radu Stefan
14 noiembrie 2015 la 9:51 pm - Raspunde
Aici aflati despre primul orasel american preluat de catre musulmani prin intrunirea majoritatii in functiile de conducere.
Mai aflati si despre intoleranta musulmana fata de alte societati.
Getty Images
GELLER11 Nov 20157,298
Last week, I reported about the first
American city in history to elect a Muslim majority City Council.
Well, it didn’t take long for the Islamic supremacist aggression and hostility
to surface — did it? It never does. Always conflict and strife.
A cell phone video, taken
moments after Muslims received the word that they took over the city council,
has surfaced of one of the organizers of the Muslim city council effortsaying, “Today we show the Polish and everybody else…”
The town has a large but shrinking Polish community.
How ugly. How fast.
They won — are they
incapable of being gracious? Don’t answer that. The message is clear:
non-Muslims move or else.
Yet when the Muslims gained
control of the city council last week, a local reporter, Will Jones, summarized how
immigrants had “dramatically changed the face and culture of this community,”
and said exultantly, “Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that
What’s diverse about a
Muslim majority? Is there anything less diverse and more oppressive than Islamic
law? What Muslim countries are diverse? Muslims won’t even let Jews pray at the
most holy of Jewish sites. Muslim countries under the sharia subjugate their
religious minorities.
This is not unexpected. I
describe the Islamization process in my book Stop the Islamization of
America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.
Non-Muslims should remember
the lessons of Tower Hamlets. This London borough elected
a Muslim mayor, Lutfur Rahman, who was ultimately removed from office by a judge “who ruled he had
‘cynically perverted’ the solidarity of Bangladeshi voters and made repeated
claims of racism to silence critics.” Expect the same in Hamtramck.
Cathie Lisinki-Gordon, a
former councilmember and one of the candidates who lost her bid for the council
last week, expressed surprise at Ibrahim Algahim’s supremacist language. “I’m
shocked that he said that,” she exclaimed. “I’m a very good friend of his. I
cannot believe that he would ever profile any select group. Especially when his
community has felt ostracized and profiled for many years.”
Cathie Lisinski-Gordon is a
perfect metaphor for the West and its approach to the Islamization of the West.
Algahim’s community “felt ostracized and profiled for many years”? How? Here
again we see the victim club at work, pounding on the psyche of the host
nation. But once Muslims are in power, Islamic supremacism rules.
According to a recent poll,
58% of Muslims in the United States reject First Amendment criticism of Islam
as a right. Forty-six percent want blasphemy punished, 12% want
“blasphemers” killed.
Muslims are the only
immigrant group that comes to Western countries with a ready-made model of
society and government (sharia) that they believe to be superior to what we
have here, and they work to institute it.
The taqiyya merchants went
into spin overdrive in the wake of Ibrahim Algahim’s candid statement that
“today we show the Polish and everybody else…” Their running dogs in the media
were only too happy to go into full damage control, quoting Anam Miah, one of
the Muslim city council members, who said this about the new Muslim majority:
“I think that sends a message not only to Hamtramck but throughout the region
that people want their representation in offices.” In other words, watch for
more Muslim politicians and elected officials, and more aggressive and
polarizing statements from them.
Another Muslim city council
member, Abu Ahmed Musa, promised to be even-handed: “My concern is to give the
people, everybody, equal opportunity and be fair for everybody.” In the same
vein, one of the newly elected Muslim council members, Saad Almasmari, said:
“We are going to represent everybody. We are going to serve everybody,
Christians, Jewish, Muslims, everybody.”
Yet everywhere Muslims have
held political power, non-Muslims have suffered – suffered loss of life, or
property, income, social standing, or equal rights before the law. Nowhere in
any majority-Muslim country today do non-Muslims enjoy full equality of rights
with Muslims. Everyone assumes that the Muslims in the U.S. are different and
don’t believe in the Islamic laws that lead to that discrimination, but there
is no basis for that assumption: there is no American form of Islam that is
different from the form that prevails in the rest of the world.
The Muslim city council of
Hamtramck, Michigan has already gotten off to a confrontational, divisive
start. Perhaps their first order of business will be rename the town
Hamtramckistan. Does anyone who is genuinely informed about the nature and
magnitude of the jihad threat really think that from here on out it is going to
get better?
Pamela Geller is the
President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of PamelaGeller.com and author of The Post-American Presidency:
The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of
America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.
Read More Stories About:
Government, Islam, Jihad, Muslims, Sharia, Michigan
Aici aflati despre primul orasel american preluat de catre musulmani prin intrunirea majoritatii in functiile de conducere.
Mai aflati si despre intoleranta musulmana fata de alte societati.
despre musulmani:
Getty Images
GELLER11 Nov 20157,298
Last week, I reported about the first
American city in history to elect a Muslim majority City Council.
Well, it didn’t take long for the Islamic supremacist aggression and hostility
to surface — did it? It never does. Always conflict and strife.
A cell phone video, taken
moments after Muslims received the word that they took over the city council,
has surfaced of one of the organizers of the Muslim city council effortsaying, “Today we show the Polish and everybody else…”
The town has a large but shrinking Polish community.
How ugly. How fast.
They won — are they
incapable of being gracious? Don’t answer that. The message is clear:
non-Muslims move or else.
Yet when the Muslims gained
control of the city council last week, a local reporter, Will Jones, summarized how
immigrants had “dramatically changed the face and culture of this community,”
and said exultantly, “Now, the Hamtramck City Council is going to reflect that
What’s diverse about a
Muslim majority? Is there anything less diverse and more oppressive than Islamic
law? What Muslim countries are diverse? Muslims won’t even let Jews pray at the
most holy of Jewish sites. Muslim countries under the sharia subjugate their
religious minorities.
This is not unexpected. I
describe the Islamization process in my book Stop the Islamization of
America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.
Non-Muslims should remember
the lessons of Tower Hamlets. This London borough elected
a Muslim mayor, Lutfur Rahman, who was ultimately removed from office by a judge “who ruled he had
‘cynically perverted’ the solidarity of Bangladeshi voters and made repeated
claims of racism to silence critics.” Expect the same in Hamtramck.
Cathie Lisinki-Gordon, a
former councilmember and one of the candidates who lost her bid for the council
last week, expressed surprise at Ibrahim Algahim’s supremacist language. “I’m
shocked that he said that,” she exclaimed. “I’m a very good friend of his. I
cannot believe that he would ever profile any select group. Especially when his
community has felt ostracized and profiled for many years.”
Cathie Lisinski-Gordon is a
perfect metaphor for the West and its approach to the Islamization of the West.
Algahim’s community “felt ostracized and profiled for many years”? How? Here
again we see the victim club at work, pounding on the psyche of the host
nation. But once Muslims are in power, Islamic supremacism rules.
According to a recent poll,
58% of Muslims in the United States reject First Amendment criticism of Islam
as a right. Forty-six percent want blasphemy punished, 12% want
“blasphemers” killed.
Muslims are the only
immigrant group that comes to Western countries with a ready-made model of
society and government (sharia) that they believe to be superior to what we
have here, and they work to institute it.
The taqiyya merchants went
into spin overdrive in the wake of Ibrahim Algahim’s candid statement that
“today we show the Polish and everybody else…” Their running dogs in the media
were only too happy to go into full damage control, quoting Anam Miah, one of
the Muslim city council members, who said this about the new Muslim majority:
“I think that sends a message not only to Hamtramck but throughout the region
that people want their representation in offices.” In other words, watch for
more Muslim politicians and elected officials, and more aggressive and
polarizing statements from them.
Another Muslim city council
member, Abu Ahmed Musa, promised to be even-handed: “My concern is to give the
people, everybody, equal opportunity and be fair for everybody.” In the same
vein, one of the newly elected Muslim council members, Saad Almasmari, said:
“We are going to represent everybody. We are going to serve everybody,
Christians, Jewish, Muslims, everybody.”
Yet everywhere Muslims have
held political power, non-Muslims have suffered – suffered loss of life, or
property, income, social standing, or equal rights before the law. Nowhere in
any majority-Muslim country today do non-Muslims enjoy full equality of rights
with Muslims. Everyone assumes that the Muslims in the U.S. are different and
don’t believe in the Islamic laws that lead to that discrimination, but there
is no basis for that assumption: there is no American form of Islam that is
different from the form that prevails in the rest of the world.
The Muslim city council of
Hamtramck, Michigan has already gotten off to a confrontational, divisive
start. Perhaps their first order of business will be rename the town
Hamtramckistan. Does anyone who is genuinely informed about the nature and
magnitude of the jihad threat really think that from here on out it is going to
get better?
Pamela Geller is the
President of the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI), publisher of PamelaGeller.com and author of The Post-American Presidency:
The Obama Administration’s War on America and Stop the Islamization of
America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance. Follow her on Twitter here. Like her on Facebook here.
Read More Stories About:
Government, Islam, Jihad, Muslims, Sharia, Michigan