SPIRIDON | Art. V. – Începând cu drepturile salariale aferente lunii martie, cuantumul brut al salariilor de bază de care beneficiază personalul din cadrul Institutului Naţional pentru Studierea Holocaustului din România „Elie Wiesel” se majorează cu 100%, cu respectarea prevederilor art. 38 alin.(6) din Legea nr.153/2017, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare. Art. VI. – În cuprinsul art. II lit. e) din Legea nr. 274/2017 pentru aprobarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 62/2017 privind completarea art.II din Legea nr. 152/2017 pentru aprobarea Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 99/2016 privind unele măsuri pentru salarizarea personalului plătit din fonduri publice, prorogarea unor termene, precum şi unele măsuri fiscal-bugetare, publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I, nr. 1030 din 28 decembrie 2017, prin sintagma „personalul din cadrul instituţiilor publice de spectacole sau concerte care nu a beneficiat de majorări salariale potrivit Ordonanţei de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 2/2017” se înţelege tot personalul din cadrul acestor instituţii, cu excepţia celui prevăzut la art.1 alin.(4) din Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 2/2017 privind unele măsuri fiscal bugetare, precum şi modificarea şi completarea unor acte normative, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare.” CITITI ART. V din lege ….noua romanilor ne scad salariile cu 20-30 % …lor le cresc cu 100%. Bravo Dragneo , bravo Vasilico ! * Nota redacției: Îi invit pe trântorii care huzuresc pe seama inexistentului Holocaust din România (Transnistria) să se intereseze la Yad Vashem sau la altă sursă care a fost declarația din toamnă a primului ministru din Israel despre România și soarta evreilor din România! Și să ne traducă și nouă acea declarație! Lepădăturilor! |
legea s-a votat in unanimitate la intiativa deputatului de la comunitate, imi scapa numele pentru ca au statut de „cercetatori”…
Domnule Radu, eu sint un nenorocit de tubulator,nu inteleg prea mult franceza,sau rusa, doar un pic de engleza, si asta invatata la televizor. Daca aveti timp, va rog traduceti in limba noastra,dulce si frumoasa, articole din alte limbi. Va multumesc anticipat.
Domnule Stelica,
Dumneavoastra meritati mult mai mult decat atat, meritati traducatori constiinciosi sau macar rezumate ca lumea ale acestor texte, caci aveti nobila sete de cunoastere care va motiveaza , dar din pacate eu nu mai am niciun fel de energie pentru aceste activitati civice pe care noi toti le datoram semenilor nostri !
Va cer iertare dar abea am energie sa-mi duc zilele!
Sanatate multa !
Domnule Stelica,
nu va lasati si puneti mana pe carte !
Tatal meu , singur singurel, la 65 de ani a invatat engleza cat sa se descurce in spitale cand l-am adus bolnav in America .
Asa si cu franceza, se poate invata macar cat sa cititi un text, foarte repede : va dau sase saptamani, doua ore pe saptamana ! Cel mult !
Pe internet aveti si gramatici si dictionare gratis – prindeti curaj si faceti ce fac americanii care invata romaneste cand au nevoie pentru ceva cercetare a unui subiect !
Nu va lasati !
Temele de descifrat sunt extrem de interesante , nu va lasati caci aveti motivatie beton!
In USA la 65 de ani lumea merge la facultate !!!!!!!!!!
Fiti entuziast ca ei, vacarii planetei!
Sanatate multa !
In textul francez Jerome Bourbon ajunge la o trista concluzie si anume ca democratia creeaza blocaj in luarea de decizii capitale si folositoare tarilor care traiesc sub auspiciile ei ! Adica , Italia, ca si Franta ca si Austria, in loc sa ia niste decizii forte care sa stavileasca imigratia(total ilegala si infractionala !!!) – imigratia – invaziune, doar schimba echipele de politicieni carora le este frica sa ia decizii capitale pentru a stavili aceasta ocupatie straina , fapt pentru care invazia merge inainte neschimbata iar conditiile de trai ale votantilor:cetatenilor, se inrautatesc pe zi ce trece . Toate merg din rau in mai rau !
Dece , pentru ca masele nu sunt capabile sa inteleaga lucrurile in profunzime si sa reactioneze pe masura !
Tot ies la vot comportandu-se ca o burta moale !
Fara un conducator puternic nu se poate nici schimba Europa din interior, nici iesi din Europa pentru a schimba moneda si stavili invazia zisa imigratie !
Acum ca stiti subiectul, va rog frumos sa parcurgeti textul francez si veti vedea cat de multe cuvinte de origine latina veti gasi si ce mult veti intelege din el !
Scoateti-le si repetati-le la oglinda !
Curaj !
A la Votre!
In fiecare zi in baie invatati un cuvant nou in franceza si unul in engleza!
Repetati-l pe tron si la oglinda ! Hahahaha!
Va veti felicita cand veti descoperi ce placut e sa te trezesti cu un vocabular ff functional in timp relativ scurt !
Ce avem noi aici: http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=85432. „Before and after”… nu stiu cum se face că mie nu-mi prea iese la numărătoare…Ce spuneti domnule profesor?
Material foarte important mai ales ca se pare Crucea Rosie era finantata de Rotschild …n-am verificat treaba asta dar daca este adevarat se pare ca propaganda aliatilor care continua si azi este bashinoasa raaaaau de tot!!!
Si profund UMAN- REPULSIVA caci aceasta propaganda care continua si azi NON-STOP !!! este
Iar specimenele ce o propaga sunt ANTI-OAMENI !!!
Multumiri pentru documentatie !
D’aia baga lumea la inchisoare Sindicatul Gangsterilor (foarte tare organizati mai ales in moduri paramilitare ilegale si masonice, adica ascunse caci au ce ascunde – altfel nu ar stramba jurisprudenta si sistemul de legi de azi , infiltrand cu criminali juridici – adica cu impostori
– sistemele juridice ale tuturor tarilor stapanite prin infiltratie si ilegalitate !!!) , fabricand intr-una legi noi liberticide , tocmai ca sa nu indrazneasca lumea sa le puna adevarul in fata !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Si sa-i RADA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dar Zigguratul lor de Minciuni !!! a inceput sa crape rau de tot(nu mai exista niciun istoric serios pe mapamond care sa le mai suporte cifrele mincinoase ,( Ernst Nolte a decretat ca Holocaustul cu cifra de 6000000 este o religie veche !!! nu un fapt stiintific dovedit !!!) si sunt si printre evrei din ce in ce mai multi care resping aceasta propaganda de minciuni mentinute prin crima inventata de criminalii lor juridici sau simpli impostori, si anume :
DELICTUL DE OPINIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cu care baga chiar si OCTOGENARII IN INCHISORI, CARE-I CONTRAZIC !!! ceea ce pentru octogenari este echivalent cu CONDAMNAREA LA MOARTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
Deci criminalii lor juridici sunt criminali de doua ori caci distrug si jurisprudenta echilibrata si respectoasa fata de conceptul OM , nu doar adevarul istoric obiectiv !!! , ceea ce reprezinta dispretul pentru istoria OMENIRII !!!
Fiti atenti cum spera ei sa scape de consecintele unui razboi atomic (CATA DEMENTA CU PATENT!!!) , asta in timp ce-l provoaca intr-una pe Putin la razboiul nedorit de el :
Admin 15:09 on 05/08/2017
“The international Jewish community has bought Argentine and Chilean Patagonia to build a second Israel.”
Admin 15:09 on 05/08/2017
“The international Jewish community has bought Argentine and Chilean Patagonia to build a second Israel.”
By Eladiofernandez, November 15, 2013, translated from Spanish with GoogleTranslate
Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has changed Patagonia through the cancellation of the Argentine debt with the World Bank and the IMF, Eduardo Elztain, president of the world Jewish community.
The Argentine Patagonia with an area of 1,043,076 km² comes to be double of Spain included Baleares and Canary Islands.
The Argentine Patagonia is going to unite part of the south of the Patagonia of Chile to whose effect already is in fact collaborating the Chilean army to also establish previously an underground military base in what will come to be the military complex more sophisticated after the bases Area 51.
This submarine base will control and destroy submarines passing through Cape Horn from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
The base is already a few years old, and it is the Rockefeller base that along with the one they already own in the Antarctic are the most important in the south of the planet.
The Rockefeller base of the Patagonia and Lakes Region of southern Chile and Argentina is really an extensive network of DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base, by TWP) areas and tunnels.
The water of this region is the purest of the planet and the most delicious. Rich in trace elements tertiary and unpolluted from the life of man who has only arrived there in the form of few families and some military unit in recent history.
Military and Israeli scientists have been making their measurements and technical studies of the area they have taken for good to move forward with the settlement of a new Israel.
The construction of giant DUMBs is essential for the development of underground life in an area of temperatures and hostile winds in the Antarctic winter, which can then develop on the surface.
Cryogenic crops in DUMBs are paramount for the sustainability of sustainable underground life without relying on outside and adverse weather conditions for most of the year.
On the other hand, DUMBs will function as an atomic shelter and for natural catastrophes, with water and air pumping systems for both extraction and feeding.
The purchase of such territories guarantees the private property to which they add carte blanche for the organization itself as a country within two other countries Chile and Argentina, with its own army but also with the collaboration of both Argentine and Chilean armies.
For the geostrategic balance in the area, Argentina has signed trade agreements with China, and the Jewish community will in turn pressure the British Empire for its withdrawal from the Falklands or its distribution with China and Argentina of the resources of the area.
The international community, let us say the countries extinguished of their sovereignty that has been carried out justly by the international Zionist community have not been informed by anyone of these plans, and only some secret services know very well these plans since the Israeli army, Argentine And Chilean are in charge of the secrecy and discretion of the development of the project.
In the expected thermonuclear explosion that could occur between blocs and the contamination and disappearance of whole cities, in turn driven and pushed by the Federal Reserve’s own Zionist interests and their control and single issue of the currency, Israel hopes to be able to continue in Solitary life on earth, along with the other DUMBS built in Africa and USA for the same purpose of having a safe place where to protect the world elite.
Powerful tunnelers are trying to connect all these DUMBS of the different continents in the maximum number of kilometers and possible stretches.
http://raicesyevolucion.wordpress.com/2013/10/11/banco-hipotecario-eduardo-elsztain-culto-a-moloch-y-satanismo/ Mortgage Bank and Eduardo Elsztain.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J23mTVW8KA false tourists from the Israeli army in southern Chile to map it.
http://www.oocities.org/ar/ciudadanosalerta/noticias/colonia_judia.html Jewish settlement in the Argentine region of Santa Cruz.
http://www.haaretz.com/news/features/david-s-harp/insider-information-from-heaven-1.466774 BID Group Holding Corporation.
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-27/israel-s-dankner-adds-securities-fraud-probe-to-cash-squeeze.html Israel’s global pyramidal structure.
http://www.worldjewishcongress.org/en/president The Jewish power and control of the world and religion. Ronald S. Lauder President of the International Jewish Conference.
http://www.larazon.es/detalle_hemeroteca/noticias/LA_RAZON_363937/2296-patagonia-la-ultima-carra-palestina#.Ttt1J2DR7r4vNUk Patagonia the last Palestinian land.
http://www.publico.es/internacional/334562/obama-abraza-a-enemigos-de-eeuu-y-castiga-a-sus-aliados Aznar embraces the Jewish World Congress. Eduardo Elsztain of Argentina and Ronal S. Lauder.
http://algoestacambiando.wordpress.com/2011/01/18/manifestante-anti-nuevo-orden-mundial-confronta-a-david-rockefeller-a-summer-a-chile/ David Rockefeller in Chile.
http://radio.uchile.cl/2013/11/14/ciudadanos-redactan-estatus-by-additional-conditions-to-patagonia Statutes for Patagonia.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3aZ1crXSWE The only family on the surface of Cape Horn, not underground.
Each of these families change it every year so that they can not notice any information.
China builds an underwater secret base in the Pacific.
http://periodismoalternativoblog.wordpress.com/2013/08/16/canada-inaugura-una-base-militar-de-entrenamiento-en-el-artico/ A base similar to this one of Denmark in the Arctic but in the Antarctic .
http://despiertaalfuturo.blogspot.com.es/2013/05/monsanto-bill-gates-y-rockefeller.html Seed Base of the Rockefeller Foundation and Bill Gates in the Arctic.
http://actualidad.rt.com/blogueros/iluminando_conciencias/view/42233-La-%C3%A9lite-se-refugia-bajo-tierra The elite take refuge underground
http://www.taringa.net/posts/info/9532409/Bases-Subterraneas-Secretas.htmlUnderground Bases.
Annex 20 December 2014:
Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Georgia, conceal the new Zionist settlements that are establishing their businesses and offices there. Israel’s speculation of being attacked by the Islamic world they finance together with the US led by the AIPAC , seek new settlements.
Patagonia and Kazakhstan are the serious and ongoing alternatives.
Israel threatens a nuclear Armageddon to the world.
Angela Merkel’s government has provided four free Dolphin-class nuclear submarines to Israel for gratuitously for having influenced the Rothschilds in the proprietary governments of 70% of Israeli businesses in canceling the German debt in the 1953 London Agreement. Rothschild in 1948 with the purchase of votes in the UN for the constitution of the state of Israel, as they have done it again in 2011; And as an extension to rights over water and the Suez Canal. They are the submarines of the Apocalypse for a nuclear Armagedon in the zone of the middle east that would end by crossing of attacks or radiation with the own Israel, Syria, Iran and other countries of the Persian Gulf.
The respectable Jewish people have a major , definitive and historic challengeto their present and future, and consists of getting rid of the double game with the Zionists led by the main financial families and their illuminatis Jesuit Masonic connections, and to demonstrate to the world their independence from these Satanists friends of Armageddon, kings of the Supreme Court of the occult . Jewish and ultra-Orthodox conservatives oppose influence as they say manipulative, but we have seen nothing efficient to eradicate collaboration, but rather absolute complacency.
The forced multiculturalism of his plan Kalergi Mason for the loss of the original tribal identities of the different countries and peoples forcefully engaged in the great blender of the mix to exclude that, his race. Millenary and independent cultures that with their Globalization disintegrate into a tribal work of centuries and millennia in other cases, overnight, devoid of their identity and peculiarities, mixed as farm animals forced into a migration by misery, and the Necessity perpetrated from its financial corporate holding, for its constitution in the unique pure race untouched. We must not enter into thoughts and actions against a people that in the end has suffered the nomadic manipulation of its religious and financial leaders to be marked by an exclusion marked by the constants themselves – consecrations and promises of a promised land and chosen people – Which they have received from their indoctrinators and prophets.
Humanity faces a great and enormous challenge of twinning and universal consciousness, which is not Globalist and disintegrating identities; And is also not determined to eradicate hunger, disease and need as a form of control of humanity, by controlling the finances and the secret control of governments and institutions and the tool of religion that they implement at their convenience Among peoples. (Ezekiel, 13). God exists, Satan also exists; Is the fallen angel of God. But the managers in the land of God delegitimize by themselves with their manipulative actions of humanity, the natural resources of the planet and their plans of eugenics.
POSTDATA 29 March 2015:
New fires provoked in Patagonia .
They need paradisiacal places to build their residences and DUMBS.
As they also know the areas declared catastrophic zone receive State aid that they pay all, for their restoration to their liking. Preventions that come from the UN itselfwithin its climate change plan powered by associations such as the Rockefeller Foundation.
POSTDATA 30 OCT. 2015. The roadmap is met .
POSTDATA 3 APRIL 2016: Eduardo Elsztain , helmsman of IRSA, one of the largest real estate developers in the country and owner of the DOT mall, among others, landed at the local mining. He is the largest shareholder of the Australian Austral Gold, and it is not enough to have bought Patagonia, now they want to plunder the gold in Salta, with the Canadian Goldrock Mines that is also his property. The cyanide pollution of the Salta region and aquifers will be bestial, but that does not matter to these people.
POSTDATA 1 MAY 2016: All my calculations are confirmed . The navy of Chile will be taken by the supreme command of Israel.
POSTDATA 8 MAY 2016: Soldier of Chile denounces the military invasion of Israel from Patagonia.
This matter is affecting Patagonia .
It supposes a revision in Chile in the Congress of the affairs that are secret and which are not.
That is to say, to make secrets all the penetration of the navy of Israel in the control of the navy and the Chilean army.
On the other hand, and WHAT CASUALITY, that is rather a WARNING COVERED to the generals opposed to delivering the Chilean Navy to Israel.
( WIKIPEDIA ): The commander-in-chief of the Chilean military forces, JUAN MIGUEL FUENTE-ALBA POBLETE was hiding a fortune of 5 million dollars, a fortune that is not possible to join by means of a military career, so it is presumed Fuente-Alba could be involved in the fraud case called “Milicogate.”
Through various investigations it has been discovered that Fuente-Alba owns dozens of luxury cars, many real estate with which he has made suspicious transactions between his intimate family and millions of bank deposits.
POSTDATA 8 DECEMBER 2016: Construction of a private tourist complex in Patagonia begins. Manifestations in the Bolsón.
POSTDATA 10 JANUARY 2017: “A parallel State in Patagonia , by Juan Grabois. Joe Lewis is already master and lord in Rio Negro. “
POSTDATA 22 FEBRUARY 2017: Frightful behavior of Israeli tourists in Torres del Paine.
POSTDATA 5 APRIL 2017: Elzstain acquires Falkland Islands Holding Group Plc .In the Las Malvinas tax haven to wash Argentine money. With the complicity of the president himself.
Governments pass, Elsztain remains
„We must not enter into thoughts and actions against a people that in the end has suffered the nomadic manipulation of its religious and financial leaders to be marked by an exclusion marked by the constants themselves – consecrations and promises of a promised land and chosen people – Which they have received from their indoctrinators and prophets.
Humanity faces a great and enormous challenge of twinning and universal consciousness, which is not Globalist and disintegrating identities; And is also not determined to eradicate hunger, disease and need as a form of control of humanity, by controlling the finances and the secret control of governments and institutions and the tool of religion that they implement at their convenience Among peoples. (Ezekiel, 13). God exists, Satan also exists; Is the fallen angel of God. But the managers in the land of God delegitimize by themselves with their manipulative actions of humanity, the natural resources of the planet and their plans of eugenics.”
POSTDATA 29 March 2015:
New fires provoked in Patagonia .
They need paradisiacal places to build their residences and DUMBS.
Si-n Italia domneste tot paralizia mortifera !
Législatives et sénatoriales italiennes : choc salvateur ou paralysie mortifère ?
QUI A DIT que la solution pouvait sortir des urnes ? Au lendemain d’élections législatives et sénatoriales où étaient invités à se prononcer 46 millions d’Italiens, la situation politique est très confuse chez nos voisins, aucune majorité ne se dégageant. Alors que le pays connaît une situation catastrophique, non seulement à cause de son chômage de masse et de son endettement, mais surtout à cause d’une submersion migratoire foudroyante depuis quelques années, l’Italie risque de s’enfoncer encore un peu plus dans la crise, dans l’immobilisme et dans l’impasse politique, aucun parti ni aucun bloc n’obtenant la majorité absolue ni à la chambre des députés, ni au Sénat. L’extrême complexité du système électoral italien qui repose sur un mixte de scrutin proportionnel et de majoritaire, auquel s’ajoute le régime dit des apparentements, tel qu’on l’a connu en France sous la IVe République et qui avait permis aux partis aux affaires de faire échec au RPF de De Gaulle, explique en partie cette situation de blocage. Mais en partie seulement, l’autre raison étant l’impressionnante atomisation de l’offre politique chez nos voisins transalpins.
L’Italie connaît un nombre considérable de partis politiques jouant la carte électorale, les Italiens restant malgré tout un peuple plus politique que les Français, même si c’est beaucoup moins vrai qu’avant. Pensez que les mouvements se réclamant de la droite nationale ou que l’on assimile à cette mouvance et qui étaient présents à ces élections générales du dimanche 4 mars, le plus souvent séparément, approchent la dizaine entre la Ligue, Fratelli d’Italia, les Frères d’Italie, une scission droitière de l’ex-Alliance nationale de Gianfranco Fini qui a conservé la flamme tricolore du MSI, le Mouvement social Flamme tricolore qui, lui, représente le MSI canal historique puisqu’il a refusé le “postfascisme” de Fini et a fait scission à la suite du congrès de Fiuggi en 1995 lorsque Fini transforma le MSI en Alliance nationale — devançant Marine Le Pen qui, vingt-trois ans plus tard, enterre le Front national pour lui donner un nouveau nom car, a-t-elle dit au Figaro, « le FN a changé de nature », les fascistes de Forza Nuova et le mouvement Casapound. Qui dit mieux ?
Tout n’est certes pas négatif dans les résultats du scrutin. La gauche immigrationniste représentée essentiellement par le Parti démocrate subit une sévère défaite, même si son échec est aussi dû à l’usure du pouvoir. Dans le contexte actuel, il est difficile pour les gouvernants d’être réélus car appliquer la politique de l’Union européenne et les directives mondialistes n’est pas de nature à satisfaire et enthousiasmer les populations qui voient leurs conditions de vie et de travail se dégrader, à l’exception d’une petite minorité qui profite de la mondialisation. Les Italiens, comme les Français, sont majoritairement opposés à l’invasion de leurs pays qu’ils subissent impuissants et souffrent de moins en moins les contraintes de plus en plus lourdes imposées par Bruxelles.
Malheureusement, chez eux comme chez nous, le recouvrement de l’indépendance nationale et le règlement de la question des flux migratoires ne peuvent se faire par les urnes car quasiment tous les partis s’accommodent plus ou moins des millions d’immigrés extra-européens présents sur le territoire et aucun, en tout cas parmi ceux qui comptent électoralement, ne propose la sortie de l’euro et de l’Union européenne, l’adoption de la monnaie unique ayant pourtant été désastreuse pour l’Italie. Tout au plus promet-on des deux côtés des Alpes de freiner ou d’arrêter l’immigration massive, mais sans proposer aucune mesure concrète et efficace qui permette de tenir cet engagement et de réformer l’Union européenne de l’intérieur. Ce qui est une vaste plaisanterie : voilà trente ans qu’on nous promet ces évolutions. C’est un mensonge car il faut l’accord des vingt-huit pays de l’Union pour prendre une décision, ce qui est une garantie de blocage.
Certes les Italiens ont accordé majoritairement leurs suffrages au Mouvement 5 étoiles crédité à l’heure où nous bouclons (les résultats définitifs en nombre de sièges ne seront connus que dans le courant de la semaine) de quelque 32 % des suffrages et à la Ligue, qui récolte environ 17 %. Ces deux partis sont indubitablement critiques sur l’Union européenne et ont tenu tout au long de la campagne électorale un discours hostile à l’immigration totalement libre. Mais outre que ces deux partis qui, à eux deux, détiennent la majorité absolue dans les deux chambres, refusent pour le moment catégoriquement de travailler et de gouverner ensemble, la Ligue s’inscrivant dans la coalition dite de droite avec Berlusconi tandis que le Mouvement 5 étoiles fondé par le clown (c’est son métier) Beppe Grillo, un homme de gauche assez inclassable, cultive jalousement son indépendance, il n’est pas sûr que leur arrivée au pouvoir, très hypothétique pour l’heure, changerait radicalement la situation. En Autriche le FPÖ et l’OVP, les populistes et les conservateurs, se sont fait élire récemment sur des positions hostiles à l’ouverture des frontières et à l’accueil massif des migrants mais, pour l’heure, force est de constater que l’on n’a pas observé de changement véritable dans la politique de Vienne à l’égard de la question migratoire. De même le FPÖ a accepté, pour entrer dans le gouvernement de coalition avec l’OVP, de renoncer à l’organisation d’un référendum sur l’éventuelle sortie de l’Autriche de l’Union européenne.
Il est bien beau de tenir un discours eurosceptique et anti-immigrationniste pour se faire élire mais si, une fois au pouvoir, on conduit globalement la même politique que les autres, ce n’est d’aucune utilité. Et c’est même une imposture. On peut craindre que dans ce domaine l’Italie ne soit comparable à la France, l’électoralisme étant là-bas comme ici à la fois la tare et la sauvegarde du régime. Là où il faudrait des solutions claires, énergiques et radicales, l’on ne propose au mieux que des mesurettes. Il ne faut donc pas s’étonner si la gangrène progresse et si tout va toujours de mal en pis. La démocratie qui est le régime de la médiocrité, de l’impuissance organisée et de la malfaisance en action ne permet hélas aucune solution de redressement. Les scrutins se multiplient, les majorités et les équipes changent et au fond tout est toujours pire. Les masses sont incapables de se redresser par elles-mêmes. Elles sont toujours majoritairement constituées d’un vaste ventre mou. Elles peuvent parfois avoir des intuitions justes, comme par exemple sur les dangers d’une immigration massive et incontrôlée, mais elles sont incapables de comprendre en profondeur les raisons de ce phénomène et d’accepter les efforts, les risques et les sacrifices que nécessiterait le règlement du problème.
LES MASSES sont fondamentalement suivistes et conformistes. C’est pourquoi celui qui tient les leviers de commande d’une organisation, d’une structure peut facilement la faire dévier de sa route, tromper et manipuler la base car il n’est pas donné à la majorité des hommes d’avoir la lucidité, le courage et la force d’âme de résister. On l’a vu sur le plan religieux avec Jean XXIII et ses successeurs qui, en dix ans, ont réussi à tout détruire et à changer le culte, la doctrine, les rites, la discipline mais aussi les mentalités des baptisés catholiques. On l’a vu en politique avec De Gaulle qui a réussi, en quatre ans, à force de ruses, de duplicité et de mensonges, à retourner une opinion qui était très majoritairement en faveur du maintien d’une présence française en Algérie. On le voit avec le Front national où, en moins de dix ans, Marine Le Pen a réussi à changer le programme, les fondamentaux, l’âme et l’esprit du mouvement, et désormais jusqu’à son nom, sans rencontrer une résistance forte, constante et organisée. On le voit avec les mouvements traditionalistes qui affirmaient combattre vigoureusement Vatican II et ses réformes détestables et qui, en quelques années seulement, finissent par se taire, ou en tout cas par tellement édulcorer, attiédir leur message qu’on ne l’entend plus, et vont jusqu’à négocier des accords avec les pires des modernistes, ceux qui promeuvent les unions homosexuelles, détruisent l’indissolubilité du mariage, appellent à l’invasion du Vieux Continent par des migrants mahométans.
Si l’on regarde ce qui s’est passé en Europe depuis un demi-siècle, on constate une décadence continue et le triomphe chaque jour plus insolent de l’inversion des valeurs et des priorités, l’inversion aussi du sens des mots. On s’étonne qu’il y ait encore autant de gens pour croire qu’enfin le prochain gouvernement sera le bon, autant de personnes pour aller consciencieusement déposer leur bulletin dans l’urne (funéraire). Ce n’est pas d’une bonne élection que l’on a besoin, c’est d’une vraie révolution, celle des méthodes, des réflexes, des cerveaux, des modes de vie et de pensée, celle des esprits, des cœurs et des âmes. Et cette révolution, disons-le franchement, on ne la voit toujours pas poindre à l’horizon.
Jérôme BOURBON, .
Editorial du numéro 3319 de RIVAROL daté du 28 février 2018.