The Romanian – American Committee
for Bessarabia
5150 Leesburg Pike, Alexandria, VA 22302-1030.
March 6, 2018
Romania, Bessarabia and the Republic of Moldova
Statement prepared on behalf of the American citizens of Romanian descent.
Hon. Sen. Bob Corker, Chairman
US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
423 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington DC 20510-6225



Honorable Senator Bob Corker,
Honorable Members of the Committee,
We write you as responsible American citizens of Romanian origin proud of the new
relations between the United States and Romania. While most Romanians praise America and
greet the increased bilateral cooperation, there are yet a few touchy issues that must be
addressed for an even deeper friendship. One such issue is raised by the formerly Romanian
lands located east of the Prut River.
The lands between the rivers Prut and Nistru were part of the Romanian nation since
times immemorial. In the course of history, however, two provinces of this region, Bukovina in
the North and Bessarabia in the East, were annexed by Austria and respectively, Russia. The
end of the First World War remedied this injustice and, based on their Romanian majority, the
two provinces reunited with Romania. While Austria renounced any further claims, the newly
created USSR sought continuously to re-annex Bessarabia. Indeed, following the RibbentropMolotov
pact of 1939, the Soviet troops invaded Romania and annexed again not only
Bessarabia, but also northern Bukovina. All these historic events are explained in details in the
U.S. Senate Resolution 148 of June 26,1991.
March 27 of this year marks the centennial of the modern reunification of Bessarabia
with Romania. It is, however, a sad anniversary. The truncated land called the Republic of
Moldova is manipulated by Putin and by his men in Chisinau. Consequently, the population of
the land suffers political oppression and economic hardship. Romania, on the other hand, is
currently a member of the European Union, a solid member of NATO, and a staunch ally of the
United States. In the new political climate and the new geo-political configuration of Europe,
Romania is one of the main pivots of U.S. policy in Eastern Europe. In recent years, Romanian
troops have also fought and sacrificed together with the American troops in the Middle East.
It is worth reminding that Malborne Graham, an American diplomat, published an
article in 1944 titled „The Legal Status of the Bukovina and Bessarabia” (American Journal of
International Law, October 1944). He wrote that this disputed area of Eastern Europe
represented „the most critical territorial problem bequeathed to the present generation as a
direct legacy of the age-old Eastern Question.” This territorial problem remained unsolved ever
since. In 1989, after the dismemberment of the USSR, Moldova declared its independence.
Allegedly, the new republic considered the idea of rejoining Romania, but for hidden reasons,
the former communists who took over the power in Bucharest after Ceausescu, had different
interests and they ignored the chance of reunification.
Honorable senators, we want to assure you that a united Romania will be a factor of
increased stability in East Europe and a real friend of the United States. And we appeal to you
to consider the idea of a reunified Romania.
In closing we wish to quote a few lines o the above-mentioned resolution SR 148:
… To express the sense of the Senate that the United States should support the right to selfdetermination
of the people of the Republic of Moldavia and northern Bucovina… Now,
Therefore, be it Resolved, that it is the sense of the Senate that the United States Government
(1) Support the right of self-determination of the people of Soviet-occupied Moldavia and
northern Bucovina and issue a statement to that effect; and
(2) Support future efforts by the Government of Moldavia to negotiate peacefully, if they so
wish, the reunification of Romania with Moldavia and Northern Bucovina as established in the
Paris Peace Treaty of 1920, the prevailing norms of international law, and in conformity with
Principle 1 of the Helsinki Final Act”
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Dima
The American-Romanian Committee for Basarabia
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Dima, President
Lia Roberts, Executive Vice President
Neculai Popa, Public Relations Vice President
Valentin V. Tepordei, Communications Vice President
Nicholas Buda, Vice President for Youth Issues
Alexandru Tomescu, Vice President for Canada