In general rabinii sunt considerati a fi spirite libere = open minds.Dau solutiile cele mai oportune si evidente pe care ceilalti oameni din cauza stresului nu le vad.Politicienii de la carma statului sunt incorsetati de sarcinile impuse de elitele mondiale si incearca sa impuna ordinele acestora.
Cum se pot impune masuri absurde de restrictie a libertatilor pentru infectari inchipuite de 3 la mie intr-o colectivitate cand pe de o parte procedura de stabilire/masurare a acestor infectari nu este omologata si guvernata de erori mari, iar pe de alta parte in aceasta perioada a anului cand organismul uman este slabit dupa iarna, restrictii si lipsuri stresante este caracterizat in fiecare an de viroze respiratorii care depasesc in mod obisnuit 30-50% !!!.
Inainte de 89 cand mergeam spre serviciu inghesuiti la refuz in autobuze, tramvaie si metrou se auzea un cor de stranuturi, tuse productiva si hacailei.Pe trotuare vedeai frecvente flegme mizerabile.La serviciu mai toti tuseam, ne infofoleam si ne incalzeam cu tot felul de improvizatii.Duceam virozele pe picioare 1-3 saptamani.Cine se mai vaccina contra gripei? Imunitatea consolidata atunci a fost distrusa de politica mastii, izolarii si stresului concertat= masuri duse la extrem de niste hahalere inculte care si-au vandut sufletul nici ei nu mai stiu.pentru ce.
The Holocaust Victims Accuse
Published in 1977 by Bnei Yeshivos
Chapter 1 — Three enemies of Judaism.
Chapter 2 — How rescue was impeded by Nathan Schwalb and Yitzchak Greenbaum of the Jewish Agency.
Chapter 3 — The crimes of Abba Kovner of Mapam and Chaim Weizmann.
Chapter 4 — How our people starved because of Stephen Wise of the American Jewish Congress.
Chapter 5 — Zionist betrayal resulting in tragic deaths on land and sea.
Chapter 6 — The unique obstructionist role of Sali Mayer of the Joint Distribution Committee.
Chapter 7 — What Henry Montor of the United Jewish Appeal and other Zionist officials were doing while our people died.
Chapter 8 — The Romanian Jews and thwarted rescue plans.
Chapter 9 — The shameful role -of Mordecai Ehrenpreisz in Sweden.
Chapter 10 — Fifth columnists in the ghettoes: Merin and Moldetsky
At a national conference of Tzirei Agudas Yisroel, which took place during the establishment of the “State of Israel,” the delegates came to one decision which aroused a furor even am factions of Agudas Yisroel, and “Hamodia” refused to publish it, as a matter of principle. The controversial resolution stated: “We declare that, at this time of the establishment of the state, our belief of the past remain the same: Zionism constitutes a danger, spiritual and physical, to the existence of our people.”