a cam trecut un secol de la descalecarea Kalergi !

Cand il vom gasi in manualul de istorie ?