What Americans need to know about Romanians





  1. The general good made by Romanians to the United States of America



  1. What kind of people are the Romanians?



  1. How did the Americans disappoint us?



  1. What issues would have the Romanians to solve? What would the Americans gain if they helped the Romanians?



  1. The US need Romanians?


The next text is addressed to Americans interested in the existence of Romanians, Americans who have more or less connection with Romanians. And also to Romanians living among Americans. And to the Romanians living among Americans as well.
The author of the text believes that in the United States there are many Americas, at least two from a strict Romanian point of view: Franklin Roosevelt’s America and another, very different, the America of General George Patton. We also know that America  the Romanians put their hope in is often lost ground both in … America and in the world. Fortunately, the „Romanian America” or the „America of the Romanians” that many have had in mind and soul as a model on a global scale  is still strong, is able to revive the „American dream” and revive confidence in the ability of  the human beings to decide their fate, to save themselves from self-destruction.
The globalization as inevitable, we see it as a constellation of universal efforts to get to know each other better, to assume with serenity all happened in history, and to make truth the foundation for a better world: tomorrow’s world. Humankind  is first put in the situation of not being able to let things go off  at random  or according to  some „discrete” projects of certain  entities at war or in competition.  The time is forthcoming when we find out that „this cannot be anymore!” and that there is no other way than the way of truth and transparency in politics, in international relations.

I believe that this  time has come in the relations between Romania and America, that it is necessary to reconsider the data and  projects involving both sides. What makes me think this? It is the fact that the Romanians’ disappointment  with the Americans is greater than ever. Romanians confidence in Americans is now less than ever. It is high time we wondered why we reached this point. Similarly, we can wonder whether the Americans need our confidence in America!

So, what Americans need to know about Romanians?


  1. The general good made by Romanians to the United States of America

In 1944, the Romanian-born U.S. citizens built, by public collection, a battleship given to the federal government. The U.S. government has given it a symbolic name (to it): „General George Pomutz”. The American ship was in operation until 1970.

Why this name? Who was George POMUTZ?

He was a soldier and an American diplomat with exceptional performance. As a general in the North Army he has had outstanding deeds of military bravery, so that at the end of the Civil War, at the Victory Parade held in Washington, the Romanian George Pomutz was entrusted with the honor of opening the victorious troops parade, riding on a white horse..
There are many Americans who know that Alaska used to be the property of the Russian Empire and that it was purchased by the federal government in Russia in 1867, for a ridiculous amount: $ 7,000,000. It is probably the best deal concluded by the United States throughout its history. But very few Americans know who initiated and negotiated this transaction: one Romanian came to America in 1850, sent to Petersburg to represent the U.S. interests. On his Romanian name GEORGE POMUŢ. As a diplomat he brought his adopted country a huge benefit, incomparable to other services brought by Americans. To the memory of these exceptional works it can be said that there was too little efforts of the Americans and Romanians made in the honor of this great man. The nearest future obligates us to make up for this injustice.

Our proposal is to promote by documentary and artistic movies the exceptional personality of George POMUŢ, in the memory of this great hero.

Better known is the personality of Nicolae TESLA, whom many consider the greatest inventor in history. Yes, some say that his most important inventions have not yet been implemented and are kept under state secret lock. U.S. State … Nicolae Tesla was also Romanian, from the southern branch of the Romanian people: he was Istro-Romanian. Tesla’s work in America had a major role in propelling the industry and the economy of the US to become the first in the world.

Another good reason for which the Americans are or should be grateful  to the Romanians, is for how American flyers held prisoners were treated by the Romanians in Romania in the World War II. During the Anglo-American aviation raids undertaken in the Balkans and Romania, a large number of American flyers shot down from the planes were saved by parachute, thereby becoming prisoners in the country. Their fate was very different depending on where they parachuted: if they got in the North of the Danube, they were saved, if they got in the South of the Danube, in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia or Hungary they were lost! … In these countries, most times the Americans flyers perished in terrible pain. In some cases they have been subjected to (barbaric) Barbarian torture: they were buried up to their necks in the ground side by side, and then the land has been plowed … Anglo-American authorities, including the talkative Churchill had at that time reactions and comments of extraordinary verbal violence, with minimal effects …

In Romania, nearly 1,500 prisoners Anglo-American aviators have been made. Not even one of them had something to complain about prison conditions. There were more than the most optimistic expectations. Moreover, all participants in the aviation raids had precise instructions how to proceed to get … prisoners in Romanian, at the Romanian authorities. This is a little known chapter, not humiliating for the American prisoners which charged American public consciousness debt of gratitude to the Romanian people, to the authorities of those years! Unfortunately, these feelings were not shown again, not even at the most appropriate time: when Marshal Ion Antonescu was prosecuted and sentenced to death for imaginary war crimes …

None of the American fliers came to say that in Romania governed by Ion Antonescu, the allied prisoners, including the Soviets, were treated with the respect due to the enemy defeated … The official U.S. reaction is still in delay to the Romanian behavior, of a unique  humanity in the annals of the Second World War! Even in the annals of all time!

Finally, we mention that several hundred thousand Romanians live in the U.S.,  settled at different times. Federal government keeps detailed records of all citizens, including inventoried by ethnicity. Calculations are accurate for each ethnicity contribution to the general welfare of the Country: taxes, turnout etc. But also regarding the involvement in antisocial activities, crime etc.  According to our data the Romanians in the United States, taken  as a whole, make up a segment of America’s ethnic elite with exemplary contribution to the smooth running of things! This finding  is also applied to the Romanians from Canada.


  1. What kind of people are the Romanians?

Like any nation, Romanians can be defined in several ways, according to their strengths and weaknesses. One definition might be this: Romanians are very likely the oldest and steadfast people in Europe. Romanians, unlike the American people are a people who „walked” very little on the surface of the globe. The Romanian ideal is linked to origin, native home of the family hearth. „Whether the bread is the worst, it is still better in my country!” That sounds a Romanian word known to all Romanians.

Another possible definition, which would be  interesting to Americans: the Romanians are the most anti-Communist people in the entire Europe! There is a close relationship between the two attributes: the fact that they are old in the history of this planet made the Romanians not to be allured and  deceived by the false propaganda of the Communists! This propaganda has taken the majority of European peoples. But the Romanians least! Romanians put price on the stability of the political regime, are conservative and do not trust the so-called „revolutionary spirit” which, in fact, does not seek anything other than changing actors, privileged, and no change in the system of relations between people. „Changing the master, the joy of the crazy” – says another Romanian proverb.

The anti-communism of the Romanians, which historians and political scientists delay to recognize, to study and to honor it properly, was tried on several occasions, sometimes even in decisive moments of the history. If the Bolshevik Revolution from Russia did not spread throughout Europe, as planned by the Lenin’s Bolsheviks, the  main merit lies to the Romanians. Lenin and his army of „revolutionaries” made continuous efforts to „export” the revolution of the proletariat victory over capitalism to expand to other countries, first of all to the  European countries adjacent  to Russia. Out of all  these countries, only Romania was not simply manipulated by Bolshevik propaganda and contributed to the annihilation of „export” the revolution!

Faced in the 1917-1918 with the wave („boom”) which included not only revolutionary social segments, but also significant military contingents, the authorities of the former Hapsburg Empire called to the officers and to the Romanian troops of the imperial army composition to restore the public order. Of all the Hapsburg army only the Romanian soldiers, soldiers and officers alike, did not listen to the communist propaganda! Thanks to them a core of clarity and accountability was kept in the Hapsburg imperial army that stopped the pandemic Bolshevism in Austria and the Czech Republic, Vienna and Prague.

In Hungary, however, the Bolshevik revolution was successful, and led to the installation of the „Soviet power” in Budapest under the terrorist control of Bela Kun, a  sanguinary individual, dragged man, fully  obedient to Lenin and to the Comintern, with  whose financial and military support managed to  extend „capitalism” in Hungary. It was with the same support that he tried to extend the Bolshevism to the adjacent countries, especially to Romania.

Paradoxically, the representatives of the major Western powers, present at Versailles in discussions about the future of Europe and of mankind, did not feel the danger of contamination of the Bolshevik Born to Europe, and adopted an attitude of expectation, practically encouraging the actions of Bela Kuhn & co. Moreover, they warned the Romanian rulers not to intervene against the Bolshevik government in Hungary.

Fortunately, elite politicians with a correct historical view was governing in Bucharest, headed by Ionel Bratianu. Between 1848 and 1948, Brătianu family offered to Romania and to Europe, a dynasty of lucid politicians, good patriots who understood the course of history and clearly supported genuine democracy, against the Bolshevik communist imposture. So, without waiting for the West’s OK, even against the intentions and recommendations of the West, the Romanian Ionel Brătianu sent the army to establish order in Hungary, to chase away the criminals who installed the Bolshevik Hungarian government, which had already been guilty of countless thousands and thousands of murders. The mission was successfully  accomplished, the Romanians drove the Bolsheviks out of Hungary and thus put an end to the expansion of the Bolshevik revolution of the Soviet communism in the world. Unfortunately this process was resumed with great success after the World War II, mostly because of the United States, as a result of the agreement reached by the Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt with I.V. Stalin. It was an agreement by which the Democrat President dissociated himself of any democratic principle! … In those years  the existence of the two Americas was best confirmed! Roosevelt’s America betrayed the Eastern Europe. It betrayed, in fact, the Americans too!

Let’s have a special word for the behavior of the Romanian Army as the army of occupation in Hungary, as well as on other occasions, and in other countries. In the course of her history Romania waged only wars of defense. Defense is often continued through offensive,  getting into the enemy territory.

The way the Romanian militaries behaved in the enemy territory as occupation army, in Hungary, Bulgaria, in USSR… makes a honourable chapter in our history… No abuse, illegality, deviation from the international laws was committed in such circumstances, no deed we could ever be ashamed of. On the contrary, the behaviour of the Romanian soldier was an example of honor. There  are very few armies about which we can say the same …  Let us mention a detail from the tragic history of Russia useful for those willing to understand what sort of people Romanians are: after the abolition of monarchy, Tsar Nicholas II was arrested and forbidden to come out of the palace. In these circumstances, the Tsar Guard regiment, made up of soldiers from all regions of Russia, joined the revolution and left the Tsar. Only the Romanian soldiers recruited from the Russian-occupied Basarabia in 1812, have not left the Tsar, only the Romanians (and the Chechens too!) of the Guard Regiment honored their oath of faith… It’s good to know who were those who agreed to assassinate the tsar and his whole family, as well as the children under age: they were prisoners and deserters from Hungarian Habsburg army. Among them, Imre Nagy, the future communist leader..

After 1945, without the will of the Romanian people and against  their feelings, Romania became a communist state. United States have their share of guilt for the years that followed, for the suffering and humiliation  the Romanians were submitted to! Nevertheless, the Romanians put all their most fervent hopes in the much expected saving intervention of the United States.  The formula „The Americans will come” was to revive all the Romanians who were not attached to Bolshevik ideas, have not accepted the Soviet yoke, each opposing one way or another to the Bolshevik state. The leaders of the anti-communist resistance were the partisans in the mountains of Romania, young students, officers or farmers, whose struggle against the occupants was a unique phenomenon in the communist camp. Unfortunately, the anti-communist struggle of the Romanian youth, supported by the Romanians in the West and the civilian population was sabotaged even by those who pretended to grant it financial and logistical support: the Western secret services. An important chief of these services, the famous Kim Philby was busy with organizing aid partisans in the mountains of Romania. In fact, he informed the Soviet secret services of all the movements of these partisans, which fact brought about the arrest and execution of many young human value and finally, the liquidation of the anti-communist resistance which lasted for almost 15 years! Can we ever forget the poisoned help offered by the West to the only form of genuine anti-communist resistance in the socialist camp, occupied by the Red Army? … Can we ever forget those young victims of the betrayal and neglect of the West?

Somehow, even the government of Nicolae Ceauşescu can be appreciated for its anti-Soviet character as anti-Bolshevik and pro-American! Unfortunately, the Soviet special services succeeded in spoiling Nicolae Ceausescu’s relations  with the White House, managed to instill to the American government the idea that Nicolae Ceausescu, with his policy of autonomy and openness to the West, to America, was acting, diversion, and agreed with Moscow to make a game! In fact, Romania as a country, and Ceausescu, as a political leader, was isolated and sabotaged within the socialist camp, the so-called fraternal socialist community! We were “foreign bodies” in this political context controlled by Moscow. Ceausescu’s attempt to establish good relations with the U.S.  pleased the Romanian people! See the welcome given to Richard Nixon in Bucharest! At this popular level a right perception of the political reality was manifested. I quote this anecdote very significant in Romania those years:
In an official car there were Nixon, Brejnev and Ceausescu. At a crossroads, Nixon gave to his driver the command „Get it to the right!” Brejnev said: „Take it to the left!” Ceausescu „Comrade driver signal left and then go to the right!”…

We urge the American authorities interested in and willing to know the truth about Romania the research and analyses of the American historian Larry Watts.



  1. How did the Americans disappoint us?

Today we know that the entire anti-communist dissident movement from socialist countries was organized and maintained by the KGB! The only anti-communist opposition and anti-Soviet was in Romania! But the White House did not realize that at the time.  They gave more credit to Lech Walesa and Vaclav Havel’s than to Nicolae Ceausescu … Not until 1990 did they discover that Lech Valesa and „Solidarity” union were inventions of the KGB … Just like Vaclav Havel, another KGB agent! Only recently did America realize that Nicolae Ceausescu was a „real” anti-Soviet and, so, essentially an anti-Bolshevik …

Unfortunately, not only the White House was wrong, but crowds of Romanian victims of the misinformation and manipulation of the Western media well controlled by the KGB. That was also valid for the two radio stations, Radio Free Europe and the Voice of America, which operated (at) on the expense of the United States, but they did USSR policy dictated by KGB agents infiltrated in the offices of these radio stations … It was an anti-Romanian politics first, not anti-communist or anti-Soviet.

Is America guilty for the  facility with which the KGB has done its job? …Is America guilty of the disinformation criminal work done on behalf of Radio Free Europe in favor of USSR? And if so, which of the two Americas bear this guilt?. In any case it is not the America of George Patton! It is to that America that we address! We put all our further hopes in the America of George Patton !

We have lived the greatest disappointment after 1990. And we expected the Americans as „knights „of social justice, and we would have liked them to „interfere in the internal affairs of Romania”, to impose principles of democracy, freedom and legality. We expected to see the Americans getting in touch with the most serious, honorable of the Romanians! We hoped to see the Americans rejecting the rigged elections, refusing to recognize as the representatives of the Romanian people the impostors perched to government with the support of the same imperishable KGB. Proved criminal law offenders, thieves and / or assassins, with blood on their hands have been running Romania for 23 years, and America has no objection.

One more disappointment was caused by the human quality of the U.S. Ambassadors in Romania after 1999! There were no visible efforts of America to find valid interlocutors in Romania sensitive to the values ​​that underpin American society. We were amazed and grieved to see how America takes serious notice of some hooligans, liars, and charlatans brought into the Romanian government through the diversion falsely labeled as revolution. It was as if the White House could not learn what all the Romanian people knew about the governors at power after 1990! These are more harmful for the country than those before 1990! There was no act of  America to show solidarity with ordinary Romanians, honest, competent, well-wishers for others, and for the country! They make the majority in Romania, while those who govern us, taking the country from one disaster to another are a minority, a political gang before 1990! How long will the White House continue to shake hands with these impostors?

           We expect the American authorities to support the civic society of Romania and of the Romanian Diaspora; to identify, by typical means, who are the Romanian partners willing and able to generate a movement of genuine national revival by which the Romanians to refresh their political class, to lay again the Romanian State on a real European, Christian and democratic line of conduct.

We can say that the introduction in Romania, after 1990, of the market economy and democracy, political pluralism, (it) is a failure! An extremely painful failure for the Romanians. Until 1990, Romania had a self-sufficient state economy, able to provide the most important needs of society at a respectable level. After 1990, following the decision of the politicians to include the country into the European Union, Romania was obligated to privatize its economy, namely to destroy it in reality, and whatever was not destroyed was sold for little money to foreigners.  In time, we discovered that behind the so-called foreign investors there were mostly Jews and Russians! At present, the Russian control (and Jewish) over the Romanian economy is tighter and more comprehensive than in the years when Romania was occupied by the Red Army and Soviet counselors …

  1. What issues would have the Romanians to solve? What would the Americans gain if they helped the Romanians?


  1. Romania’s economic problem is re-industrialization. The U.S. aid could be decisive, provided it is managed by the right people, both Americans and Romanians. Identifying the valid partners is not easy, but not impossible (either) if you do serious recruitment and selection of the professionals. Involving civil society in Romania is one of the keys to success. As long as the political class continues to be outside the national interest, it should be avoided in the economical relations, in the common economical projects that will have an American component of support.

A good collaboration can be established between Romanians and Americans in the IT&C field. There are already premises spontaneously created without any ad-hoc project. Things can get a tremendous development in a larger project to include all the components of such Romanian-American cooperation in the global market. The interest is mutual; it would not assume an attitude of goodwill from the U.S., but strict understanding of interest! Romanians have proved to be the most interesting partners in Europe in this field. Americans might have much more to gain than Romanians! So much the better!


  1. Romania’s political problems are multiple. U.S. involvement is needed in a few of them
  2. In domestic politics. In Romania, the „mafia party dictatorship” is present, those who succeeded to the power after 1990. This dictatorship is difficult to remove because of the legislation. Laws in Romania seem democratic, seem copied from the West. In reality, the Romanian laws include „details where the devil is hiding!” These are details that make the law ineffective in terms of freedom and democracy. So, the law of the parties, an essential one, more important than the Constitution, is so drafted as to allow the parties to decide which parties to be recognized as such, which ones to allowed to go in for elections and which ones not to. Condition „lists of signatures” necessary for the registration of political parties and election each year, leaves the fate of parties at the discretion of the special services, secret services that may decide the fate of the parties, may decide to limit of the freedom of association operating in Romania! The contact of America with the true opposition in Romania is a badly needed priority. Only then the White House will know how to intervene to normalize and set up genuine democratization of political life in Romania. Such intervention will be appreciated by all Romanians of good will.

  3. Foreign Policy. At present, there are two Romanian states in Europe, where the official language is Romanian, and the majority of the population is ethnic Romanian: Romania and the Republic of Moldavia. The desire of the two countries to unite, to re-unite, is quite natural. Unfortunately, this perspective, the right to retrieve the Romanians in a single state, arouses only antipathy in all European chancelleries in International political circles. Somehow this attitude is understandable: most European countries have coped centrifugal tendencies. We are facing ethnic communities’ desire to separate politically, to have their own state. Such separatist claims were made in France, Italy, UK, Spain, Belgium, Ukraine, Russia, Denmark, Turkey. We are the only country in Europe in the right position to claim a territorial extension basis. Without harming another state! The Republic of Moldavia is also willing to take this so natural step! Sooner or later, this step will be done! Romanians hopes that the U.S. will support us at the time.


  1. Are there in U.S. interests inimical to the union of Romania with Moldova?
    In the interwar period there were such interests, of the American Zionist circles influential in good cooperation with the communist Jews in the USSR. These Jews Communists have developed – more accurately taken over the project of establishing an ancient Jewish state in Eastern Europe, in a large part of the historical territory of the inhabited by Romanians: Basarabia and Bucovina, plus Galicia. This project was made possible in 1940 as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty, in June 1940 when the Soviet Union occupied Basarabia and Bucovina arbitrarily. We do not know if Hitler and his followers knew about that Zionist-Comintern project. We do not know why Stalin abandoned it the last minute.

Neither do we know if because of these Jewish circles in the interwar years the United States did not officially recognize the affiliation of the territory between the Rivers Prut and Nistru to Romania.

Fortunately, things were simplified in 1948 when Israel was established in Palestine, which automatically annulled  the project of the Jewish state in the territory forever Romanian.  Therefore, we hope there are no more major interests in the United States at present to still postpone the union between Romania and the Republic of Moldova (Basarabia). It would be a union including Transnistria and Bucovina in the frontiers of 1939.

  1. What will happen if Romania and Basarabia unite?

I repeat: no European orderly room will look sympathetically upon this act of justice. Nobody will take into account the fact that we Romanians are the oldest and largest people in the region. It will not impress the fact that ethnic Romanians, living as an ethnic minority in countries around Romania, are three times more numerous than other ethnic minorities in Romania! They will look at the map and see a country they will find it exceedingly huge! In these circumstances many will start paying attention to the Hungarian propaganda that is always supporting the false thesis of Hungarian rights over Transylvania. Therefore, we believe our efforts, of the  Romanians, to convince the international community, the United States as well, of the right character of the Union of the two Romanian states, Romania and Moldova,  must be doubled with the effort to reject the revisionist propaganda of Budapest.

During the next years there are signs that this propaganda will insist on the idea that Transylvania  should be an independent state, to solve the ethnic conflicts in the region! The U.S. position in these disputes could be decisive. This is why we wonder what could be the reasons for the U.S. to support the restoration of Greater Romania? Namely the reasons why they choose to support the rights of the Romanians not the claims of the Hungarians! Briefly, who would the Americans deserve to invest in, who would they wish to be their reliable allies? At this point of the discussion  we should intervene with the following information: whoever  wants to understand the „Romanian phenomenon” should know that for a long time, almost a century, resentment and anti-Romanian interests of some neighbors and residents have gained institutional character.

The Anti-Romanian attitude is a reality that our friends should take into account, however unrealistic this supposition may seem to them. Concern to undermine and sabotage, to slander and discredit all it is Romanian has become a stable profession, specific concerns of the government budget institutions with precise service projects and tasks, with co-workers infiltrated in the Romanian administrative structures, including the government. A sustained campaign of denigration and calumniation of the Romanians, of their history, rights, and of the Romanian reality is implemented especially at international level. After 1990 this anti-Romanian problem became extremely active, inventive, as the Romanian national security structures have been largely eliminated or diverted from their true purpose.

Who is interested in the „dissolution” of Romania and of the Romanians, as a state, as a people with a history more than honorable? Who is behind this series of diversions? It is hard to say who … is not!

There are a lot of people that history has put us in contact and who were able to recognize the loyalty,  hospitality and kindness of the Romanian people! Some were able to respond with the same feelings! … But others …

At the head of those who do not fit in this world with us are the political leaders in Budapest, individuals with a lot of complexes because of their repeated failures of projects impossible and ridiculous. The projects worked out without any historical basis, with no bearing on the facts. One such project is the „Hungarian Sea”, the return to the Hungary  „before-Trianon”. A Hungary who never existed and has no reason ever to exist!
Yet, Budapest so bankrupt in its political projects  succeeded in putting up an anti-Romanian Lobby very effective in the West, including in the United States. The Lobby was often put at the „feet” of Moscow the Americans not realizing that in due time. The Hungarian anti-Romanian attitude is a factor that the American governments should take into account in their relations with Romania and Hungary! We do not expect the Americans to fight Hungarian media diversions, but we expect (from) the American government not to get trapped in these diversions disgraceful for those engaged in them. And often damaging to those who take them seriously!

We expect the Americans to seek and find the truth! We know that Americans are a people who sacrificed on the altar of truth. In the „match” between the Romanians and Hungarians, our hope is to find the truth. Hungarians have gained great experience in diversions and anti-Romanian strategies. They have also practiced them against other peoples that history put them in touch with. All their policy, especially during  the last 150 years is based on self-deception, lies and fraudulent setup. We can always provide the necessary evidence. We expect the U.S., as well as the great powers’ chancelleries to find time to understand the situation in Hungary and its adjacent  countries, which the Hungarian propaganda is always accusing of not observing the rights of the Hungarian minority. We are available to anyone who wants to know the truth about the Romanian-Hungarian disputes!


  1. The US need Romanians?

In our view, the United States need Romania only if they are interested in a reliable European partner with considerable ethnic potential, who knows what loyalty is and respects its commitments. The Geographical position (geopolitical) did often make Romania suffer. In tomorrow’s world, conditions seem to appear for Romania to benefit of her position.

Nota bene! We do not want to be an outpost of America in the Russian coast! If we want good relations with the U.S. it is because we hope, even rely, in the near future, on a sincere Russian-American cooperation, designed to remove and correct the abominable consequences of the history the last century! Namely, the consequences of the two world wars, and of the revolution of 1917.

We have the feeling, even belief, that few of the millions of the anti-communist Americans realize that the people who suffered most from the Bolshevik revolution, from the communism, is the Russian people! The Russians themselves start feeling that too.

The truth about who and how did the Great October Socialist Revolution, the truth about the outbreak and waging of the two world wars, the truth about the „fall of communism” in the years 1989-1991, will make new basis for the new relations between the U.S. and Russia, between Russia and the European countries passed through the „Bolshevik experiment”. We will find a lot of common interests, while re-discovering our common roots.

As a great Romanian (Petre Ţuţea) used to say,  the huge historic role of Russia is to extend Europe to Vladivostok, to make Siberia European. Today Russia seems to have got stuck in this project. She must be helped and supported on the behalf of European solidarity, of the authentic Europe, to continue this project up to its end. America, a state created by Europeans first of all, has every reason to be involved in this project. It is the project many Romanians dreamed of. It is the most realistic project, based on the good knowledge of the historical truth and of the lucid scrutinizing of the future.



Ion Coja

Former senator

7 August 2013, Bucharest



Post scriptum. Acest text mi-a fost cerut de câțiva prieteni români, din Țară și din Statele Unite, care au relații strânse de colaborare cu cercuri americane sus puse. De-a lungul anilor au constatat că parteneriatul lor cu americanii suferă din pricina faptului că (1) americanii nu știu prea multe despre români, iar (2) ceea ce știu nu prea este adevărat, nu corespunde adevărului, realității. Am încercat să fac o prezentare a aspectelor esențiale minime pe care este bine și necesar ca americanii să le cunoască. Îndeosebi americanii care au un rol mai activ în viața Statelor Unite, inclusiv la nivel de decizie politică. Pun acum acest text la dispoziția tuturor, tradus în engleză, traducere pe care nu mă pricep s-o apreciez cât este de bună. Sper să mă fac astfel folositor în primul rând românilor care trăiesc în străinătate și care deseori sunt puși în situația de a se explica: cine sunt, de unde vin, ce vor românii ăștia?

Întrebări la care le-am oferit eu un răspuns posibil, un răspuns orientativ, ușor de completat cu ce mai știe fiecare. Tuturor, tot binele.


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ion coja