Vlad Puscasu

REGELE MIHAI spune: (dati-mi voie sa va traduc)

,, except for one place Iasi, the capital of Moldavia, no jew were ever a star in Romania,,

adica ,, in afara de Iasi in toata Romania evreii NU au purtat stea galbena( cum a fost in Nazi Germania)

,,evreii au fost pusi sa curete zapada iarna in Bucuresti,,

,,I was in close contact with Chief Rabbi SAFRAN, wich I see now in Swisserland every year, and he informed me all the time about jews,,

,,we managed with my mother myself and Antonescu-s cooperation, to bring back the jews from Transnistria, in Romania, to save their lives ,around 400.000 jews, we got them back and save them from germans agression comming back from east front,,

,,not one single jew from Romania ever were sent to any concentration camp , not one,,

tradus: ,, nici un singur evreu din Romania nu a fost trimis intr-un lagar de concentrare, nici macar unul,,

,, am fost mereu in contact cu rabinul Safran care ma informa despre situatia evreilor, iar acum il vizitez anual in Elvetia,,

…. ( … ) ,, am reusit eu impreuna cu mama si cu cooperarea lui Antonescu sa aducem inapoi 400.000 mii evrei aproximativ din Transnistria in Romania, pentru a le salva viata de furia germanilor care se intorceau de pe front inapoi ( dupa Stalingrad),,