Nota redacției: Din textul de mai jos, informația cea mai prețioasă este cea privind mărturia mareșalului Jukov. Era în poziția de a ști cel mai bine ce se întâmpla la Berlin în acele zile:
“On June 6, a spokesman for the Soviet army in Berlin announced unequivocally that Hitler had committed suicide and that his body had been identified. Three days later, Marshall Zhukov, the head of the Soviet army gave a press conference with Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinski looking over his shoulder. ‘We did not identify the body of Hitler,’ he said. ‘I can say nothing definite about his fate. He could have flown away from Berlin at the very last moment.’”
În rest, textul are valoarea pe care fiecare se va pricepe să i-o atribuie.
Debunking the “Hitler Escaped” Myths
– Forensic evidence trumps rumours,
theories and romantic tales
Did Hitler escape to Argentina or to a secret South Pole hideaway? I’m afraid not, but I’m sure there is money to be made in keeping such conspiracy theories afloat, and various agendas are served by it, primarily the agenda of fear and loathing. There are many who wish to portray Hitler as a coward and betrayer of his people by fleeing, while other armchair quarterbacks insist that his suicide is also evidence of coawardess and they apparently think he should have surrendered to become the center piece of the Nuremberg Flying Circus show trials; that some how such a spectacle would have been “honourable”. There are no doubt also many Hitler fans who have held a small hope in their hearts that the Fuehrer had actually out-smarted the ALL LIES, got away, and lived the rest of his life happily ever after with his bride Eva Braun. Well, I am very sorry to disappoint you. He did take his life in Berlin in 1945 and there is substantial verified and corroborated forensic evidence which proves it. The rumours of Hitler’s escape were started by none other than Joseph Stalin, shortly after Berlin fell. and the German forces were defeated.
I am going to borrow heavily here from Metapedia to lay out the general story and then add the forensic evidence from various sources which seals the deal and should put “paid” to this persistent rubbish that floats around the Internet in conspiracy theory circles.
“Hitler heroically had before the start of the second world war connected his personal fate with the outcome this war[1]. Not only in words, but also in deeds: he committed suicide on April 30 1945, when the war was irrevocably lost. His suicide is also stated by authentic witnesses, who also lived in the Führerbunker, and it can therefore be considered as a fact of history. Despite this, rumours and theories that Hitler survived the war are widespread and popular. And there are many theories about what happened with Adolf Hitler after the fall of Berlin. These are all hoaxes; not based on the facts. Some of such rumours and theories say that Hitler escaped to continue the National Socialist struggle from a different country. A particular popular version is the theory that Adolf Hitler would have escaped during the fall of Berlin in 1945 and gone to Argentina.
The Soviets weren’t helpful on the matter of the German leader’s death.
“The Soviets continued to be difficult. They refused to allow Westerners into Berlin even after the surrender of Dönitz’s government and the last armies in the field on May 7-9. On May 10, they announced the existence of the burned bodies in the Chancellory courtyard, but only allowed that one might be Hitler. The same report went on to say that his body might never be found.
“On June 6, a spokesman for the Soviet army in Berlin announced unequivocally that Hitler had committed suicide and that his body had been identified. Three days later, Marshall Zhukov, the head of the Soviet army gave a press conference with Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Vishinski looking over his shoulder. ‘We did not identify the body of Hitler,’ he said. ‘I can say nothing definite about his fate. He could have flown away from Berlin at the very last moment.’”
In an interview on Deadline – Live, an Argentine news program, journalist Santiago Romero interviewed Abel Basti about Hitler’s escape, life in Patagonia, and the events that followed World War Two.
Interview with Basti:
Romero: What is your opinion on Hitler’s escape?
Basti: “Hitler escaped via air from Austria to Barcelona. The last stage of his escape was in a submarine, from Vigo, heading straight to the coast of Patagonia. Finally, Hitler and Eva Braun, in a car with a chauffeur and bodyguard—a motorcade of at least three cars—drove to Bariloche (Argentina).
“He took refuge in a place called San Ramon, about 15 miles east of that town. It is a property of about 250,000 acres with a lake-front view of Lake Nahuel Huapi, which had been German property since the early twentieth century, when it belonged to a German firm by the name of Schamburg-Lippe.”
Romero: “On what basis do you claim that Hitler was in Spain after leaving his Berlin bunker?”
Basti: “I was able to confirm the presence of Hitler in Spain thanks to a—now elderly—Jesuit priest, whose family members were friends of the National Socialist leader. And I have witnesses that allude to meetings he had with his entourage at the place where they stayed in Cantabria.
Historians have generally agreed since the end of the Second World War that, staring defeat in the face, an increasingly feeble and paranoid Hitler had married Eva Braun in the bowels of his Berlin bunker after midnight on April 29, 1945, and later dictated his will. His physician Werner Haase, in response to Hitler’s questions, had recommended a dose of cyanide and a gunshot to the head as the most reliable form of suicide.
Hitler, convinced of the treason of SS leader Heinrich Himmler, doubted the reliability of the SS-supplied cyanide tablets and had one tested on his dog Blondi, after which the dog died.
Following lunch on April 30, with Soviet forces less than 500 metres from the bunker, Hitler and Eva said goodbye to staff and fellow occupants, including the Goebbels family, private secretary Martin Bormann and military officers.
They went into Hitler’s personal study at 2.30pm and at around 3.30pm some witnesses reported hearing a loud gunshot.
Those, including valet Heinz Linge, who went into the study reported the smell of almonds, consistent with cyanide gas. They said they saw Hitler slumped on his desk with a bullet wound to his head, a pistol on the floor and blood pooling on the arm of the sofa on which Eva lay beside him with no visible sign of injury. Several witnesses said the bodies were then carried up to the emergency exit and into a small bombed-out garden behind the Chancellery where they were doused with petrol and set alight, then buried in a small crater when the Soviet shelling made it unsafe for the cremation to continue. Seven and a half hours later, Red Army troops began storming the Chancellery and the remains of Hitler, his wife and two of his dogs were said to have been discovered in a shell crater by a Soviet soldier.
But were they?
The Soviet story changed regularly in the aftermath of the fall of Berlin and in the following years. Conspiracy theorists point to suggestions that:
Joseph Stalin told Western leaders at the Potsdam Conference in 1945 he believed Hitler may have escaped to Spain or South America.
Stalin’s top army officer, Marshal Georgy Zhukov, said: “We found no corpse that could be Hitler’s.”
The acting chief of the US trial counsel at Nuremberg, Thomas J Dodd, said: “No one can say he is dead.” The most convincing evidence of Hitler’s suicide came from the testimonies of those who were in the bunker — but they did not all agree on the details.
Hitler’s bodyguard Rochus Misch, the only survivor of the bunker still alive, told this year how he heard someone shout to Hitler’s valet, “Junge, Junge, I think it’s happened.”
After the bodies were carried upstairs, Misch said: “Someone shouted to me, ‘Hurry upstairs, they’re burning the boss!’ ” But Misch decided not to go, in case the “last witnesses” were shot. He was later captured after fleeing the bunker and spent eight years in Soviet prison camps. Details of a Soviet autopsy on the remains they found, released years later, apparently showed gunshot wounds and cyanide poisoning. The remains were repeatedly buried and exhumed by Russian agents during their relocation from Berlin to a new facility at Magdeburg. There, they were put in an unmarked grave with the bodies of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, his wife and their six children.
When the facility was due to be handed over to the East German government in 1970, the KGB, it is said, exhumed all ten bodies, burned them and threw the ashes in the river Elbe to prevent the area becoming a National Socialist shrine. They kept Hitler’s jaw and part of his skull — the fragment now thrown into doubt by US archaeologist Nick Bellantoni, who was given permission to examine the artefacts in the Russian state archive. Other discrepancies which have muddied the waters include a photo released by Soviets at the time of the fall of Berlin which purported to be the body of Hitler, shot in the forehead. It is now thought to be one of Hitler’s body doubles.
Others who believe he escaped subscribe to a variety of conspiracy theories. The most popular include one or more of these elements:…” (continues)
Forensic Evidence:
Hitler did die in Berlin in 1945. A post-mortem was conducted and his dental records, jaw bones, teeth and in particular, his dental bridge work have positively identified the remains of Adolf Hitler. The following link contains many articles on the subject, a few of which are very good, especially the one entitled:
“The Führer’s elaborate dental bridge work provides the key to a 50-year-old mystery, reports David Stephenson.”
Dr Erwin Giesling working with Dr Carl Von Eicken, were Hitler’s ENT specialists. They treated Hitler’s ear injuries caused by the assassination attempt of 20 July 1944. At the time of the X-ray Hitler was ‘suffering’ from a festering infection in his left maxillary sinus. Not long after this he had dental surgery performed by Hugo Blaschke (10th November 1944) as a result of a massive infection in tooth No 6 in the left upper Jaw. Since this tooth formed part of a substantial bridge and Hitler refused lengthy treatment, Blaschke decided to cut off the section of the bridge with teeth 5 and 6 and extract tooth 6. Someone has ‘added’ this dental work to the X-ray.
hitler capitol incheiat sau nu ?? istoria se repeta.?? alta fatza aceiasi ratza
PSS: Rusii acum cu Vladimir Putin ar trebui sa scoata publicului toate arhivele KGB despre Hitler,si despre ,,holocaustul,, evreesc,cu CIFRELE reale,si sa arate tot ce s-a intamplat atunci cu adevarat in anii razboiului.CRUCEA ROSIE vorbeste despre 400.000 de evrei morti in lagarele naziste in Europa.Israelul vorbeste despre 6 milioane de evrei morti si ,,gazati,, pentru ca ei au lobby mai puternic.
Insa PUTIN joaca la cacialma de partea israelului,pentru ca inca mai are relatii mari si importante acolo,si REFUZA sa dea bomba atomica la statul IRAN,tocmai pentru a santaja Israelul.
PUTIN santajeaza Israelul,ca fie inarmeaza IRAN cu bomba atomica,fie publica documentele KGB(NKVD)despre holocaust 1940-1945,despre evrei.
Asta este politica.In acelasi timp Israelul santajeaza pe Putin,obligand prin lobby-ul sau in America,sa impuna sanctiuni economice Rusiei pe motiv de razboi in Ucraina.
Ar fi tare bine insa daca situatia s-ar calma,s-ar semna pacea in Siria,si Ucraina si fiecare sa-si vada de treaba sa.Americanii sa se uite in Iran la petrolul sau,iar Rusia sa isi vada de afacerile sale cu chinezii,fara sa se mai razboiasca cu nimeni.
PS: Fara 23 august 1944,americanii ar fi intrat in Budapesta,in cazul in care maresalul antonescu rezista in muntii carpati pana spre sfarsitul razboiului,iar Hitler putea finaliza proiectul cel mare al bombei atomice.Altii abereaza cum ca fara 23 august 1944, bomba atomica nu ar fi explodat la Hiroshima ci la fals.Bomba exploda la New York sau San Francisco,deoarece americanii nu ar fi primit predarea submarinului german U234,plin cu uraniu si componentele bombei atomice,in iunie 1945 dupa capitularea germana.
Hitler la 1 august 1944 si-a retras din Romania toate diviziile de tancuri,pentru a le muta in Varsovia,unde incepusera rebeliunea poloneza si aliata contra nemtilor.Avea totala incredere ca Antonescu va rezista 2 luni pe linia Focsani-Carpati-Namoloasa Braila,iar apoi inca 6 luni in muntii carpati,in meridionali si Apuseni.Timp suficient ca in anul 1946 Germania sa aiba deja aresenal nuclear complet,si sa mature cu americanii.Regele Mihai practic a facut un mare favor rusilor,americanilor si britanicilor,deoarece Romania avea un rol primoridial in cel de-al 2 lea razboi mondial: rezistenta nazistilor in muntii Carpati,ar fi franat avansarea sovieticilor cu foarte mult timp(suficient sa avanseze cu afacerea bombelor atomice), apoi resursele de PETROL ar fi ajutat in continuare Germania nazista ,si nu in ultimul rand Romania a contribuit cu cercetatori la Pennenmunde,fizicieni si experti care sa proiecteze bombele atomice….. Regele Mihai practic ar trebui sa primeasca statuie in fiecare oras din Israel,pentru ca a salvat de la moarte peste 400.000 de evrei din Bucuresti si din Romania,de la deportarile naziste(planul margareta 2),prin actul din 23 august 1944.A salvat america Anglia si pe rusi de bombele atomice ale nemtilor,si a scurtat razboiul cu timp suficient ca soarta aliatilor sa devina mult mai favorabila si sigura pentru castigarea conflictului mondial.Insa vedeti si voi ca aliatii care au castigat razboiul nu au intors victoria regelui mihai,acesta avand interzis sa mai devina rege in Romania
adevarul despre relatia ruso-germana,este ca pactul Molotov Ribbentrop nu a fost niciodata rupt,chiar si atunci cand in 1941 a inceput conflictul armat.
Exista documente la BUZATU,care arata ca maresalul Antonescu a rupt contactele cu aliatii,dupa ce a primit informatii ca Hitler negocia o pace secreta cu Stalin prin 1944,iar in acest fel o negociere Romano-sovietica de armistitiu,in contextul in care rusii intrasera in Romania in primavara lui 1944,ar fi lasat Romania descoperita,iar informatiile si conditiile de armistitiu prin Kolontay la Stokholm,ambasadoarea URSS,ar fi putut fi aflate de Hitler,iar acesta sa le faca publice pentru a obliga Romania sa ramana in Axa fascista pana la capat. Hitler a sperat ca maresalul Antonescu va rezista in munti in toamna si iarna lui 1944,pana in 1945,in carpatii meridionali si apuseni,pana ce isi va finaliza bomba atomica.
Practic Regele Mihai i-a pus o piedica fatala lui Hitler si nazistilor,iar bomba atomica ,,americana..(a se citi germana) si submarinul U234 german(care trebuia sa ajunga in japonia si nu in america),ar fi expodat la New York si nu la Hiroshima,,daca,, actul de la 23 august 1944 nu ar mai fi avut loc vreodata.
Au vizitat Adolf Hitler & Amiralul Byrd un alt taram dincolo de frontiera Pamantului Plan, Antarctica?
Precis a murit.. unde?? wfc.. un erou pentru unii, un idiot pentru altii si multa suferinta pentru toti europenii..absolut toti….norocul nostru acum este EU.. one country, NO borders, free movement
Adolf Hitler vs. Ordinea Mondiala Jidaneasca
poate se uită și surena ca să înțeleagă cum stă problema cu cine scrie istoria și cum se falsifică istoria.
Chapeau bas, domnule profesor, pentru elucidarea acestei escrocherii cu care propaganda invingatorilor il manjeste si calomniaza pe Hitler de 70 de ani, de spaima ca lumea si mai ales nemtii sa nu se uneasca si sa se incordeze din nou impotriva comunismului de azi, cu muie si mai stramba si perversa si mai criminala, decat cel de ieri, caci VINE DIN INTERIORUL TARILOR EUROPEI SI AMERICII, prin cartelul GUVERN-FINANTA-MEDII
Cititi-l si pe Ernst Junger despre lupta si incordarea nemtilor,spre a pricepe si mai bine cu cata dare de sine s-a luptat contra bestiilor bolsevice, AZI, DIN NOU INFLORITOARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!